This document by Claude Fischer introduces the GIT toolbox, developed at Meteo-France (MF) and used since CY39T1/CY40 as Source Code Repository (SCR) in Toulouse. Therefore, these GIT-tools also become a reference device for Aladin and Hirlam partners committing code to MF’s based common libraries.
The note is a shortened translation of the comprehensive GIT-tools documentation written by S. Martinez (COMPAS/GCO of MF). The latter in French, describes in more details the reasons for the toolbox, with the former Clearcase (cc) handling in mind, and gives a more thorough explanation about the various command lines proposed in the toolbox.
Like its French base version, this English note is not supposed to be a guide to GIT. For a reference documentation about GIT, we refer to standard on-line available tutorials.
The GIT-GCO toolbox has been upgraded in September 2016, and the new features are presented in the following documents (French, resp. English version). The version V2 of the toolbox will be available on Monday 12, September 2016.