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Diagnostics by Horizontal Domains : DDH (2019)
Article published on 1 October 2019
last modification on 19 February 2024

Diagnostics by Horizontal Domains : DDH (in French : Diagnostics par Domaines Horizontaux)

Guide for users and developpers :
Variables and budget equations, in horizontal mean
new documentation available on February 13, 2024.

The documentation presents the diagnostics on horizontal domains (DDH) developed initially for the variable mesh of ARPEGE, and also available for ALADIN and AROME.
The main objective of the DDH tool is to provide, on user defined domains, the budget of prognostic variables of these models (momentum, temperature, water vapour, etc). The DDH tool is used by searchers and model developers to understand the model’s dynamical and physical interactions, thus contributing to the parametrization development process. The DDH are also used for other purposes, like getting mean model drifts with respect to analyses, or to extract model vertical profiles at given locations.

Download the DDH toolbox : ddhtoolbox.tar