Fortran name Fortran type values default value description unit NTIME_GR integer 1 1 time dimension NLAYER_GR integer ≤ 6 6 number of layers in greenroofs CTYP_GR character(len=5) ’GRASS’,’SEDUM’ ’GRASS’ type of vegetation XUNIF_OM_GR (...)
If user has available better data than ECOCLIMAP for the land cover data fields, it is possible to notify them in the namelist and ECOCLIMAP data will be overwritten by the users data.
If the land cover data fields needed for SURFEX are not all provived by the user, the missing fields are completed with ECOCLIMAPs information.
Fortran name Fortran type values default value description unit NTIME_GR integer 1 1 time dimension NLAYER_GR integer ≤ 6 6 number of layers in greenroofs CTYP_GR character(len=5) ’GRASS’,’SEDUM’ ’GRASS’ type of vegetation XUNIF_OM_GR (...)
Fortran name Fortran type values default description units NPAR_FLOOR_LAYER integer 1 bumber of layers in roofs XUNIF_HC_FLOOR real none heat capacity of floor layers J m-3 K-1 CFNAM_HC_FLOOR character (LEN=28) ’’ (...)
Over urban areas, if ECOCLIMAP is not used, all vegetation surface parameters have to be specified by the user in namelist NAM_DATA_TEB_GARDEN.
This namelist is a simplified version of NAM_DATA_ISBA, where only No, Low and High vegetation are distinguished. Moreover, only parameters LAI, (...)
Over urban areas, all surface parameters have to be specified by the user in namelist NAM_DATA_TEB.
But, if LECOCLIMAP = T (NAM_FRAC), only some of them can be specified and the missing parameters are completed with ECOCLIMAP database.
Fortran name Fortran type values (...)
Over natural areas, all surface parameters for each vegtype at a given frequency have to be specified by the user in namelist NAM_DATA_ISBA.
If LECOCLIMAP = T (NAM_FRAC), only part of the surface parameters for each vegtype can be given in NAM_DATA_ISBA. They are then completed by ECOCLIMAP (...)