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Surfex v8_0
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About the types from Surfex V8.0
Versions documentation
Surfex v9_0
Surfex V8_1
Novelties in V8_1
Practical changes
Surfex v8_0
Surfex v7_3
Surfex v7_2
Surfex v7.1
User’s guide
1. How to install the software
2. Overview of the externalized surface sequence
2.2. The atmospheric models using the externalized surface
2.2.1. In offline mode
2.2.2. in MESONH
3. Off-line Guide
3.2. Forcing files
3.3. One example of off-line surfex application
3.3.1. netcdf format file
3.3.2. ascii format files
3.4. Some output of off-line simulation
4. The physiographic fields
4.1. Choice of the surface schemes
4.2. Definition of the grid
4.2.1. Choice of the grid type
4.2.2. Conformal projection grids (Mercator, Lambert, Polar stereographic)
4.2.3. Cartesian grids
4.2.4. Longitude-latitude grids
4.2.5. Regular Lambert grids
4.2.6. Gaussian grids
4.3. Orography, subgrid orography gaussian indices and bathymetry
4.4. Land cover data
4.4.1. Choice of the type of land cover data
4.4.2. ECOCLIMAP is used
4.4.3. some land cover data fields are defined by user
4.5. Specificities of ECOCLIMAP II classification
4.6. Namelist to add user's own fields
4.7. Namelist for chemistry anthropogenic emissions
5. Initialization of the prognostic fields
5.2. Date initialization and default input data file for all schemes
5.3. Sea scheme "SEAFLX"
5.4. Lake scheme "WATFLX"
5.5. Lake scheme "FLAKE"
5.6. Vegetation scheme "ISBA "
5.7. Town scheme "TEB "
6. How to run the externalized surface physical schemes
6.1. "SURF_ATM" general options available over all tiles
6.2. "SEAFLX" sea scheme options
6.3. "WATFLX" inland water scheme options
6.4. "FLAKE" lake scheme options
6.5. "ISBA " vegetation scheme options
6.6. "TEB" town scheme options
6.7. "IDEAL" ideal flux scheme options
6.8. Coupling with TRIP model
6.9. Coupling with TOPMODEL
7. How to run the externalized surface chemical schemes
7.1. Chemical settings control
7.2. Chemical anthropogenic emissions
7.3. Chemical deposition over ocean
7.4. Chemical deposition over lakes
7.5. Chemical deposition over towns
7.6. Chemical deposition and biogenic emissions over vegetation
7.7. Chemical aerosol scheme (ORILAM)
8. Externalized surface diagnostics
8.1. Diagnostics relative to the general surface monitor
8.2. Diagnostics relative to the general surface monitor and to each surface scheme
8.3. Diagnostics relative to the ISBA vegetation scheme
8.4. Diagnostics relative to the TEB town scheme
8.5. Diagnostics relative to the FLAKE scheme
8.6. Diagnostics relative to the sea
9. Externalized surface model output fields
9.1. Prognostic model output fields
9.2. Diagnostic model output fields
9.3. Physiographic fields
10. Data assimilation
10.1 Interface and usage
10.2 Sea
10.3 Inland water
10.4 Nature ISBA: OI soil assimilation ISBA: EKF soil assimilation ISBA: ENKF soil assimilation.
10.5 Town
11. Coupling with OASIS-MCT
Physiographic maps
Various tools
How to use EPyGrAM to plot the SURFEX OFFLIN outputs?
Converting SRTM 90 .tiff to .dir file
The STRATO tests base
Contents of the base (summary)
Training courses
Contact us
Useful links
Journées Techniques Montagne
LAKE Workshop
SURFEX Users Workshops
General presentation
Also in this section
Preparation of the SURFEX Version 8
Changes in Namelists
Results of tests and analyses
Main changes in SURFEX v8
rotated grid from P. Samuelsson
Draft of the schedule for the building of SURFEX V8
branch MEB_DEV2 from MOANA & SMHI
Suppression of global variables from CERFACS