Before actually acceding the documents of this sub-section, we advise any newcomer to first consult the two basics:
- Algorithmic documentation of ARPEGE
- Basics about ARPEGE/IFS, ALADIN and AROME in the cycle (nn) of ARPEGE/IFS
The content of this Coding, Phasing and Porting devoted sub-section is highly recommended for anybody who wishes to get familiar with tools and methodologies for the upgrade and validation of the NWP code.
Reading most of the present notes hopefully provides a good kick-off for future phasers coming to Toulouse.
The documentation describes the source code norms, Meteo-France’s repository systems (clearcase then GIT),
tools for compilation (gmkpack) and validation (mitraillette). Other documents concern namelists and code architecture.
A "phasing roadmap" lists the sequence of tasks to be performed during one given phasing exercise in GMAP.
For more home reading, one can browse through some of the notes about I/O in the files and data section and the "galaxy"
of configurations document in the Configurations section.
Very detailed, but fairly specialized, documentation about code aspects can be found in the Technical Aspects section.