ACCORD MG visit to INM (Tunis) and 2nd in-person MG meeting
Article published on 5 April 2023
last modification on 17 May 2023

by pottier

On 4-5 May 2023, the Management Group visited the Tunisian NMS in the context of an ACCORD/MG visit to a Member Institute. The visit was prepared by the PM, the CSS and the Tunisian LTM Haythem Belghrissi. The program of the discussions on 4 May is outlined hereafter:

A few headline information from the above discussions is sumarized in the "Accounting of the ACCORD/MG visit to the Tunisian NMS" document.

The ACCORD/MG and the INM NWP team met again on 5 May in order to debrief the discussions of the day before and make a final wrap-up. There was a shared feeling that this visit had been beneficial for both sides, for INM staff to have the opportunity to present their plans, their overall activity and meet in person a large fraction of the ACCORD/MG, and for the MG to meet the NWP team and learn about INM.
The ACCORD/MG then met in the premises of INM the rest of the day, in order to hold an MG meeting devoted to the preparation of parts of the Rolling Work Plan 2024.

Throughout the two days, the ACCORD/MG appreciated the high quality of the presentations and the discussions with the team in Tunis, as well as the excellent hosting by INM.

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