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ALADIN-NH : why do we need it ? (presentations, Nov 2005)
Article published on 6 December 2005
last modification on 21 June 2007

Presentations of Pierre bénard, Jozef Vivoda and Jan Masel during the 1st AROME training course that took place in Poiana Brasov (Romania), on November 21-25, 2005 :

  • Why do we need the NH model ?
    • Basis set of equations
      • What is the hydrostatic approximation ?
      • When to use NH models ?
      • When using complicated NH models ?
      • Aneestic NH or Fully Compressive NH ?
      • Basic set of equations
    • Acoustic-gravity waves
      • What are waves ?
      • Linearized system in coordinate
      • Analysis of waves
      • Appendix : Propagation of plane waves
    • Mountain Waves
      • the construction of analytical solutions
      • experiments
    • Why explicit convection : bubble test

Acoustic-gravity waves (appendix) 113.5 KiB / PDF

Basis set of equations 292 KiB / PDF

Mountain Waves : experiments 2.1 MiB / PDF

Mountain Waves : the construction of analytical solutions 496.1 KiB / PDF