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The access to Météo-France machines is granted to ACCORD colleagues, upon request according to the following rules: – for a ssh connection to WALLIX please fill in the undertaking form. The (…)
Article published on 21 September 2023
The Assembly on 26 June approved the opening of the position of Documentation Officer within the ACCORD consortium. The agreed Terms of Reference (including a job description, required expertise (…)
Article published on 17 August 2023
Patricia left Météo-France for an early retirement on the 1st of August 2023. The position of the Consortium Scientific Secretary was opened within MF’s recruitment procedures and one candidate (…)
Article published on 17 August 2023
At the kind invitation of the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, the 4th ACCORD All Staff Workshop was held in Noorköping (Sweden) as an hybrid meeting from 15 to 19 April 2024. (…)
Article published on 17 April 2023
Resources The ACCORD MoU-1 (article 7: resources) describes two categories of resources provided by Members: membership fees and human resources provided in-kind by Members. These resources are (…)
Article published on 11 April 2023