Thèmes de recherche
Interactions ocean-atmosphère ; couche de mélange océanique ; flux de surface ; océan superficiel et processus de sub-surface
Anne PIRON (LPO/IFREMER) : Variabilité de la couche de mélange hivernale et des eaux modales subpolaires à l’échelle du bassin nord-Atlanrtique sur la période 2002-2012. Co-encadrement avec H. Mercier et V. Thierry (LPO, Brest). 2012-2015
Yann PLANTON (CNRM):Source de la variabilité interannuelle de la langue d’eau froide Atlantique. Co-encadrement avec A. Voldoire et H. Giordani (CNRM, Toulouse). 2012-2015
Malick WADE (CNRM) : Caractérisation de la couche limite océanique pendant les campagnes EGEE/AMMA dans l’Atlantique Equatorial Est. Thèse UPS soutenue de 30 novembre 2010. Co-encadrement avec Y. DuPenhoat (LEGOS, Toulouse)
Eric de BOISSESON (LPO/IFREMER) : Les eaux modales du gyre subpolaire de l’Atlantique nord : origine, formation, variabilité. Thèse soutenue le 14 janvier 2010. Co-encadrement avec V. Thierry et H. Mercier (LPO, Brest).
Guillaume SAMSON (CNRM) : Modélisation de la réponse océanique à un cyclone tropical et de sa rétroaction sur l’atmosphère. Thèse UPS soutenue le 16 décembre 2009. Co-encadrement avec H. Giordani et Frank Roux (CNRM et LA, Toulouse).
Antoine Hubault et Paul Cornet, 2013 : Etude des ondes tropicales d’instabilité dans l’océan Atlantique équatorial. Mémoire de Fin d’Etude de l’Ecole Navale, Spécialié Environnement Marin. Co-encadrement avec H. Giordani (CNRM, Toulouse).
Antoine Edwell, 2011 : Implantation de bilans sur l’énergie cinétique moyenne dans un modèle d’océan et application à une simulation de l’Atlantique équatorial. Rapport de Stage d’Ingénieur INSA, Génie Mathématique et Modélisation. Co-encadrement avec H. Giordani (CNRM, Toulouse).
Aristide Aguia, 2010 : Evaluation de la réanalyse GLORYS/MERCATOR à l’aide des observations de la campagne AMMA/EGEE en 2006. Mémoire de Fin d’Etude d’Ingénieur de l’Ecole Africaine de Météorologie et de l’Aviation Civile (EAMAC), Niger. Co-encadrement avec H. Giordani (CNRM, Toulouse).
Publications avec comités de lecture
Piron, A., V. Thierry, H. Mercier, and G. Caniaux, 2016 : Observation of basin-scale deep convection in the Irminger Sea with Argo floats in the 2011-2012 winter deep-convection. Deep-Sea Research I, 109, 76-90, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2015.12.012.
Lefèvre, N., D. Veleda, M. Araujo, and G. Caniaux, 2016 : Variability and trends of carbon parameters at a time series in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic. Tellus B, 68, 30305, 1-16,
Hounsou-Gbo, G.A., J. Servain, M. Araujo, E.S. Martins, B. Bourlès, and G. Caniaux, 2016 : Oceanic indices for forecasting seasonal rainfall over the northern part of brazilian Northeast. American Journal of Climate Change, 5(2), 261-274, doi:10.4236/ajcc.2016.52022.
Voldoire, A., M. Claudon, G. Caniaux, H. Giordani, and R. Roehrig, 2014 : Are atmospheric biases responsible for the tropical Atlantic SST biases in the CNRM-CM5 coupled model ? Clim. Dyn., TACE special Issue, doi :10.1007/s00382-013-2036-x
Servain, J., G. Caniaux, Y.K. Kouadio, M.J. McPhaden, and M. Araujo, 2014 : Recent climatic trends in the tropical Atlantic. Clim. Dyn., TACE Special Issue, 43, 3071-3089, doi :10.1007/s00382-014-2168-7
Parard, G., J. Boutin, Y. Cuypers, P. Bourruet-Aubertot, and G. Caniaux, 2014 : On the physical and biogeochemical processes driving the high frequency variability of CO2 fugacity at 6°S, 10°W : potential role of internal waves. J. Geophys. Res., doi :10.1002/2014JC009965.
Giordani, H., and G. Caniaux, 2014 : frontogenesis in the equatorial front formation in 2006. Clim. Dyn., TACE Special Issue, 43, 3147-3162, doi :10.1007/s00382-014-2293-3.
Giordani, H., G. Caniaux, and A. Voldoire, 2013 : Intraseasonal mixed layer heat budget in the equatorial Atlantic during the cold tongue development in 2006. J. Geophys. Res., doi :10.1029/2012JC008280, 118, 650-671.
Lefèvre, N., G. Caniaux, S. Janicot, and A.K. Gueye, 2013 : Increased CO2 outgassing in February-May 2010 in the tropical Atlantic following the 2009 Pacific El Niño. J. Geophys. Res., 118, 1645-1657, doi :10.1002/jgrc.20107.
Bouin, M.N., D. Legain, O. Traullé, S. Belamari, G. Caniaux, A. Fiandrino, F. Lagarde, J. Barrié, E. Moulin, and G. Bouhours, 2012 : Using scintillometry to estimate sensible heat fluxes over water : first insights. Boundary Layer Meteorology, doi :10.1007/s10546-012-9707-8.
De Boisséson, E., V. Thierry, H. Mercier, G. Caniaux, and D. Desbruyères, 2012 : Origin, formation and variability of the Subpolar Mode Water located over the Reykjanes ridge. J. Geophys. Res., 117, C12005, doi :10.1029/2011JC007519.
Caniaux, G., H. Giordani, J.L. Redelsperger, M. Wade, B. Bourlès, D. Bourras, G. de Coëtlogon, Y. du Penhoat, S. Janicot, E. Key, N. Kolodziejczyk, L. Eymard, J. Jouanno, A. Lazar, M. Leduc-Leballeur, N. Lefèvre, F. Marin, H. Nguyen, et G. Parard, 2012 : Les avancées d’AMMA sur les interactions océan-atmosphère. La Météorologie, Numéro Special AMMA, 8ième Série, Octobre 2012, 17-24, doi : 10.4267/2042/48128.
Hamdi, I., M. Thyssen, G. Caniaux, and M. Denis, 2012 : Spatial distribution of ultra-phytoplankton in the North East Atlantic (POMME study area) during Spring 2001. Journal of Oceanography and Data, 5, 1-22.
Bouin, M.-N., G. Caniaux, O. Traullé, D. Legain, and P. Le Moigne, 2012 : Long-term heat exchanges over a Mediterranean lagoon, J. Geophys. Res., 117, D23104, doi :10.1029/2012JD017857.
Eymard, L., C. Baron, G. Caniaux, C. Flamant, L. Kergoat, F. Karbou, J.A. Ndione , T. Pellarin, N. Martiny, J. Ramarohetra, E. Vintrou, et R. Roca, 2012 : L’observation spatiale dans le programme AMMA. La Météorologie, Numéro Special AMMA, 8ième Série, Octobre 2012, 80-89, doi : 10.4267/2042/48136.
Caniaux, G., 2012 : L’ignimbrite de Cedros sur l’île de Faial (Açores, Portugal). Açoreana, 10, (3), 525-555.
Wade, M., G. Caniaux, Y. DuPenhoat, M. Dengler, H. Giordani, and R. Hummels, 2011 : A one dimensional modeling study of the diurnal cycle in the equatorial Atlantic at the PIRATA buoys during the EGEE-3 campaign. Ocean Dynamics, 61(1), 1-20, doi :10.1007/s10236-010-0337-8.
Brandt, P., G. Caniaux, B. Bourlès, A. Lazar, M. Dengler, A. Funk, V. Hormann, H. Giordani, and F. Marin, 2011 : Equatorial upper-ocean dynamics and their interaction with the West African monsoon. Atmos. Sci. Let., 12, 24-30, doi :10.1002/asl.287.
Janicot, S., G. Caniaux, F. Chauvin, G. de Coëtlogon, B. Fontaine, N. Hall, G. Kiladis, J.P. Lafore, C. Lavaysse, S. L. Lavender, S. Leroux, R. Marteau, F. Mounier, N. Philippon, R. Roehrig, B. Sultan, and C. Taylor, 2011 : Intra-seasonal variability of the West African monsoon. Atmos. Sci. Let., 12, 58-66, doi :10.1002/asl.280.
Caniaux, G., H. Giordani, J.L. Redelsperger, F. Guichard, E. Key, and M. Wade, 2011 : Coupling between the Atlantic cold tongue and the West African monsoon in boreal spring and summer. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C04003, doi :10.1029/2010JC006570.
Wade, M., G. Caniaux, and Y. DuPenhoat, 2011 : Variability of the mixed layer heat budget in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic during 2005-2007 as inferred using Argo floats. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C08006, doi :10.1029/2010JC006683.
Giordani, H., and G. Caniaux, 2011 : Diagnosing vertical motion in the equatorial Atlantic. Ocean Dynamics, 61, 1995-2018, doi :10.1007/s10236-011-0467-7.
Belviso, S., I. Masotti, A. Tagliabue, L. Bopp, P. Brockmann, C. Fichot, G. Caniaux, L. Prieur, J. Ras, J. Uitz, H. Loisel, D. Desailly, S. Alvain, and N. Kasamatsu, 2011 : DMS dynamics in the most oligotrophic subtropical zones of the global ocean. Biogeochemistry, doi :10.1007/s10533-011-9648-1.
De Boisséson, E., V. Thierry, H. Mercier, and G. Caniaux, 2010 : Mixed layer heat budget in the Iceland basin from Argo. J. Geophys. Res.,115, C10055, doi :10.1029/2010JC006283.
Merlivat, L., M. Gonzalez Davila, G. Caniaux, J. Boutin, and G. Reverdin, 2009 : Impact of dynamical and biogeochemical mesoscale processes on CO2 air-sea exchange : a lagrangian study in the northeast Atlantic Ocean during the POMME experiment. J. Geophys. Res., 114, C03010, doi :10.1029/2007JC004657.
Marin, F., G. Caniaux, B. Bourlès, H. Giordani, Y. Gouriou, and E. Key, 2009 : Why were sea surface temperatures so different in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic in June 2005 and 2006 ? J. Phys. Oceanogr., 39, 1416-1431. doi : 10.1175/2008JPO4030.1.
Samson, G., H. Giordani, G. Caniaux, and F. Roux, 2009 : Numerical investigation of an oceanic resonant regime induced by hurricane winds. Ocean Dynamics, 59, 565-586, doi :10.1007/s10236-009-0203-8.
Bourras, D., A. Weill, G. Caniaux, L. Eymard, B. Bourlès, S. Letourneur, D. Legain, E. Key, F. Baudin, B. Piguet, O. Traullé, G. Bouhours, B. Sinardet, J. Barrié, J.P. Vinson, F. Boutet, C. Berthod, and A. Clémençon, 2009 : Turbulent air-sea fluxes in the Gulf of Guinea during the AMMA experiment. J. Geophys. Res., 114, C04014, doi :10.1029/2008JC004951.
Belviso, S., and G. Caniaux, 2009 : A new assessment in North Atlantic waters of the relationship between DMS concentration and the upper mixed layer solar radiation dose. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 23, GB1014, doi :10.1029/2008GB003382.
Janicot S., C.D. Thorncroft, A. Ali, N. Asencio, G. Berry, O. Bock, B. Bourlès, G. Caniaux, F. Chauvin, A. Deme, L. Kergoat, J.-P. Lafore, C. Lavaysse, T. Lebel, B. Marticorena, F. Mounier, P. Nedelec, J.-L. Redelsperger, F. Ravegnani, C.E. Reeves, R. Roca, P. de Rosnay, H. Schlager, B. Sultan, M. Tomasini, A. Ulanovsky et ACMAD forecasters team, 2008 : Large-scale overview of the summer monsoon over West Africa during the AMMA field experiment in 2006. Ann. Geophysicae, 26, 2569-2595, doi :10.5194/angeo-26-2569-2008.
Paci, A., G. Caniaux, H. Giordani, M. Lévy, L. Prieur, and G. Reverdin, 2007 : A high resolution simulation of the ocean during the POMME experiment : Mesoscale variability and near surface processes. J. Geophys. Res., 112, C04007, doi :10.1029/2005JC003389.
Bourras, D., G. Reverdin, G. Caniaux, and S. Belamari, 2007 : A nonlinear statistical model of turbulent air-sea fluxes. Mon. Wea. Rev., 135, (3), 1077-1089, doi :10.1175/MWR3335.1.
Caniaux, G., 2007 : Morphologie des littoraux aux Açores, 15-36. In S. Etienne et R. Paris (Edts) : Les Littoraux volcaniques. Une approche environnementale. Collection VOLCANIQUES. Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, ISBN:978-2-84516-347-8.
Bourras, D., G. Caniaux, H. Giordani, et G. Reverdin, 2006 : Influence d’un tourbillon océanique sur l’atmosphère. La Météorologie, 53, 30-37, doi :10.4267/2042/20078.
Peter, A.C., M. Le Hénaff, Y. DuPenhoat, C.E. Menkes, F. Marin, J. Vialard, G. Caniaux, and A. Lazar, 2006 : A model study of the seasonal mixed layer heat budget in the equatorial Atlantic. J. Geophys. Res., 111, C06014, doi :10.1029/2005JC003157.
Giordani, H., L. Prieur, and G. Caniaux, 2006 : Advanced insights into sources of vertical velocity in the ocean. Ocean Dynamics, 56, (5-6), doi :10.1007/s10236-005-0050-1.
Redelsperger, J.L., A. Diedhiou, C. Flamant, S. Janicot, J.P. Lafore, T. Lebel, J. Polcher, B. Bourlès, G. Caniaux, P. De Rosnay, M. Desbois, L. Eymard, B. Fontaine, I. Geneau, K. Ginoux, M. Hoepffner, C. Kane, K. Law, C. Mari, B. Marticorena, E. Mougin, J. Pelon, C. Peugeot, A. Protat, F. Roux, B. Sultan, et E. Van Den Akker, 2006 : AMMA : une étude multidisciplinaire de la mousson ouest-africaine. La Météorologie, 54, 22-32, doi :10.4267/2042/20098.
Autres publications
Caniaux, G., H. Giordani, et J.-L. Redelsperger, 2010 : La mousson Africaine sous influence de l’Atlantique. La Recherche, N°440, Avril 2010, 56-58.
Lefèvre, N., D. Diverrès, F. Gallois, G. Parard, J. Boutin, G. Caniaux, L. Beaumont, and T. Danguy, 2009 : Autonomous CO2 measurements in the tropical Atlantic. MERCATOR Ocean Quarterly Newsletter, 35, Oct. 2009, 20-29.
Bourlès, B., P. Brandt, G. Caniaux, M. Dengler, Y. Gouriou, E. Key, R. Lumpkin, F. Marin, R.L. Molinari, and C. Schmid, 2007 : African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) : special measurements in the Tropical Atlantic. CLIVAR Newsletter Exchanges, 41, (12), 2, 7-9.
Piron, A., V. Thierry, H. Mercier, and G. Caniaux, 2017 : Gyre scale deep convection in the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean during winter 2014-2015. European Geosciences Union (EGS) annual meeting, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017.
Thierry, V., A. Piron, H. Mercier, and G. Caniaux, 2016 : Argo float observations of basin scale deep convection in the Irminger Sea during winter 2011-2012. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016, New Orleans (LA), U.S.A., 21-26 February 2016.
Lefèvre N., D. Veleda, M. Araujo, and G. Caniaux, 2016 : Quantifying the air-sea CO2 flux at a time-series in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016.
Caniaux, G., A. Piron, V. Thierry, H. Mercier and H. Giordani, 2016 : Comparison of the oceanic deep convection in the Mediterranean and Irminger Seas. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016.
Servain, J., M. Araujo, A. Hounsoun-Gbo, J.B. Alves, M. Cintra, G. Caniaux, B. Bourlès, G. Ferreira, and H. Evangelista, 2016 : The project MUSCAT : a selection of the main results (2013-2016). VII Congresso Brasileira of Oceanografia, Salvador (Bahia), Brasil, 5-9 November 2016.
Nogueira Neta, A.V., G. Caniaux, H. Giordani, and M. Araujo, 2016 : Mixed layer heat budget variability in the western tropical Atlantic from ARGO floats (2007-2012). CLIVAR-PIRATA-PREFACE Tropical Atlantic Variability Conference and the PREFACE General Assembly, Paris, France, 28 November-2 December 2016.
Servain, J., G. Caniaux, D. Dagorne, B. Bourlès, A. Hounsou-Gbo, M. Araujo, and M. Rouault, 2016 : The current 2015-2016 warm event of the tropical Atlantic : The little twin brother of the 2015-2016 El Ni no in the Pacific ? CLIVAR-PIRATA-PREFACE Tropical Atlantic Variability Conference and the PREFACE General Assembly, Paris, France, 28 November-2 December 2016.
Jordà, G., K. von Schuckmann, S. Josey, G. Caniaux, J. Garcia-Lafuente, C. Naranjo, J. Polcher, E. Ozsoy, 2015 : A review of the Mediterranean Sea heat and mass budgets. CLIMA-ES 2015, CLIVER-Spain Conference, Tortosa, Tarragona, Spain, 11-13 March 2015.
Caniaux, G., L. Prieur, and H. Giordani, 2015 : An adjusted one year sea surface heat and water budget for the Northwestern Mediterranean Basin. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 12-17
April 1015.
Caniaux, G., J. Servain, and M. Araujo, 2015 : A revisited analysis of the recent SST trend in the Tropical Atlantic. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 12-17 April 1015.
Hounsou-gbo, G.A., J. Servain, G. Caniaux, M. Araujo, B. Bourlès, and D. Veleda, 2015 : Long term variations of SST and heat content in the Atlantic Ocean. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 12-17 April 1015.
Waldman, R., S. Somot, M. Hermann, F. Sevault, G. Caniaux, H. Giordani, P. Testor, and C. Estournel, 2015 : Ocean deep convection in the Mediterranean sea : 2012-2013 case study in the Gulf of Lions, from observations to multi-scale modelling. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 12-17 April 1015.
Planton, Y., H. Giordani, A. Voldoire, and G. Caniaux, 2015 : Interannual variablity of the Atlantic cold tongue heat budget. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 12-17 April 1015.
Piron, A., V. Thierry, H. Mercier, and G. Caniaux, 2015 : Genesis and spatial extension of 1000 m deep convection event in the Irminger Sea in 2011-2012 revealed by Argo floats. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 12-17 April 1015.
Rome, S., G. Caniaux, J. Ringard, B. Dieppois, et A. Diedhiou, 2015 : Identification de tendances récentes et ruptures d’homogénéité des températures : exemple en Afrique de l’Ouest et sur le Golfe de Guinée. XXVIIIième Colloque Annuel de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie, Liège (Belgique), 1-4 juillet 2015.
Servain, J., G. Caniaux, G.A. Hounsou-Gbo, Y.K. Kouadio, M. McPhaden, and M. Araujo, 2015 : Origin of the Recent Tropical Atlantic SST warming : the role of ocean dynamics ? International Scientific Conference : "Our Common Future Under Climate Change", Paris, 7-10 July 2015.
Giordani, H., G. Caniaux and A. Voldoire, 2015 : Why is there a front north of the Atlantic Cold Tongue ? PREFACE-PIRATA-CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Conference, Cape Town (South Africa), 24-28 August 2015.
Planton, Y., A. Voldoire, H. Giordani and G. Caniaux, 2015 : Oceanic processes associated to the interannual variability of the Atlantic Cold Tongue. PREFACE-PIRATA-CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Conference, Cape Town (South Africa), 24-28 August 2015.
Planton, Y., A. Voldoire, H. Giordani, G. Caniaux, 2015 : Toward a better understanding of the role of wind stress on SST anomalies in the Atlantic cold tongue. PREFACE-PIRATA-CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Conference, Cape Town (South Africa), 24-28 August 2015.
Hounsou-Gbo, G.A., J. Servain, M. Araujo, E.S. Martins, B. Bourlès, and G. Caniaux, 2015 : Oceanic indices to forecast the seasonal rainfall over the Norther Norteast of Brazil. PREFACE-PIRATA-CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Conference, Cape Town (South Africa), 24-28 August 2015.
Servain, J., A.G. Ferreira, D. Gomes, G. Caniaux, and L.V. Jacinto, 2015 : Recent climatic trends in the tropical Atlantic : further analyses from the Servain’s data base. PREFACE-PIRATA-CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Conference, Cape Town (South Africa), 24-28 August 2015.
Giordani, H., C. Lebeaupin-Brossier, F. Léger, L. Prieur, G. Caniaux, and R. Waldmann, 2015 : Dynamics of the Northwestern Mediterranean during the HyMex/ASICS experiment : A PV-perspective. 9th International HyMex Workshop, Mykonos, Greece, 21-25 September 2015.
Caniaux, G., L. Prieur, and H. Giordani, 2015 : The problem of surface heat and water budget closure for the Northwestern Mediterranean basin. 9th International HyMex Workshop, Mykonos, Greece, 21-25 September 2015.
Caniaux, G., H. Giordani, L. Prieur, R. Waldman, J. Beuvier, C. Estournel, V. Garnier, and P. Garraud, 2015 : Physical processes from a 1D column model simulation of the Northwestern Mediterranean basin from August 2012 to August 2013. 9th International HyMex Workshop, Mykonos, Greece, 21-25 September 2015.
Waldman, R., S. Somot, M. Hermann, F. Sevault, G. Caniaux, P. Testor, C. Estournel, H. Giordani, R. Benshila, Q. Akuetevi, and T. Arsouze, 2015 : Impact of mesoscale eddies on deep ocean convection in the Northwestern Mediterranean sea. 9th International HyMex Workshop, Mykonos, Greece, 21-25 September 2015.
Jorda, G., K. von Schukmann, S. Josey, G. Caniaux, J.Garcia-Lafuente, S. Sammartino, C. Naranjo, E. Ozsoy, J. Polcher, I. Gertman, G. Notarstefano, P.-M. Poulain, and S. Somot, 2015 : A review of the Mediterranean sea heat and mass budgets. 9th International HyMex Workshop, Mykonos, Greece, 21-25 September 2015.
Belamari, S., A. Adiyasa, C. Dubois, G. Caniaux, M.N. Bouin, and S. Somot, 2015 : Insights on the SST diurnal cycle and its impact on turbulent air-sea fluxes, 2015 : from the local (at the Lion Buoy) to a basin-wide approach. 9th International HyMex Workshop, Mykonos, Greece,21-25 September 2015.
Servain, J., G. Caniaux, Y. Kouadio, M.J. McPhaden, et M. Araujo, 2014 : Récente tendance climatique dans l’Atlantique tropical : rôle de la dynamique océanique ?. XXVIIième Colloque de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie, (AIC) 2014, Dijon, France, 2-5 juillet 2014.
Caniaux, G., L. Prieur, M.-N. Bouin, and H. Giordani, 2014 : A climatology of air-sea interactions at the Mediterranean LION and AZUR buoys. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 27 April-2 May 1014.
Giordani, H., and G. Caniaux, 2014 : Sources of frontogenesis in the Equatorial Atlantic front. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 27 April-2 May 1014.
Piron, A., H. Mercier, V. Thierry, and G. Caniaux, 2014 : Direct observation of 1000m deep convection in the Irminger Sea by ARGO-02 floats. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 27 April-2 May 1014.
Parard, G., J. Boutin, Y. Cuypers, P. Bourruet-Aubertot, and G. Caniaux, 2013 : On the physical and biogeochemical processes driving the high frequency variability of CO2 fugacity at 6°S, 10°W : Potential role of the internal waves. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 8-12 April 2013.
Lefèvre, N., G. Caniaux, S. Janicot, and A.K. Gueye, 2013 : Increased CO2 outgassing in February-May 2010 in the tropical Atlantic. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 8-12 April 2013.
Caniaux, G., H. Giordani, and J.-L. Redelsperger, 2013 : Why is the Atlantic cold tongue south of the equator ? European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 8-12 April 2013.
Caniaux, G., L. Prieur, M. Lévy, and H. Giordani, 2013 : At which horizontal scale deep water formation must be evaluated ? 7th HyMeX Workshop, Cassis (France), 7-10 October 2013.
Caniaux, G., H. Giordani, and J.L. Redelsperger, 2013 : Why is the Atlantic cold tongue south of the Equator ? Tropical Atlantic Variability and PIRATA 18 Meeting, Venice (Italy), 22-25 October 2013.
Servain, J., G. Caniaux, Y.K. Kouadio, M.J. McPhaden, and M. Araujo, 2013 : Recent climatic trends in the tropical Atlantic : a role for ocean dynamics ? Tropical Atlantic Variability and PIRATA 18 Meeting, Venice (Italy), 22-25 October 2013.
Giordani, H., G. Caniaux, and A. Voldoire, 2013 : Which mechanisms control the Atlantic cold tongue formation ? Tropical Atlantic Variability and PIRATA 18 Meeting, Venice (Italy), 22-25 October 2013.
Planton, Y., H. Giordani, A. Voldoire, and G. Caniaux, 2013 : Interannual variability of the Atlantic Cold Tongue. Tropical Atlantic Variability and PIRATA 18 Meeting, Venice (Italy), 22-25 October 2013.
De Boisséson, E., V. Thierry, H. Mercier, and G. Caniaux, 2012 : Origin, formation and variability of the Subpolar Mode Water observed over the Reykjanes Ridge. 2012 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City (USA), 20-24 February 2012.
Caniaux, G., H. Giordani, J.-L. Redelsperger, and M. Wade, 2012 : Role of vertical velocities in the cooling of the Atlantic cold tonge. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 23-27 April 2012.
Caniaux, G., M.-N. Bouin, H. Giordani, and D. Legain, 2012 : Heat budget for enclosed water bodies : case study of the Thau lagoon (South of France). European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 23-27 April 2012.
Caniaux, G., H. Giordani, J.-L. Redelsperger, and M. Wade, 2012 : Main results of AMMA on air-sea interactions. Symposium “Climate Change, Impacts and Vulnerabilities in Brazil” (CCIV 2012), Natal-RN, Brazil, May 27-June 1, 2012.
Lefèvre, N., G. Caniaux, and S. Janicot, 2012 : Air-sea CO2 flux anomalies in the tropical Atlantic in Spring 2010. Symposium “Climate Change, Impacts and Vulnerabilities in Brazil” (CCIV 2012), Natal-RN, Brazil, May 27-June 1, 2012.
Caniaux, G., H. Giordani, J.-L. Redelsperger, and M. Wade, 2012 : Role of vertical velocities in the cooling of the Atlantic cold tongue. Fourth AMMA International Conference 2012, Toulouse, 2-6 July 2012.
Lefèvre, N., G. Caniaux and S. Janicot, 2012 : Strong CO2 anomalies in the tropical Atlantic in 2010 following the 2009 Pacific ENSO. Fourth AMMA International Conference 2012, Toulouse, 2-6 July 2012.
Giordani, H., G. Caniaux, and J.-L. Redelsperger, 2012 : Mixed layer heat budget in the equatorial Atlantic during the cold tongue development in 2006. Fourth AMMA International Conference 2012, Toulouse, 2-6 July 2012.
Wade, M., G. Caniaux, and Y. duPenhoat, 2012 : Oceanic mixed layer heat budget in the eastern equatorial Atlantic from ARGO floats. Fourth AMMA International Conference 2012, Toulouse, 2-6 July 2012.
Voldoire, A., M. Claudon, H. Giordani, and G. Caniaux, 2012 : Are atmospheric biases responsible of the warm SST bias in CNRM-CM5 over the Tropical Atlantic. Tropical Atlantic Variability Meeting / PIRATA-17 Meeting, Kiel (Germany), 10-14 September 2012.
Lefèvre, N., G. Caniaux, and S. Janicot, 2012 : air-sea CO2 flux anomalies in the tropical Atlantic in Spring 2010. Tropical Atlantic Variability Meeting / PIRATA-17 Meeting, Kiel (Germany), 10-14 September 2012.
Giordani, H., G. Caniaux, and A. Voldoire, 2012 : Intraseasonal mixed layer heat budget in the Equatorial Atlantic during the cold tongue development in 2006. Tropical Atlantic Variability Meeting / PIRATA-17 Meeting, Kiel (Germany), 10-14 September 2012.
Caniaux, G., H. Giordani, J.-L. Redelsperger, and M. Wade, 2012 : Role of vertical velocities in the cooling of the Atlantic cold tongue. Tropical Atlantic Variability Meeting / PIRATA-17 Meeting, Kiel (Germany), 10-14 September 2012.
Servain, J., Y. Kouadio, and G. Caniaux, 2012 : Recent climatic trends in the tropical Atlantic. Tropical Atlantic Variability Meeting / PIRATA-17 Meeting, Kiel (Germany), 10-14 September 2012.
Caniaux, G., A. Paci, H. Giordani, and L. Prieur, 2012 : Heat and freshwater closure from a model apprroach. Workshop "Towards an integrative regional coupling in the EBUS", SOLAS Programm on "Air-sea gas fluxes at Eastern boundary upwelling and Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) systems", Lima (Peru), 26-27 November 2012.
Caniaux, H. Giordani, J.L. Redelsperger, and M. Wade, 2012 : Recent results on air-sea interactions over the Atlantic equatorial upwelling. Lecture given for students from the Peruvian Universities, IGP, Lima (Peru), 28 November 2012.
Giordani, H., G. Caniaux and A. Voldoire, 2012 : Which mechanisms control the Atlantic cold tongue formation ?. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 3-7 December.
Wade, M., G. Caniaux, and Y. DuPenhoat, 2011 : Oceanic mixed layer heat budget in the eastern equatorial Atlantic using ARGO floats and PIRATA buoys. PIRATA-16/TACE Meeting, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil, 14-18 March 2011.
Caniaux, G., H. Giordani, J.L. Redelsperger, F. Guichard, E. Key, and M. Wade, 2011 : Atlantic Cold Tongue and West African Monsoon : Are they coupled ? PIRATA-16/TACE Meeting, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil, 14-18 March 2011.
Redelsperger, J.L., B. Bourlès, P. Brandt, G. Caniaux, G. de Coëtlogon, H. Giordani, M. Leduc-Leballeur, F. Marin, Y. DuPenhoat, C. Thorncroft, A. Voldoire and M. Wade, 2011 : Ocean-Atmosphere interactions in the Gulf of Guinea : AMMA Phase 1 perspective. CLIVAR Atlantic Workshop, Miami (Florida), U.S.A., 23-25 March 2011.
Wade, M., G. Caniaux, and Y. DuPenhoat, 2011 : Oceanic mixed layer heat budget in the eastern equatorial Atlantic using ARGO floats and PIRATA buoys. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 3-8 April 2011.
Giordani, H. and G. Caniaux, 2011 : A Diagnostic of the Vertical Velocity for the Equatorial Atlantic. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 3-8 April 2011.
De Boisséson, E., V. Thierry, H. Mercier, and G. Caniaux, 2011 : Origin, formation and variability of the Subpolar Mode Water observed over the Reykjanes Ridge. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 3-8 April 2011.
Thorncroft, C., G. Caniaux, H. Nguyen, and J.L. Redelsperger, 2011 : Interactions between the Atlantic cold tongue and the West African Monsoon. WCRP OSC Conference, Climate Research in Service to Society, Denver (CO), USA, 24-28 October, 2011.
Caniaux, G., H. Giordani, J.L. Redelsperger, F. Guichard, E. Key and M. Wade, 2011 : Coupling between the Atlantic cold tongue and the West African monsoon in boreal Spring and Summer. European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Berlin (Germany), 12-16 September, 2011.
Giordani, H., and G. Caniaux, 2011 : A diagnostic of the vertical velocity for the equatorial Atlantic. European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Berlin (Germany), 12-16 September, 2011.
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