ALADIN Consortium
 ALADIN Documents

ALADIN Newsletters ' articles

The quarterly (or semesterly or yearly !) reports of the PhD students are not included in this list, nor the summary of their thesis
Title with direct link to the article and Author(s) Newsletter
Papers and Articles :
Some informal news from the AROME project: F. Bouttier, G. Hello, S. Malardel, Y. Seity, with help from many others.
Use of geostationnary SEVIRI radiances in ALADIN 3D-VAR: Montmerle Th.
Case of extreme wind occurrence at High Tatras on 19th November 2004: Vivoda J. & A. Simon.
High-resolution dynamical adaptation of the wind forecast using the non-hydrostatic version of the ALADIN model: Alexandru S.
Pre-operational testing of a 3D-VAR assimilation in ALADIN-FRANCE: Fischer C., Th. Montmerle & L. Berre.
Latest results of the LAMEPS experiments: Hagel E.
The HIRALD setup: Sass B. H. , K. Lindberg & B. S. Andersen.
Spline interpolation in semi-Lagrangian advection scheme of ALADIN/ARPEGE/IFS: Vana Filip.
Impact of observations and tuning of observational error statistics: Chapnik Bernard.
Adaptations to ALADIN of the Lopez micro-physical package: Gérard Luc.
VARPACK: A diagnostic Tool, based on the 3DVar/ALADIN surface scheme: Auger L & Taseva L.
An update on the 2002 Gard flood simulation with the ALARO-10 prototype in 2004: A comparison between ALADIN, Meso-NH, ALARO-10 and AROME: HELLO Gwen.
The "how?" and "why?" of the discretized governing equations in the proposed new physics-dynamics interface: Catry B.
Interactive mixing length and modifications of the exchange coefficient for the stable case: E. Bazile, G. Beffrey, M. Joly and H. Marzouki.
Capability of the ALADIN 3D variational mesoscale assimilation scheme to simulate a cyclone in the South-West Indian Ocean: Jean-Marie Willemet &, Samuel Westrelin.
GRIBEX introduction in FA files: D. Paradis and J. Clochard.
News 27
Papers and Articles :
Summary of answers to the LAMEPS questionnaire (HMS)
Preliminary results of LAMEPS experiments at the Hungarian Meteorological Service
Choice for radiance-bias correction for a limited-area model
Radar Reflectivity Data Assimilation
Some facts about CY28T1
Some details about ALADIN physics in cycle 28T1
Detailed case study of a dramatic winter temperature overestimation in the ALADIN/HU model
Subjective evaluation of different versions of the ALADIN/HU model 15
ALADIN-AUSTRIA : increasing the vertical resolution in ALADIN
First experiments with ALARO-10km
Limitations of projected limited-area spectral models for large-domains
News 26
Plans in 2004 for developing radar data assimilation in the ALADIN, AROME and Méso-NH models
(An)Isotropy of background error structure functions
A model intercomparison for heavy precipitation with special focus on the flood event 2002 in Austria
First tests of the AROME prototype
Wavelet representation of background error covariances
Ensemble dispersion spectra and the estimation of error statistics for a limited-area model analysis
Introduction of the -plane into the horizontal balance equation of ALADIN Jb
Assimilation of the AMDAR data in the ALADIN 3D-Var system
News 25
Report on the present parallelization level of ALADIN code and on the re-design of coupling data stream to make it conform with "B-level" parallelization (ps file), Gabor Radnoti
New cycle CY26T1/AL26T1, Claude Fischer
Improvements of the compiling procedure "gmkpack", Ryad El Khatib
Progress of the AROME project (ps file), François Bouttier, Yann Seity, Sylvie Malardel, Pascal Riber, Frédéric Duret, Thibaut Montmerle
One month parallel run of the Seidl-Kann cloudiness scheme (ps file),Alexander Kann
Some results of the sensitivity studies using the adjoint version of the ALADIN model (ps file), Andras Horanyi and Roland Steib
False mesoscale cyclogenesis in the ALADIN model - Sensitivity study on initialconditions, physical parameterisations and horizontal diffusion (ps file), André Simon and Filip Vana
Impact of the topography and LBC on the ALADIN precipitation forecast (ps file), Yong Wang and Eric Bazile
Forecasting stratus formation : some insights from 1d experiments (ps file), Thomas Haiden
Evapotranspiration effects on mountain convection in ALADIN (ps file), G. Pistotnik and Thomas Haiden
Toward the assimilation of radar in AROME and ALADIN : a discussion paper (ps file), François Bouttier
Pre-Processing of the AMDAR data at HMS (ps file), Roger Randriamampianina and Gabriella Csima
Impact of the ATOVS data on the mesoscale ALADIN/HU model (ps file), Roger Randriamampianina and Regina Szoták
Orographic forcing in ALADIN (ps file), Bart Catry
News 24/7
Analysis and ALADIN prediction of a heavy precipitation event on the Eastern side of the Alps during MAP IOP5 (ps file), Branka Ivancan-Picek and Drazen Glasnovic
On the performance of ALADIN during the August 2002 floods (ps file), Thomas Haiden
T2m Nowcasting (ps file), Stefan Greilberger ans Thomas Haiden
One ALADIN Precipitation Forecasts over the European Alps (ps file), Alex Beck and Bodo Ahrens
Impact of the assimilation of MSG/SEVIRI geostationary radiances in a mesoscale NWP model : preliminary 1d-var studies (ps file), Thibaut Montmerle and François Bouttier
Investigation of the application of local ATOVS data in Budapest (ps file), Roger Randriamampianina
The alternative variable d4 for vertical divergence in ALADIN-NH model (ps file), Petra Smolikova
ALADIN behaviour in two cases of tropical cyclones in South-West Indian Ocean (Guillaume for genesis and DINA in a mature phase) (ps file), Frédéric Eiselt and Antoine Lasserre-Bigorry
Current Status and Plans on ALADIN-NH Version (ps file), Pierre Bénard
Proposal of a modified linear operator for ALADIN NH model (ps file), Pierre Bénard
Information about the ARPEGE physics and its relevance for ALADIN (ps file), Jean-François Geleyn and François Bouyssel
Refinements in the parameterisation of radiative exchanges (ps file), Yves Bouteloup and Helga Toth
Kilometric-scale non-hydrostatic dynamical core studies for the AROME project (ps file), François Bouttier, Joël Stein and Pierre Bénard
News 23/6
Content of new libraries CY25T1/AL25T1 (ps file), Claude Fischer
Testing of CANARI configuration to determine surface wind characteristics within the ALADIN-SLOVAKIA domain (ps file), Ratislav Kvaltyn
Diagnostic tools applied to ALADIN forecasts in situations of deep convection over Portugal (ps file), Margarida Belo Pereira
Objective control of ALBACHIR application (ps file), Siham Sbii and Zahra Sahlaoui
The regional model Albachir North-Africa (ps file), Hanane Kamil
Combined use of 3d-var and DFI-blending on MAP IOP 14 (ps file), Vincent Guidard and Claude Fischer
New Approaches to Stratus Diagnosis in ALADIN (ps file), Harald Seidl and Alex Kann
Reformulation of the deep convection scheme for prognostic cloud water in ALADIN (ps file), Luc Gérard
Wavelet Representation of Background Error Covariance (ps file), Alex Deckmyn
Test of an assimilation suite for ALBACHIR based on the variational technique (ps file), Radi Ajjaji
Further tests on the time smoothing of the shallow-convection parameterization (ps file), François Bouyssel and Jean-François Geleyn
Description of the so-called «shear-linked convection parameterization (ps file), François Bouyssel and Jean-François Geleyn
Validation of ALADIN dynamics at high resolution using ALPIA (ps file), Jean-François Geleyn, Alena Trojakova and Dominique Giard
A review of the available snow schemes in ARPEGE/ALADIN (ps file), Dominique Giard on behalf of the French, Moroccan and Polish ARPEGE/ALADIN teams

News 22/5
Study of the odd behaviour in ARPEGE physics, Martin Bellus and Jean-Francois Geleyn
Diagnosis of ALADIN precipitation forecast over mountains , Yong Wang
MAP IOP 15 case study strong Bura wind on 7th November 1999, Stjepan Ivatek-Sahdan, Martina Tudor and Alica Bajic
Verification of ALADIN surface variables, Stefan Greilberger
An application of the French MOS to the territory of the Czech republic, Zuzana Huthova
The use of Kalman filter for improving the short range forecast of 2m temperature, Beatrix Izsak
Verification of surface solar radiation fluxes predicted by ALADIN, Zoltan Toth
Verification of ALADIN/LACE pseudo-TEMPs for Ljubljana , Mateja Irsic and Neva Pristov
Impact of digital filtering initialisation DFI on CANARI analysis increments, Zahra Sahlaoui and Fatima Hiddou
Preliminary results of direct ALADIN 00 UTC output verification of surface weather parameters for six regions over Tunisia , Karim Bergaoui, Nihed Bouzouita and Abdelwahed Nmiri
Computation of background error covariances over the Hungarian domain: sensitivity studies using the lagged-NMC method, Gergely Boloni and Andras Horanyi
Stabilization of NH dynamics - some underlying ideas , Jan Masek
Effective roughness length in ALADIN, Philippe Nomérange
News 21/4
Author(s) Title Direct link
Gabor Radnoti An improved method to incorporate lateral boundary conditions in a spectral limited area model News 20/3
Tamas Szabo Tendency coupling of the surface pressure News 20/3
Jean-François Geleyn A summary of the latest changes in the parameterization of turbulent fluxes and PBL processes News 20/3
Claude Fischer, ... The march towards 3D-VAR in ALADIN News 19/2
Pierre Bénard The improvement of the stability of the non-hydrostatic version of ALADIN News 19/2
Jozef Vivoda Verification of precipitation predicted by ALADIN/LACE (12.8 km mesh) and ALADIN/SLOVAKIA (7.2 km mesh ) News 19/2
Bodo Ahrens
Yong Wang
K. Jasper
On ALADIN Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts in Vienna News 19/2
C. Rada
A. Sima
Mihaela Caian
Ozone profile fitted to Bucharest measured data News 18/1
Drazen Glasnovic
Branka Ivancan-Picek
Successive forecasts consistency as a measure of skill News 18/1
Ryad El Khatib New diagnostics in Full-Pos ! News 18/1
Jure Jerman The coordinated exchange of applications : outcome of the questionnaire News 18/1
Jean-Daniel Gril A new definition of the geometry of ALADIN domains News 18/1
Andras Horanyi 3DVAR WORKSHOP IN BUDAPEST News 18/1
David Dvorak Influence of the coupling on the 1999 Christmas storm prediction by ALADIN/LACE News 18/1
Sandor Kertesz Parametrization of Lakes News 18/1
Drazen Glasnovic CAST by HRID and ALADIN/LACE News 17
Samuel Westrelin A review of the main changes in ALADIN along 1999 and their impact on forecasts News 17
Mark Zagar ALADIN saves lifes News 16
Mehi El Abed
Neva Pristov
A step to the local use of orography at higher resolution: Introduction of the local orography data News 16
Josef Vivoda ALADIN 2D version of ALADIN and associated tools News 16
Jean-François Geleyn CYclogenesis COnvection RAdiation modifications package News 16
Ryad El KhatibIsabelle SoulanJean-Marie Willemet Bogussing techniques used at Meteo-France to improve tropical cyclone tracks forecasting News 16
Vincent Cassé
Jure Jerman
Gabor Radnoti
"DIAGPACK" News 16
Josette Vanderborght Forecast of a strongly convective situation with ALADIN/Belgium News 16
Neva Pristov A step to the local use of orography in higher resolution : testing configuration e923 on DEC workstation News 15
Claude Fischer Second Workshop on variational configurations in ALADIN News 15
Mark Zagar ALADIN/LACE and the eclipse of 11th August News 15
Patricia Pottier A new constant in ALADIN : XXsurXY News 15
Martin Bellus Verification of ALADIN/Slovakia News 15
Isabelle Soulan Bogussing in La Réunion island News 14
Yves Bouteloup Tropical cyclones simulations with ALADIN News 14
Jure Jerman ALADIN on a cluster of Linux/Digital Unix workstations News 14
Frédéric Chomé Regional nested and variable mesh models: a comparative theorical study News 14
Márta Sallai BuránszkiSzilvia Jenki Experiences on the subjective evaluation of ALADIN/LACE model 00 UTC News 14
Jean-Marcel PiriouJozef Vivoda Single column modelling and intercomparison of physical packages News 13
Dominique Giard About ISBA News 10
Marta Sallai Buranszki Subjective evaluation system of ALADIN at Hungarian Meteorological Service: Experiences for the period 1 June 1997 - 31 December 199 News 10
Jean-Marc MoisselinFrancis Pouponneau ALADIN-France intensive validation - winter 1997 News 9
Thomas Haiden Note on the performance of ALADIN during the extreme precipitation event 4-8 July 1997 in Austria News 5
Thomas Haiden Verification of ALADIN-LACE Cloudiness forecasts in Austria News 9