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AROME 1st Training Course : on-line presentations
Article published on 29 November 2005
last modification on 13 December 2005

by Patricia

The 1st AROME training course took place in Poiana Brasov (Romania), on November 21-25, 2005. 53 people from 23 countries attended the one week Seminar. 10 teachers gave 22 hours main lectures on the most important points for running AROME in the forecast mode, considering both the theoretical and the practical aspects of:

  • Méso-NH physics
  • ALADIN-NH dynamics
  • AROME prototype, including the externalized surface module.

Introduction/closing session

Dynamics session

  • Why do we need the NH model ?
    • Basics set of equations by Pierre Bénard
    • Acoustic-gravity waves in resting isothermal atmosphere by Pierre Bénard
    • Orographic flows by Jan Masek and Jozef Vivoda
    • Bubble test by Jan Masek and Jozef Vivoda
  • How to run ALADIN-NH ?
    • Preparation of NH LBC (configuration E927 / EE927) by Jan Masek and Jozef Vivoda
    • Integration - explanation of the NH specific namelist variables and related concepts
      • NH prognostic variables by Pierre Bénard, Météo-France
      • SI background by Pierre Bénard, Météo-France
      • time-stepping, SI and PC scheme, decentering by Jozef Vivoda
      • advection by Jozef Vivoda
      • vertical discretisation by Jozef Vivoda
      • bottom boundary conditions (BBC) treatment by Jozef Vivoda
  • Do we need NH model at 2.5 resolution ?
    • 3D real case experiments with ALADIN-NH by Jan Masek
    • Standard tests of NH dynamical kernels by Jozef Vivoda
    • Open discussion with Pierre Bénard

Physics session

Technical session