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User’s guide to add new GFL variables or new GFL attributes in ARPEGE/IFS, ALADIN, AROME: CYCLE 46t1r1.
Article published on 12 February 2019

by Karim Yessad


This documentation is an user’s guide for people wanting to introduce new GFL variables or new GFL attributes.


Cette documentation est un guide d’utilisation pour les personnes qui veulent introduire de nouvelles variables ou de nouveaux attributs GFL.


  • 01/ Introduction.
  • 02/ Basics about GFL dataflow.
  • 03/ Add a new GFL variable: main features.
  • 04/ Add a new GFL variable: additional features when read/write GFL on ARPEGE files.
  • 05/ Add a new GFL variable: additional features when post-processing of GFL.
  • 06/ Add a new GFL variable: additional features when assimilating GFL.
  • 07/ Add a new GFL variable: additional features when applying horizontal diffusion to GFL.
  • 08/ Add a new GFL variable: additional features when applying nudging to GFL.
  • 09/ Add a new GFL variable: additional features for LAM models
    (coupling and spectral nudging).
  • 10/ Add a new GFL attribute.
  • 11/ References.

Version cycle 44 166.2 KiB / PDF

Version cycle 45 166.6 KiB / PDF

Version cycle 46 166 KiB / PDF

Version cycle 46t1 166.4 KiB / PDF

Version cycle 46t1r1 166.3 KiB / PDF