MARECAL Virginie
Directrice de recherche au CNRS
CNRM (UMR 3589 CNRS & Météo-France)
42, Av. G. Coriolis, 31057 Toulouse Cedex 1, France
Tel. +33 (0) 5 61 07 93 61
Email :
Equipe : Etude du Système-Terre
Domaines de compétences
Modélisation de la composition de l’air (gaz réactifs et aérosols) dans la stratosphère et la troposphère, et pour la prévision de la qualité de l’air.
Microphysique des systèmes frontaux et des systèmes convectifs tropicaux ; Modélisation et assimilation de données.
Thèmes de recherche récents et actuels
- Impact des émissions volcaniques sur la composition atmosphérique
- Modélisation du système Terre avec focus sur le rôle de la composition atmosphérique (gaz et aérosols) ; Impact des feux de biomasse sur la composition atmosphérique et leurs interactions avec le climat et la surface
Projets de recherches depuis 2001
Projets sous financement européen : HIBISCUS (FP5), SCOUT-O3 (FP6), AMMA (FP6) and SHIVA (FP7, 2009-2012), IMPACT2C (FP7, 2011-2015), MACC-II (FP7, 2011-2014), MACC-III (H2020, 2014-2015), CAMS42 phases 1 et 2 (Copernicus, 2016-2021), CAMS2_35 (Copernicus, 2021-2024), SEEDS (H2020, 2021-2023)
Projets internationaux : CCM-I (phase 1, 2012-2019)
1992 : Doctorat en physique de l’Université Paris 7
2006 : Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université d’Orléans
Direction and co-direction de thèses
SROUR Zainab (PC2A-CNRM) 2020-2023 : « Modélisation de la chimie du chlore dans l’atmosphère »
NARIVELO Herizo (CNRM-NILU) 2019-2023 : « Etude du rôle des halogènes émis par les volcans sur la composition de l’air »
LAMOTTE Claire (CNRM) 2018-2021 : « Etude du rôle des émissions de soufre volcanique sur la composition atmosphérique de l’échelle globale à la qualité de l’air »
CUSSAC Martin (CNRM-LAERO) 2017-2020 : « La composition chimique de l’air de la haute troposphère : étude de l’impact des feux de biomasse et des processus de transports verticaux avec le modèle MOCAGE et les mesures IAGOS »
DESCHEEMAEKER Maxence (CNRM-Thalès Aliena) 2015-2018 : « Capacité de MTG-I à améliorer la prévision de la concentration d’aérosols dans un modèle de chimie-transport »
COHEN Yann (LAERO-CNRM) 2015-2018 : « Quels facteurs naturels et anthropiques contrôlent les variabilités régionales et interannuelles de l’ozone dans la haute troposphère – basse stratosphère ? Eléments de réponse grâce à IAGOS et MOCAGE »
GUTH Jonathan (CNRM) 2012-2015 : « Modélisation des aérosols secondaires dans le modèle de chimie-transport MOCAGE : Application à la qualité de l’air sur le bassin Méditerranéen »
SIC Bojan (CNRM) 2011-2014 : « Amélioration de la représentation des aérosols dans un modèle de chimie-transport : Modélisation et assimilation de données »
GRELLIER Lisa (CNRM) 2011-2014 : « Etude et modélisation de l’impact sur la chimie atmosphérique des espèces halogénées émises lors de l’éruption du Mont Etna en mai 2008 »
HENRIOT Jean-Michel (LPC2E) 2005-2009 : « Modélisation du transport d’espèces en période convective pour l’étude de la composition de la haute troposphère »
OURY Stéphane (CETP) 1994-1997 : « Estimation des taux précipitants à partir des radars météorologiques Doppler aéroportés bi-faisceaux ».
OBLIGIS Estelle (CETP) 1993-1996 : « Estimation des précipitations par radiométrie hyperfréquence pendant l’expérience TOGA/COARE ».
2011-2022 : Elèves ingénieur 2ème année, Pollutions atmosphériques, Ecole Nationale de la Météorologie, Toulouse
2011-2022 : Elèves techniciens, Environnement atmosphérique, Ecole Nationale de la Météorologie, Toulouse
2008-2009 : M2 : Physico-chimie de l’atmosphère, Université d’Orléans
2004-2006 : M1, Physique de l’atmosphère, Université d’Orléans
1995-1997 : L3, Physique de l’atmosphère, Université Versailles-St Quentin
Cohen, Y., Marécal V., Thouret, V., Josse, B., and Boulanger, D. : Interpol-IAGOS software, Aeris [software],, 2020.
Publications avec comités de lecture
Chapitres de livre
Baklanov, A., V. Bouchet, B. Vogel, V. Marécal, A. Benedetti, and K. H. Schlünzen, Seamless meteorology-composition models : challenges, gaps, needs and future directions, Chapter 12 in “Seamless prediction of the Earth system”, WMO 1156, p. 213-232, 2015.
Articles - 2020-2024
Becker, J. S., DeLang, M. N., Chang, K.-L., Serre, M. L., Cooper, O. W., Schultz, M. G., Schröder, S., Lu, X., Zhang, L., Deushi, M., Josse, B., Keller, C. A., Lamarque, J.-F., Lin, M., Liu, J., Marécal, V., Strode, S. A., Sudo, K., Tilmes, S. Zhang, L., Brauer, M., and J. J. West, Using Regionalized Air Quality Model Performance and Bayesian Maximum Entropy data fusion to map global surface ozone concentration, Elementa : Science of the Anthropocene, 11,, 2023.
Narivelo, H., P.D. Hamer, V. Marécal, L. Surl, T.J. Roberts, S. Pelletier, B. Josse, J. Guth, M. Bacles, S. Warnach, T. Wagner, S., Corradini, G., Salerno, and L. Guerrieri, A regional modelling study of halogen chemistry within a volcanic plume of Mt Etna’s Christmas 2018 eruption, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 10533–10561,, 2023.
Marécal, V., R. Plessis-Voisin, T.J. Roberts, A. Aiuppa, H. Narivelo, P. D. Hamer, B. Josse, J. Guth, L. Surl and L. Grellier, Halogen chemistry in volcanic plumes : a 1D framework based on MOCAGE 1D (version R1.18.1) preparing 3D global chemistry modelling, Geosci. Model Dev., 16, 2873–2898,, 2023.
Trimmel, H., P. Hamer, H., M. Mayer, S. F. Schreier, P. Weihs, J. Eitzinger, H. Sandén, A.-C. Fitzky, A. Richter, J.-C. Calvet, B. Bonan, C. Meurey, I. Vallejo, S. Eckhardt, G. Sousa Santos, S. Oumami, J. Arteta, V. Marécal, L. Tarrasón, T. Karl, H. E. Rieder, Atmos. Env., vol 304, 119768,, 2023.
Lamotte, C., V. Marécal, Guth, J., Salerno, G., Corradini, S., Theys, N., Warnach, S., Guerrieri, L., Brenot, H., Wagner, T. and Bacles, M., Impact of the SO2 flux estimation in the modeling of the plume of Mt Etna Christmas 2018 eruption and comparison against multiple satellite sensors, Remote Sensing ,15(3):758., 2023.
Williams, J. D., Huijnen, V., Bouarar, I, Meziane, M., Schreurs, T., Belamari, S., V., Marécal, Josse, B., and Flemming J., Regional evaluation of the performance of the global CAMS chemical modeling system over the United States (cycle 47r1),
Geosc. Mod. Dev., 15, 4657–4687,, 2022.
Behera, A.K., E. D. Riviere, S. M. Khaykin, V. Marécal, M. Ghysels, J. Burgalat and G. Held, On the cross-tropopause transport of water by tropical convective overshoots : a mesoscale modeling study constrained by in-situ observations during TRO-Pico filed campaign in Brazil, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 881–901,, 2022.
Hamer, P. D., V. Marécal, R. Hossaini, M. Pirre, M. Chipperfield, F. Ziska, A.A. Samah, B. Quack, A. Engel, K. Krüger, E. Atlas, S. Sala, T. Keber, H. Bönisch, L.K. Peng, V. Catoire, G. Krysztofiak, S. Fühlbrügge, M. Dorf, P. Siew Moi, H. Schlager, K. Pfeilsticker, Cloud-scale modelling of the impact of deep convection on the fate of oceanic bromoform in the troposphere : a case study over the west coast of Borneo, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 16955–16984,, 2021.
Lamotte, C., J. Guth, V. Marécal, M. Cussac, P. D. Hamer, N. Theys and P. Schneider, Modeling study of the impact of SO2 volcanic emissions on the tropospheric sulfur budget, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 11379–11404,, 2021.
Cohen, Y., V. Marécal, B. Josse and V. Thouret, Interpol-IAGOS : a new method for assessing long-term chemistry-climate simulations in the UTLS based on IAGOS data and its application to the MOCAGE CCMI-REF-C1SD simulation, Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 2659–2689,, 2021.
DeLang M. N., J. S. Becker, K. -L. Chang, M. L. Serre, O. R. Cooper, M. G. Schultz, S. Schröder, X. Lu, L. Zhang, M. Deushi, B. Josse, C. A. Keller, J.-F. Lamarque, M. Lin, J. Liu, V. Marécal, S. A. Strode, K. Sudo, S. Tilmes, S. Cleland, E. Collins, J. J. West,
Mapping yearly fine resolution global surface ozone through the BME data fusion of observations and model output for 1990–2017, Environ. Sci. Technol. 55, 8, 4389–4398,, 2021.
Cussac, M., V. Marécal, V. Thouret, B. Josse and B. Sauvage, The impact of biomass burning on upper tropospheric carbon monoxide : A study using MOCAGE global model and IAGOS airborne data, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 9393–9417,, 2020.
El Amraoui, L., B. Sič, A. Piacentini, V. Marécal, J.-L. Attié, and N. Frebourg, Aerosol data assimilation in the chemical transport model MOCAGE during the TRAQA/ChArMEx campaign : Lidar observations Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 4645–4667,, 2020.
Coopmann, O., V. Guidard, N. Fourrié, B. Josse, and V. Marécal, Update of Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) channel selection with correlated observation errors fornumerical weather prediction (NWP), Atmos. Meas. Tech., 3, 2659–2680,, 2020.
Nicely, J., B. Duncan, T. Hanisco, G. Wolfe, R. Salawitch, M. Deushi, A. Haslerud, P. Joeckel, B. Josse, D. Kinnison, A. Klekociuk, M. Manyin, V. Marécal, O. Morgenstern, L. Murray, G. Myhre, L. Oman, G. Pitari, A. Pozzer, I. Quaglia, L. Revell, E. Rozanov, A. Stenke, K. Stone, S. Strahan, S. Tilmes, H. Tost, D. Westervelt, and G. Zeng, A Machine Learning Examination of Hydroxyl Radical Differences Among Model Simulations for CCMI-1, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 1341–1361,, 2020.
Blechschmidt, A.-M., J. Arteta, A. Coman, L. Curier, H. Eskes, G. Foret, C. Gielen, F. Hendrick, V. Marécal, F. Meleux, J. Parmentier, E. Peters, G. Pinardi, A. Piters, M. Plu, A. Richter, M. Sofiev, Á. Valdebenito, M. Van Roozendael, J. Vira, T. Vlemmix, and J. Burrows, Comparison of tropospheric NO2 columns from MAX-DOAS retrievals and regional air quality model simulations Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 2795–2823,, 2020.
Orbe, C., D.A. Plummer, D. W. Waugh, H. Yang, P. Jöckel, D.E. Kinnison, B. Josse, V. Marécal, M. Deushi, N. L. Abraham, A.T. Archibald, M. Chipperfield, S. Dhomse, W. Fenf, and S. Bekki, Description and Evaluation of the Specified-Dynamics Experiment in the Chemistry Climate Model Initiative (CCMI) Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 3809–3840,, 2020.
Articles - 2015-2019
Lamy K., T. Portafaix, B. Josse, H. Bencherif, S. Godin-Beekman, C. Brogniez, H. Akiyoshi, S. Bekki, M. I. Hegglin, P. Jöckel, V. Marécal, L. Revell, A. Stenke, G. Zeng, N. L. Abraham, A. T. Archibald, N. Butchart, M. P. Chipperfield, R. Currie, G. Di Genova, M. Deushi, S. Dhomse, L. W. Horowitz, D. Kinnison, M. Y. Lin, M. Marchand, M. Michou, O. Morgenstern, F. M. O’Connor, L. D. Oman, G. Pitari, D. Plummer, J. A. Pyle, E. Rozanov, D. Saint-Martin, J. Scinocca, K. Stone, K. Sudo, T. Y. Tanaka, S. Tilmes, D. Visioni, Y. Yamashita, and K. Yoshida, Ultraviolet Radiation modelling using output from the Chemistry Climate Model Initiative, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 10087–10110,, 2019.
Huijnen, V., A. Pozzer, J. Arteta, G. Brasseur, I. Bouarar, S. Chabrillat, Y. Christophe, T. Doumbia, J. Flemming, J. Guth, B. Josse, V. A. Karydis, V. Marécal, S. Pelletier, Quantifying uncertainties due to chemistry modeling - evaluation of tropospheric composition simulations in the CAMS model (cycle 3R1), Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 1725-1752,, 2019.
Chang, K.-L., O. R. Cooper, J. J. West, M. L. Serre, M. G. Schultz, M. Lin, V. Marécal, B. Josse, M. Deushi, K. Sudo, J. Liu, and C. A. Keller, A new method (M3Fusion v1) for combining observations and multiple model output for an improved estimate of the global surface ozone distribution, Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 955–978, 2019, 2019.
Descheemaecker, M., M. Plu, V. Marécal, M. Claeyman, F. Olivier, Y. Aoun, Ph. Blanc, L. Wald, J. Guth, B. Sič, J. Vidot, E. Emili, A. Piacentini, and B. Josse, Monitoring aerosols over Europe : an assessment of the potential benefit of assimilating the VIS04 measurements from the future MTG/FCI geostationary imager, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 1251-1275,, 2019.
Dhomse, S., D. Kinnison, M. Chipperfield, I. Cionni, M. Hegglin, N. L. Abraham, H. Akiyoshi, A. Archibald, E. Bednarz, S. Bekki, P. Braesicke, N. Butchart, M. Dameris, M. Deushi, S. Frith, S. Hardiman, B. Hassler, L. Horowitz, R.-M. Hu, P. Joeckel, B. Josse, O. Kirner, S. Kremser, U. Langematz, M. Marchand, M. Lin, E. Mancini, V. Marécal, M. Michou, O. Morgenstern, F. O’Connor, L. Oman, G. Pitari, D. Plummer, J. Pyle, L. Ravell, E. Rozanov, R. Schofield, A. Stenke, K. Stone, K. Sudo, S. Tilmes, D. Visioni, Y. Yamashita, G. Zeng, and J. Lewis, Estimates of Ozone Return Dates from Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative Simulations, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 8409–8438,, 2018.
Orbe. C., D. H. Yang, W. Waugh, G. Zeng, O. Morgenstern, D. E. Kinnison, J.-F. Lamarque, S. Tilmes, D. A. Plummer, J. F. Scinnoca, B Josse,V. Marécal, P. Jockel, L. D. Oman, S. E. Strahan, M. Deushi, T. Y. Tanaka, K. Yoshida, H. Akiyoshi, Y. Yamashita, A. Stenke, L. Revell, T. Sukhodolov, E. Rozanov, G. Pitari, D. Visioni, K. A. Stone, and R. Schofield, Large-scale tropospheric transport in the Chemistry-Climate-Initiative (CCMI) simulations, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 7217-7235,, 2018.
Brocchi, V., G. Krysztofiak, V. Catoire, J. Guth, V. Marécal, R. Zbinden, L. El Amraoui, B. Piguet, F. Dulac, and P. Ricaud, Intercontinental transport of biomass burning pollutants on the Mediterranean basin during CHARMEX-GLAM airborne campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 6887–6906,, 2018.
Behera, A. K., E. D. Rivière, V. Marécal, J.-F. Rysman, C. Claud, G. Seze, N. Amarouche, M. Ghysels, S. Khaykin, J.-P. Pommereau, G. Held, J. Burgalat and G. Durry, Modelling the TTl at the continental scale for a wet season : An evaluation of the BRAMS mesoscale model using TRO-Pico campaign and measurements from airborne and spaceborne sensors. J. Geophys. Res, DOI : 10.1002/2017JD027969, 2018.
Cohen, Y., H. Petetin, V. Thouret, V. Marécal, B. Josse, H. Clark, B. Sauvage, A. Fontaine, G. Athier, R. Blot, D. Boulanger, J.-M. Cousin, and Ph. Nédélec,
Climatology and long-term evolution of O3 and CO in the UTLS at northern mid- latitudes, as seen by IAGOS from 1995 to 2013,
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 5415-5453,, 2018.
Guth, J., V. Marécal, B. Josse, J. Arteta, and P. D. Hamer, Primary aerosols and secondary inorganic aerosol budget over the Mediterranean basin during 2012 and 2013. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 4911-4934,, 2018.
Krysztofiak, G., V. Catoire, P. D. Hamer, V. Marécal, C. Robert, A. Engel, H. Bönisch, K. Grossman, B. Quack, E. Atlas and K. Pfeilsticker, Evidence of convective transport in tropical West Pacific region during SHIVA experiment, DOI :10/1002/asl.798, Atmos. Sci. Letters, 2018.
Anderson, D. C., J. M. Nicely, G. M. Wolfe, T. F. Hanisco, Ross J. Salawitch, T. P. Canty, R. R. Dickerson, E. C. Apel, E. Atlas, S. Baidar, T. J. Bannan, N. J. Blake, D. Chen, B. Dix, R. P. Fernandez, S. R. Hall, R. S. Hornbrook, G. Huey, B. Josse, P. Jöckel, D. E. Kinnison, T. K. Koenig, M. LeBreton, V. Marécal, O. Morgenstern, L. D. Oman, L. L. Pan, C. Percival, D. Plummer, L. Revell, E. Rozanov, A. Saiz-Lopez, A. Stenke, S. Tilmes, K. Ullmann, R. Volkamer, A. J. Weinheimer, G.Zeng,
Formaldehyde in the Tropical Western Pacific : Evaluation of controlling mechanisms, models, and its effects on the atmospheric oxidative capacity
J. Geophys. Res., vol. 122, 20, 11,201–11,226, 10.1002/2016JD026121, 2017.
Lacressonnière, G., L. Watson, M. Gauss, M. Engardt, C. Andersson, M. Beekmann, A. Colette, G. Foret, B. Josse, V. Marécal, A. Nyiri, G. Siour, S. Sobolowski and R. Vautard, Particulate matter air pollution in Europe in a +2°C warming world, Atmos. Env., 154, 129–140, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.01.037, 2017.
Morgenstern, O., M. Hegglin, E. Rozanov, F. O’Connor, L. Abraham, H. Akiyoshi, A. Archibald, N. Butchart, M. Chipperfield, M. Deushi, S. Dhomse, R. Garcia, S. Hardiman, L. Horowitz, P. Joeckel, B. Josse, D. Kinnison, M. Lin, E. Mancini, M. Manyin, V. Marécal, M. Michou, L. Oman, G. Pitari, D. Plummer, L. Revell, D. Saint-Martin, R. Schofield, A. Stenke, K. Stone, K. Sudo, T. Tanaka, S. Tilmes, Y. Yamashita, K. Yoshida, G. Zeng, S. Bekki, and M. Marchand, Review of the global models used within the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI), Geosci. Mod. Dev.,10, 639-671, 2017.
Watson, L. , G. Lacressonnière, M. Gauss, M. Engardt, C. Andersson, B Josse, V. Marécal, A. Nyiri, S. Sobolowski, G. Siour, S. Szopa, R. Vautard, The impact of emissions and +2◦ C climate change upon future ozone and nitrogen dioxide over Europe, Atmos. Env., 142, 271-285, 2016.
Sic, B., L. El Amraoui, A. Piacentini, V. Marécal, E. Emili, D. Cariolle, M. Prather, and J.-L. Attié, Aerosol data assimilation in the chemical-transport model MOCAGE during the TRAQA/ChArMEx campaign : Aerosol optical depth, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 5535-5554, 2016.
Lacressonnière G., G. Foret, M. Beekmann, G. Siour, M. Engardt, M. Gauss, L. Watson, C. Andersson, A. Colette., B. Josse, V. Marécal, A. Nyiri, and R. Vautard, Impacts of regional climate change on air quality projections and associated uncertainties, Climatic Change, DOI 10.1007/s10584-016-1619-z, 2016.
Guth, J., B. Josse, V. Marécal, and M. Joly, Simulating Secondary Inorganic Aerosols using the Chemistry Transport Model MOCAGE, Geosci. Mod. Dev., 9, 137-160, 2016.
Watson, L., G., Lacressonnière, M. Gauss, M. Engardt, C. Andersson, B. Josse, V. Marécal, A. Nyiri, S. Sobolowski, G. Siour, and R. Vautard, The impact of meteorological forcings on gas phase air pollutants over Europe. Atmos . Env., 119, 240-257, 2015.
Marécal., V., V.-H. Peuch, C. Andersson , S. Andersson, J. Arteta, M. Beekmann, A. Benedictow, R. Bergström, B. Bessagnet, A., Cansado, F. Chéroux, A. Colette, A. Coman, R.L. Curier, H. A. C. Denier van der Gon, A Drouin, H. Elbern, E. Emili, R. J. Engelen, H. J. Eskes, G. Foret, E. Friese, M. Gauss, C. Giannaros, M. Joly, E. Jaumouillé, B. Josse, N. Kadygrov, J. W. Kaiser, K. Krajsek, J. Kuenen, U. Kumar, N. Liora, E. Lopez, L. Malherbe, I. Martinez, D. Melas, F. Meleux, L. Menut, P. Moinat, T. Morales, J. Parmentier, A. Piacentini, M. Plu, A. Poupkou, S. Queguiner, L. Robertson, L. Rouïl, M. Schaap, A. Segers, M. Sofiev, M. Thomas , R. Timmermans, Á. Valdebenito, P. van Velthoven, R. van Versendaal, J. Vira, A. Ung, A regional air quality forecasting system over Europe : the MACC-II daily ensemble production, Geosci. Mod. Dev., 8, 2777-2813, 2015.
Sofiev. M., U. Berger, M. Prank, J. Vira, J. Arteta, J. Belmonte, K.-C. Bergmann, F. Cheroux, H. Elbern, E. Friese, C. Galan, R. Gehrig, R. Kranenburg, V. Marécal, F. Meleux, A.-M. Pessi, L. Robertson, O. Ritenberga, V. Rodinkova, A. Saarto, A. Segers, E. Severova, I. Sauliene, B. M. Steensen, E. Teinemaa, M. Thibaudon, V.-H. Peuch, Multi-model simulations of birch pollen in Europe by MACC regional ensemble
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 8115-8130, 2015.
Hamer, P. D., K. W. Bowman, D. Henze, J.-L. Attié, and V. Marécal, The impact of observing characteristics on the ability to predict ozone under varying polluted photochemical regimes, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 10645-10667, 2015.
Watson, L., G., Lacressonnière, M. Gauss, M. Engardt, C. Andersson, B. Josse, V. Marécal, A. Nyiri, S. Sobolowski, G. Siour, R. Vautard, The impact of meteorological forcings on gas phase air pollutants over Europe, Atmos . Env., 119, 240-257, 2015.
Flemming, J. , V. Huijnen, J. Arteta, P. Bechtold, A. Beljaars, A.-M. Blechschmidt, M. Diamantakis, R.J. Engelen, A. Gaudel, A. Inness, L. Jones, E. Katragkou, B. Josse, V. Marécal, V.-H. Peuch, A. Richter, M.G. Schultz, O. Stein, and A. Tsikerdekis, Tropospheric chemistry in the integrated forecasting system of ECMWF, Geosci. Mod. Dev., 8, 975-1003, 2015.
Sič, B., L. El Amraoui, V. Marécal, B. Josse, J. Arteta, J. Guth, M. Joly, and P. Hamer, Modelling of primary aerosols in the chemical transport model MOCAGE : development and evaluation of aerosol physical parameterizations,
Geosci. Mod. Dev., 8, 381-408, 2015.
Articles - 2010-2014
Lacressonnière, G. V.-H. Peuch, R. Vautard, J. Arteta, M. Déqué, M. Joly, B. Josse, V. Marécal and D. Saint-Martin, European air quality in the 2030s and 2050s : impacts of global and regional emission trends and of climate change, Atmos. Env., 92, 348-358, 2014.
Hamer, P. D., D. E. Shallcross, A. Yabushita, M. Kawasaki, V. Marécal and C. S. Boxe, Investigating the photo-oxidative and heterogeneous chemical production of HCHO in the snowpack at the South Pole, Antarctica, Env. Chem., 11, 459-471, 2014.
Barré, J., L. El Amraoui, P. Ricaud, J.-L. Attié, W. A. Lahoz, V.-H. Peuch, B. Josse, and V. Marécal, Diagnosing the transition layer in the extra-tropical lowermost stratosphere using MLS O3 and MOPITT CO analyses, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 7225-7240, 2013.
Longo, K. M., S. R. Freitas, M. Pirre, V. Marécal, L. F. Rodrigues, J. Panetta, M. F. Alonso, N. E. Rosário, D. S. Moreira, M. S. Gácita, J. Arteta, R. Fonseca, R. Stockler, D. M. Katsurayama, A. Fazenda, M. Bela, The Chemistry CATT-BRAMS model (CCATT-BRAMS 4.5) : a regional atmospheric model system for integrated air quality and weather forecasting and research, Geosci. Mod. Dev., 6, 1389-1405, 2013.
Hossaini, R. H. Mantle, M. P. Chipperfield, S. A. Montzka, P. Hamer, F. Ziska, B. Quack, K. Kruger, S. Tegtmeier, E. Atlas, S. Sala, A. Engel, H. Bonisch, T. Keber, D. Oram, G. Mills, C. Ordonez, A. Saiz-Lopez, N. Warwick, Q. Liang, W. Feng, F. Moore, B. R. Miller, V. Marécal, N. A. D. Richards, M. Dorf, and K. Pfeilsticker,
Evaluating global emission inventories of biogenic bromocarbons,
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 11819-11838, 2013.
Krysztofiak, G., V., Catoire, G., Poulet, V., Marécal, M., Pirre, F., Louis, S., Canneaux, and B. Josse Detailed modeling of the atmospheric degradation mechanism of very-short lived brominated species. Atmos. Env., 59, 514-532, 2012.
Marécal, V., M. Pirre, G. Krysztofiak, P. D. Hamer and B. Josse, What do we learn about bromoform transport and chemistry in deep convection from fine scale modelling ? Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 6073-6093, 2012.
Iacono-Marziano, G., F., Gaillard, B., Scaillet, G. A., Polozov, V., Marécal, M., Pirre, and N. T., Arndt, Extremely reducing conditions reached during basaltic intrusion in organic matter-bearing sediments, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 358, 319-326, 2012.
Iacono-Marziano, G., V., Marécal, M., Pirre, F., Gaillard, J. Arteta, B., Scaillet, and N. T., Arndt, Gas emissions due to magma-sediment interactions during flood magmatism at the Siberian Traps : gas dispersion and environmental consequences, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 358, 308-318, 2012.
Lacressonnière, G., V.-H. Peuch, J. Arteta, B. Josse, M. Joly, V. Marécal, D. Saint-Martin, M. Déqué and L. Watson, How realistic are air quality hindcasts driven by forcings from climate model simulations ? Geosci. Mod. Dev., 5, 1565-1587, 2012.
Pommereau J.-P., A. Garnier, G. Held, A.-M. Gomes, F. Goutail, G. Durry, F. Borchi, A. Hauchecorne, N. Montoux, Ph. Cocquerez, G. Letrenne, F. Vial, A. Hertzog, B. Legras, I. Pisso, J.A. Pyle, N.R.P. Harris, R. L. Jones, A. Robisnson, G. Hansford, L. Eden, T. Gardiner, N. Swann, B. Knudsen, N. Larsen, J. Nielsen, T. Christensen, F. Cairo, M. Pirre, V. Marécal , N. Huret, E. D. Rivière, H. Coe, D. Grosvenor, K. Edvarsen, G. Di Donfranscesco, Ph. Ricaud, J. Berthelier, M. Godefrroy, E. Seran, K. Longo and S. Freitas, An overview of the HIBISCUS campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 2309-2339, 2011.
Russo, M. R., V. Marécal, C. R. Hoyle, J. Arteta, C. Chemel, M. P. Chipperfield, O. Dessens, W. Feng, J. S. Hosking, P. Telford, O. Wild, X Yang and J. A. Pyle, Representation of tropical deep convection in atmospheric models. Part 1 : Meteorology and comparison with satellite observations. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 2765-2786, 2011.
Held, G., E. Landulfo, F. J. S., Lopes, J. Arteta, V. Marécal and J. M., Bassan, Emissions from sugar cane fires in the Central and Western State of Sao Paulo observed by IPEN’s lidar : Is there a connection ? Opt. Pura Apl., 44, 83-91, 2011.
Freitas, S. R., K. M. Longo, M. F. Alonso, M. Pirre, V. Marécal, G. Grell, R.L Stockler, R. F. Mello and M. Sanchez Gacita, A pre-processor of trace gases and aerosols emission fields for regional and global atmospheric chemistry models. Geosci. Mod. Dev., 4, 419-433, 2011.
Hoyle, C. R., V. Marécal, M. R. Russo, G. Allen, J. Arteta, C. Chemel, M. P. Chipperfield, F. D’Amato, O. Dessens, W. Feng, J. F. Hamilton, N. R. Harris, J. S. Hosking, A. C. Lewis, O. Morgenstern, T. Peter, J. A. Pyle, T. Reddmann, N. A. D. Richards, P. J. Telford, W. Tian, S. Viciani, A Volz-Thomas, O. Wild, X. Yang and G. Zeng, Representation of tropical deep convection in atmospheric models. Part 2 : Tracer transport. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 8103–8131, 2011.
Marécal, V., G. Krisztofiak, Y. Mébarki, V. Catoire, F. Lott, J.-L. Attié, J. Arteta, M. N. Deeter, S. R. Freitas, K. M. Longo, J.-B. Renard and C. Robert, Impact of deep convection on the tropical tropopause layer composition in Equatorial Brazil. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 16147-16183, 2011.
Pisso I., V. Marécal, G. Berthet and B. Legras, Sensitivity of backward Lagrangian reconstructions to assimilated wind time step resolution, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 3155-3162, 2010.
Marécal, V., Pirre, M., Rivière, E. D., Pouvesle, N., Crowley, J. N., Freitas, S. R.,
and Longo, K. M,. Modelling the reversible uptake of chemical species in the gas phase by ice particles formed in a convective cloud, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 4977-5000, 2010.
Liu, X., E. D. Rivière, V. Marécal, G. Durry, H. Hamdouni and J. Arteta, Stratospheric water vapor budget and convection overshooting the tropopause : modelling study SCOUT-AMMA. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 8267-8286, 2010.
Alonso, M. F., K. M. Longo, S. R. Freitas, R. Mello da Fonseca, V. Marécal, M. Pirre, and L. Gallardo Klenner, An urban emissions inventory for South America and its application in numerical modeling of atmospheric chemical composition at local and regional scales. Atmos. Env, 44, 5072-5083, 2010.
Articles - 2005-2009
Arteta J., V. Marécal and E. D. Rivière, Regional modelling of tracer transport by tropical convection. Part 1 : Sensitivity to convection parameterization, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 7081-7100, 2009.
Arteta J., V. Marécal and E. D. Rivière, Regional modelling of tracer transport by tropical convection. Part 2 : Sensitivity to model resolutions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 7101-7114, 2009.
Pirre M., I. Pisso, V. Marécal, V. Catoire and Y. Mebarki, Intrusion of recent air in mid-latitude stratosphere revealed by in situ tracer measurements and trajectory calculations, J. Geophys. Res., 113, doi:10.1029/2007JD009188, 2008.
Fierli F., G. Di Francesco, F. Cairo, V. Marécal, M. Zampieri, E. Orlandi and G. Durry, Variability of cirrus clouds in a convective outflow during the HIBISCUS campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8, 4547-4558, 2008.
Marécal V., G. Durry, K. Longo, S. Freitas, E. Rivière and M. Pirre, Mesoscale modelling of water vapour in the tropical UTLS : two case studies from the HIBISCUS campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 1471-1489, 2007.
Marécal V., E. Rivière, G. Held, S. Cautenet and S. Freitas, Modelling study of the impact of deep convection on the UTLS air composition. Part I : analysis of ozone precursors. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 1567-1584, 2006.
E. Rivière, V. Marécal, S. Cautenet and N. Larsen, Modelling study of the impact of deep convection on the UTLS air composition. Part II : ozone budget in the TTL. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 1585- 1598, 2006.
Durry, G., N. Huret, A. Hauchecorne, V. Marécal, J.-P. Pommereau, R. L. Jones, G. Held, N. Larsen and J.-B. Renard, Isentropic advection and convective uplifting of water vapour in the UT-LS as observed over Brazil (22°S) in February 2004 by in situ high resolution measurements of H20, CH4, 03 and temperature, Atmos. Chem. Phys Discussion, 12470-12501, 2006.
Mahfouf J.-F., P. Bauer and V. Marécal, The assimilation of SSM /I and TMI rainfall rates in the ECMWF 4D-Var system. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 131, 437-458, 2005.
Articles - 2000-2004
Marécal V. and J. -F. Mahfouf, Experiments on 4D-Var assimilation of rainfall data using an incremental formulation. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 129, 3137-3160, 2003.
Marécal V. and J.-F. Mahfouf, Four-dimensional variational assimilation of total column water vapour in rainy areas. Mon. Wea. Rev.,130, 43-58, 2002.
Marécal V., J.-F. Mahfouf and P. Bauer, Comparison of TMI rainfall estimates and their impact on 4D-Var assimilation. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc.,128, 2737-2758, 2002.
Marécal V., E Gérard, J.-F. Mahfouf and P. Bauer, Comparative impact of the assimilation of SSM/I and TMI brightness temperatures in the ECMWF 4D-Var system. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 127, 1123-1142, 2001.
Marécal V. and J.-F. Mahfouf, Variational retrieval of temperature and humidity profiles from TRMM precipitation data. Mon. Wea. Rev., 128, 3853-3866, 2000.
Articles - 1993-1999
Oury S., J. Testud and V. Marécal, Estimate of precipitation from the dual-beam airborne radars in TOGA-COARE. Part I : the K(Z) relationships derived from Stereo- and Quad-beam analysis. J. Appl. Meteor., 38,156-174, 1999.
Watson R.J., A.R. Holt, V. Marécal and J. Testud, A rainrate-attenuation-reflectivity relation for use in the spaceborne sensing of rain. I.E.E.E. Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 37, 1447-1450, 1999.
Viltard N., E. Obligis, V. Marécal and C. Klapisz, Retrieval of precipitation from microwave airborne sensors. J. Appl. Meteor., 37, 701-717, 1998.
Klapisz C., N. Viltard and V. Marécal, Effect of field of view inhomogeneities in the rain estimation from microwave radiometry. Int. J. Remote Sensing, 19, 211-215, 1998.
Marécal V., T. Tani, P. Amayenc, C. Klapisz, E. Obligis and N. Viltard, Rain relations inferred from microphysical data in TOGA-COARE and their use to test a rain profiling method from radar measurements at Ku-band. J. Applied Meteor., 36, 1629-1646, 1997.
Marécal V. and Y. Lemaître, Importance of microphysical processes in the dynamics of a CSI mesoscale frontal cloud band. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 121, 301-318, 1995.
Marécal V., D. Hauser and C. Duroure, Airborne microphysical measurements and radar reflectivity observations near a cold frontal rainband observed during the FRONTS 87 experiment. Atmospheric Research, 29, 179-207, 1993.
Roux F., V. Marécal and D. Hauser, The 12-13 January 1988 narrow cold frontal rainband observed during MFDP/FRONTS 87. Part I : kinematics and thermodynamics. J. Atmos. Sci., 50, 951-974, 1993.
Marécal V., D. Hauser and F. Roux, The 12-13 January 1988 narrow cold frontal rainband observed during MFDP/FRONTS 87. Part II : microphysics. J. Atmos. Sci., 50, 975-998, 1993.
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