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Publications avec comités de lecture
·Beaulant, A.L., Joly B., Nuissier O., Somot S., Ducrocq V., Joly A., Sevault F., Déqué M., and Ricard D., 2009. “Statistico-dynamical downscaling for Mediterranean heavy precipitation“. Quaterly Journal of the Royal Meteorology Society (soumis).
·Beaulant, A.L., Perron, G., Kleinpeter, J., Weber, C., Ranchin, T., and Wald, L., 2008. “Adding virtual measuring stations to a network for urban air pollution mapping.” in Environment International special Issue, Elsevier, 2008, vol. 34, p. 599-605.
·Ricard D., Beaulant A.L., Boé J., Déqué M., Ducrocq V., Joly A., Joly B., Martin E., Nuissier O., Quintana Seguí P., Ribes A., Sevault F., Somot S., 2008. “Impact du changement climatique sur les événements de pluie intense du bassin Méditerranéen“. La Météorologie, 8ième série, n°67, novembre 2009.
Conférences internationales
·Beaulant A.L., Joly B., Nuissier O., Somot S., Ducrocq V., Joly A., Sevault F., Déqué M., and Ricard D., 2009. “Statistico-dynamical downscaling for Mediterranean heavy precipitation”. Proc. of the EMS 2009 Conference, Toulouse, October 2009. Présentation orale.
·Beaulant A.L., Nuissier O., Joly B., Ducrocq V., Joly A., Somot S., Déqué M., and Sevault F., 2008. “High precipitating events in Mediterranean regions : a climate downscaling approach”. Proc. of the EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, April 2008. Présentation orale.
·Beaulant, A.L., Do Un, G., Kleinpeter, J., Weber, C., Ranchin, T., and Wald, L., 2005. “Adding virtual measuring stations to a network for urban air pollution mapping.” Proc. of the 3rd Int. Symp. Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales & 14th IUAPPA Regional Conf., Istanbul, Turkey, 26-30 September 2005, vol. II, p. 1213-1222. Présentation orale.
·Beaulant A.L, T. Ranchin, C. Weber, G. Perron, J. Kleinpeter, 2005. “A geographical tool for personal exposure assessment.” In Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Urban Air Quality, 29-31 March 2005, Valencia, Spain, p. 225, ISBN 1-898543-92-5.
·Beaulant A.L, L. Wald, C. Weber, G. Perron, J. Kleinpeter, 2005. “Multiresolution analysis for air pollution mapping over a city – typical fields method.” In Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Urban Air Quality, 29-31 March 2005, Valencia, Spain, p. 241, ISBN 1-898543-92-5.
·Beaulant A.L, T. Ranchin, C. Weber, G. Perron, J. Kleinpeter, 2005. “A geographical tool for personal exposure assessment.” In : Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. CUPUM 05 (Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management), London, 2005. ©2005 CASA. ISBN 0-9550581-0-4. Paper 233/236, 7 p.
· Beaulant A.L, L. Wald, 2006. “Aerosols detection for urban air pollution monitoring” In Proc. of the SPIE Europe Remote Sensing Conf., 11-15 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden, CD-ROM.
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