Article published on 17 December 2020
last modification on 6 January 2021

by pottier

RC-LACE [1] (Regional Co-operation for Limited Area modelling in Central Europe) was born in 1991, the participants being the National Meteorological Services (NMS) of Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia. AT the same period, Météo-France proposed a limited-area version of its global ARPEGE model for future operational application in the countries newly embarking on numerical weather prediction. This proposal included strong training and research components. The LAM-ARPEGE Project started in Toulouse in September 1991. Shortly afterwards it was renamed ALADIN (Aire Limitée Adaptation dynamique Développement InterNational). The NMS of Romania (2006) and Poland (2010) joined the RC LACE Consortium.
The Members of RC LACE also belonged to the ALADIN Consortium (1991-2020), and to ACCORD (from 2021, with the creation of the single ALADIN-LACE-HIRLAM consortium).

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on 17 December 2020
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on 17 December 2020
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