GmapDoc website
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About this site

The last articles

Technical informations about this site
Published on 19 July 2013
by Patricia

This site has been developped with SPIP , a publishing system for the Internet.

SPIP consists of a bundle of files allowing to take advantage of a number of automated tasks: multi-user management, laying out articles without the need to use HTML, easily modifying the structure of the site. (…)

Published on 1 July 2013
by Patricia

The purpose of this site is to give an easy access to the numerous and various documentations available around ARPEGE/ALADIN/AROME specific documentation (grouped by topics) specific presentations and full lectures given during training courses other presentations (grouped by topics) (…)

Enhanced links with HIRLAM, LACE and ALADIN websites
Published on 11 September 2009
by Patricia

As decided during the Joint 19th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM ASM in Utrech in May 2009, the GMAPDOC website offers enhanced links with HIRLAM, LACE and ALADIN websites. These websites are based on different CMS (Content Management System) but enhanced links are possible. Up-to-now, the (…)

Instructions for an easy use of this site
Published on 19 June 2007
by Patricia

The home page of this site presents an editorial the last articles published (center part). the last news item (left part) : to complete the articles, SPIP includes a system of news items for the publication of short stories such as a press revue (or a web revue).

On the home page as well as (…)

Documentation, not publications
Published on 8 December 2005
by Patricia

The purpose of this site is to give an easy access to the numerous and various documentations available around ARPEGE/ALADIN/AROME : specific documentation presentations during training courses full lectures, mainly prepared after training courses ...

Documentation but not publications

The (…)