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Advection treatment (presentation, 2002)
Article published on June 2002
last modification on 21 June 2007

Presentation of Petra Smolikova during the ALATNET training course on Numerical Analysis in Kranjska Gora, 29-31 May 2002.

Contents :

  • Eurelian approach (CFL criterion)
  • Lagrangian approach: semi-Lagrangian scheme
    • algorithm
    • two or three time levels ?
    • how to find the origin points ?
    • interpolations
  • Comparison of Eulerian versus SL scheme

Appendix 1 : Problem of Orographic resonance

  • External resonance
    • 1D linear shallow water system
    • SL-SI treatment
    • Decenterng of SI-scheme
    • Tanguay-Ritchie method
    • Spatial averaging of higher order
  • Internal resonance
    • SL spatial averaging of higher order

Appendix 2 : Links between different choices in the dynamics

Orographic resonance 2.5 MiB / GZ