The XRD39 library from the GMAP is replaced by the XRD44. The DRHOOK library is included in the XRD44 library.
The XRD39 library from the GMAP is replaced by the XRD44. The DRHOOK library is included in the XRD44 library.
These changes include: the names of the observation fields can be given in the namelist (new entry COBS_M in NAM_OBS). The EKF scheme can run with ISBA-DF, and can have WG1, WG2... WG8 as variable fields. No more limitation on Jacobians values (was [-0.1,1]) but on analysis increments instead (...)
If LINTERP_SW (new key in NAM_IO_OFFLINE) is .TRUE., a new time interpolation for the short-wave radiation forcing data is done, taking into account the zenith angle, and allowing not to lost energy anymore.
It’s now possible to set these paramaters at the PGD step, via the namelist NAM_DATA_ISBA.
They are defined by soil layer and don’t depend on the vegetation type.
The documentation to plot SURFEX OFFLIN output fields with EPyGrAM is available here.
To make it possible, several changes are applied to the output files: Each field to be plotted has a new attribute, grid_mapping = "Projection_Type". The variable Projection_Type is added to each (...)