Single column modelling and intercomparison of physical packages

Jozef Vivoda (Slovak Meteorological and Hydrological Institute)
& Jean-Marcel Piriou (Météo-France CNRM/GMAP)

The general goal of this intercomparison study is to improve the operational ARPEGE/ALADIN physics while validating it on observed datasets (GATE, TOGA/COARE, BOMEX, ARM, etc...) and making predictions of ARPEGE/ALADIN, ECMWF or HIRLAM physics in a common software environment to compare their results in an easier way.

Jozef firstly introduced the ECMWF physics into the common software environment, secondly made the interface between ECMWF physics and ARPEGE/ALADIN DDH software, producing the budget of all prognostic variables. He finally made 1D predictions on GATE and TOGA-COARE Case 1 datasets.

This leads to interesting results for both technical and scientific aspects:

This job will be continued in 1999 in Toulouse to change the convection scheme, deal with new datasets and work on radiation scheme.

for more details on the 1D version of ARPEGE/ALADIN, please contact : or
