Number 15

April 1999 - June 1999

This Newsletter presents you the principal events concerning ALADIN during the quarter of year mentioned above. The news about work or events outside Toulouse are related with informations that you sent (for disponibility constraints, the "deported" work deals with the previous quarter).

So, reading this Newsletter, you will know everything about ALADIN activities (more precisely everything I was told about) between April 1999 and June 1999 (except for the work realized outside Toulouse : between January and March 1999).

Please do bring to my notice anything that you would like to be mentioned in the next Newsletter (number 16) before the 25th of September 1999.

Any contribution concerning announcements, publications, news from the ALADIN versions on workstations or on big computers, verifications results, ... will be welcome. This deadline is particularly important for the report of the deported work each representative should sent every quarter.

If needed, please contact :


Main events

1. ALATNET Marathon
2. The new MoU : the end of a long journey
3. Cleaned cycle AL11 in Toulouse environment


1. Next EWGLAM/SRNWP joined meetings
2. Seventh ALADIN Workshop to be held in Ljubljana on November 17-19th, 1999
3. Assembly of ALADIN Partners
4. "Atelier de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère" (A.M.A.) to be held in Toulouse on November 30th - December 2nd, 1999
5. SNRWP Workshop on Non-Hydrostatic
6. ALADIN workshops in 2000

Contacts & Informations

1. ALADIN on the Web
2. Public ftp
3. Mailing lists
4. Remote access to Météo-France machines : attention !!
5. Users on Météo-France machines : attention !!

Money Funding asked for some cooperations based on the ALADIN project

1. French "Ministère des Affaires Etrangères" support (MAE)
2. Bilateral supporting grants
3. Météo-France support for maintenance

The (pre-) operational ALADIN models

2. Workstation version at Austrian Meteorological Service
3. The operational implementation of ALADIN-Belgium
4. Workstation version at Bulgarian Meteorological Service
5. Operational ALADIN-FRANCE in Météo-France
6. Workstation version at French Meteorological Service
7. Workstation version at Hungarian Meteorological Service
8. Operational ALADIN-LACE in CHMI
9. Operational ALADIN-MAROC in MAROC-Météo
10. Workstation version at Polish Meteorological Service
11. Workstation version at the Portuguese Meteorological Service
12. Workstation version at the Romanian Meteorological Service)
13. Workstation version at Slovak Meteorological Service
14. Workstation version at Slovenian Meteorological Service

PhD Studies

1. Doina BANCIU : "Specific small scale diabatic forcing in ALADIN at the limit of the hydrostatic assumption"
2. Ilian GOSPODINOV : "Conservation Properties of 2 Time Level semi-Lagrangian"
3. Filip VANA : "The dynamical and physical control of kinetic energy spectra in a NWP spectral semi-Lagrangian model"
4. Mark ZAGAR : "Prediction of small-scale events through second level dynamic adaptation of the planetary boundary layer"

A step to the local use of orography in higher resolution : testing configuration e923 on DEC workstation

1. Basic information about configuration e9231
2. How to run configuration e923
3. Code for DEC workstation (cycle AL09.07)
4. How to run configuration e923 on workstation
5. Changes in cycle AL11

Second Workshop on variational configurations in ALADIN

ALADIN/LACE and the eclipse of 11th August

A new constant in ALADIN : XXsurXY

Verification of ALADIN/Slovakia

1. Introduction
3. About verification
4. Orography and territory division
5. Verification of 2 meters temperature
6. Verification of MAX/MIN temperature
7. Figures

Scores on ALADIN-FRANCE during the second quarter of 1999 : Comments on cloud cover and precipitations forecasts scores

Participations in the ALADIN project : some statistics

Deported developments during the first quarter of 1999

1. In Austria
2. In Belgium
3. In Bulgaria
4. In Croatia
5. In Czech Republic
6. In Hungary
7. In Moldavia
8. In Morocco
9. In Poland
10. Portugal
11. In Romania
12. In Slovakia1
13. In Slovenia
14. Deported work by Météo-France people

ALADIN developments in Prague during the second quarter of 1999

ALADIN developments in Toulouse during the second quarter of 1999

1. Main events in Toulouse this quarter
2. Other visitors research or development studies that ended during this quarter
3. Other research or development studies by the Toulouse permanent staff


1. List of documents available on public ftp
2. Participations in the ALADIN project
