Publications parues en février 2011

Brenguier, J.-L., F. Burnet, and O. Geoffroy, 2011 : Cloud optical thickness and
liquid water path. Does the k coefficient vary with droplet concentration ?,
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 5173-5215, doi:10.5194/acpd-11-5173-
2011. See here.

Claeyman M., J.-L. Attié, V.-H. Peuch, L. El Amraoui, W. A. Lahoz, B. Josse, P.
Ricaud, T. von Clarmann, M. Höpfner, J. Orphal, J.-M. Flaud, D. P. Edwards, K.
Chance, X. Liu, F. Pasternak, and R. Cantié, 2011 : A geostationary thermal
infrared sensor to monitor the lowermost troposphere : O3 and CO retrieval
studies, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 4, 297-317.

Douville H., S. Bielli, C. Cassou, M. Déqué, N. Hall, S. Tyteca, A. Voldoire, 2011 :
Tropical influence on boreal summer mid-latitude stationary waves. Climate Dyn.,

Eigenmann R., N. Kalthoff, T. Foken, M. Dorninger, M. Kohler, D. Legain, G. Pigeon, B. Piguet, D. Schüttemeyer , O. Traulle, 2011 : Surface energy balance and turbulence network during the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS). Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 137 : 57–69. DOI:10.1002/qj.704.

Fink, A., A. Agustí-Panareda, D. J. Parker, J-P. Lafore, J-B. Ngamini, E. Afiesimama, A. Beljaars, O. Bock, M. Christoph, F. Didé, C. Faccani, N. Fourrié, F. Karbou, J. Polcher, Z. Mumba, M. Nuret, S. Pohle, F. Rabier, A. Tompkins, G. Wilson : Operational Meteorology in West Africa : Observational Networks, Weather Analysis and Forecasting. Atmos. Sci. Let., DOI : 10.1002/asl.324

Houet, T., G. Pigeon, 2011 : Mapping urban climate zones and quantifying climate
behaviors - An application on Toulouse urban area (France). Sous presse dans
Environmental pollution. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2010.12.027.

Josey, S. A., S. Somot, and M. Tsimplis (2011), Impacts of atmospheric modes of variability on Mediterranean Sea surface heat exchange, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C02032, doi:10.1029/2010JC006685.

Jourdain N., P. Marchesiello, C. Menkes, J. Lefèvre, E. Vincent, M. Lengaigne, and F.
Chauvin, 2011 : Mesoscale Simulation of Tropical Cyclones in the South Pacific :
Climatology and Interannual Variability. Journal of Climate January 2011, Vol. 24,
No. 1 : 3-25.

Llovel W., M. Becker, A. Cazenave, S. Jevrejeva, R. Alkama, B. Decharme, H.
Douville, M. Ablain and B. Beckley, Terrestrial waters and sea level variations
on interannual time scale, 2011 : Global and Planetary Change, 75, 76-

Monge-Sanz B. - M., M. - P. Chipperfield, D. Cariolle and W. Feng, 2011 :
Results from a new linear ozone scheme with embedded heterogeneous
chemistry compared with the parent full-chemistry 3D CTM, Atmospheric
Chemistry and Physics, 11, 1227-1242, doi : 10.5194/acp-11-1227-2011

Wang Y., M. Bellus, C. Wittmann, M. Steinheimer, F. Weidle, A. Kann, S. Ivatek-
Sahdan, W. Tian, X. Ma, E. Bazile, 2011 : The Central European limited area
ensemble forecasting system : ALADIN-LAEF. Quart. Jour. Roy. Meteor. Soc.,
137, DOI:10.1002/qj.751

Wulfmeyer V., A. Behrendt, C. Kottmeier, U. Corsmeier, C. Barthlott, G.-C.
Craig, M. Hagen, D. Althausen, F. Aoshima, M. Apagaus, H.-S. Bauer, L.
Bennett, A. Blyth, C. Brandau, C. Champollion, S. Crewell, G. Dick, P. Di
Girolamo, M. Dorninger, Y .Dufournet, R. Eigenmann, R. Engelmann, C.
Flamant, T. Foken, T. Gorgas, M. Grzeschik, J. Handwerker, C. Hauck, H.
H¨oller, W. Junkermann, N. Kalthoff, C. Kiemle, S. Klink, M. K¨onig, L. Krauss,
C.-N. Long, F. Madonna, S. Mobbs, B. Neininger, S. Pal, G. Peters, G. Pigeon, E.
Richard, M.-W. Rotach, H. Russchenberg, T. Schwitalla, V. Smith, R. Steinacker,
J. Trentmann, D.-D. Turner, J. Van Baelen, S. Vogt, H. Volkert, T. Weckwerth, H.
Wernli, A. Wieser, M. Wirth, 2011 : The Convective and Orographically induced
Precipitation Study (COPS) : The scientific strategy, the field phase, and
research highlights. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. DOI:10.1002/qj.752.