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Optimal interpolation : CANARI (2002)
Article published on December 2002
last modification on 10 November 2005

CANARI est the acronym of :

  • Code d’Analyse Nécessaire àArpege pour ses Rejets et son Initialisation
  • Code for the Analysis Necessary for Arpege for its Rejects and its Initiamization

CANARI is a software which performs an optimum interpolation analysis for any variable of the meteorological forecast model ARPEGE/ALADIN.

It runs operationally in Meteo-France to initialize the surface variables of the model only since the upperair variables are updated by the 4D-var analysis.

A technival documentation is available to allow you to use and to understand CANARI :

  • General presentation
  • What does CANARI perform ?
    • Some non-technical reminders
    • CANARI organization
  • The observations
    • Data description
    • Data organization
    • Database filling
  • Input and output files
    • The first guess file
    • The observations database
    • The climatology files
    • The ISBA files
    • The SST file
    • The errors statistics files
    • The incremental mode files
    • The analysis file
  • Distributed memory features
    • The observations distribution
    • The departures calculation
    • The spatial quality control
    • Model variables analysis
    • The proper analysis
  • Code description
    • Initialization and level 0 control
    • CANARI initialization and level 1 control
    • CANARI management main subroutine
  • First guess check and model errors statistics initialization
  • Observations processing
  • Departures calculation
  • Spatial quality control
  • Quality flags
    • Description of the flags in the ODB
    • Update of the quality flags
  • Meteorological variables analysis organization
    • General organization
    • Local organization : the subroutine CAPOTX
  • The heart of the numerical OI
    • The geographical selection
    • The statistical selection
    • The linear system
  • Bibliography
  • Annex 1: Example of a script to run CANARI.
  • Annex 2 : Description of the CANARI statistical model (internal paper written by Vincent Casse in 2000).