Working Weeks /Working Days
Article published on 11 January 2021
last modification on 14 April 2023

by pottier

List of announced WW or WD by reverse chronological order

  • 2023
    • ACCORD DA WW on Algorithms (including OOPS) and New obs. Obsconvert, SMHI, Norrköping, Sweden, 6-10 Nov 2023 see Wiki dedicated page
    • Snow, SBL, fog and MUSC WW, Sodankylä, Finland,18-22 Sep 2023 see Wiki dedicated page
    • LACE WD and Nowcasting/Mode-S, CHMI, Czech Republic, 11-15 Sep 2023 see Wiki dedicated page
    • Surface in-person WW, SMHI, Norrköping, Sweden, 22-26 May 2023 see Wiki dedicated page
    • ACCORD DA WW DA diagnostics/tuning and satellite observations, Madeira, Portugal, 22-26 May 2023 see Wiki dedicated page
    • EPS WW, Met Norway, Oslo, 24-28 April 2023 see Wiki dedicated page
    • ACCORD DA WW on Algorithm (incl. OOPS), ML, GNSS, radar, KNMI, De Bilt, Netherlands, 6-10 Mar 2023 see Wiki dedicated page
    • WW on harpSpatial, DMI, Copenhagen, Denmark, 20-24 Feb 2023 see Wiki dedicated page
    • Very-High Resolution Modelling Workshop, SMHI, Norrköping, Sweden, 14-16 Feb 2023 see Wiki dedicated page
    • WW about the diurnal cycle of T2m and Q2m WW, France, date t.b.c.
    • Davaï developers WW, place and date, t.b.c.
    • Horizontal length scales across CSCs / 3D-turbulence related topic, MF, Toulouse, France, date t.b.c.
    • TEB WW, MF, Toulouse, France, Autumn, date t.b.c.
    • ALARO/SURFEX WW, place and date, t.b.c.
    • PH6/CAR WW, place and date, t.b.c.

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