Tools for BUFR files, Oulan, (BDMO) Data extract
Here you will find here some usefull tools to deal with BUFR files. You may use them ’out of the box’ on SOPRANO workstations. Program Oulan, and tools to extract observational data from BDMO are also available.
Here are some usefull tools to deal with BUFR files. You may use them ’out of the box’ on SOPRANO workstations.
1/ SpliBufr : This tool can be used to split concatened BUFR files in single muti-subset ones, or to split multi-subset BUFR files in single subset BUFR files.
2/ DecodBufr : tool to decode whole or partial bufr files.
3/ Oulan : binary and source files, and makefile (for SOPRANO system).
4/ BdmToFile : a set of tools to extract BUFR/NETCDF/HDF5 data from BDMO (for SOPRANO system).