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Data flows in the direct model (presentation, 2002)
Article published on November 2002
last modification on 21 June 2007

Presentation of Ryad El Khatib during the ALADIN maintenance and phasing training course in Budapest on Nov 25-29, 2002.

Contents :

  • Shape od spectral arrays
  • Split of spectral arrays
  • Spectral coefficient ordering
  • Gridpoint buffers
  • Gridpoint blocks ordering
  • Gridpoint blocks structure
  • Gridpoint ordering
  • From gridpoint field to gridpoint buffer
  • Handling gridpoint fields
  • Main buffers and arrays
  • Input data flow
  • Output data flow
  • data flow in STEPO
  • "Semi-lagrangian" communications for interpolations
  • "Semi-lagrangian" communications mechanizm