6th ACCORD Assembly, video-meeting, 26 June afternoon 2023
Article published on 9 January 2023
last modification on 16 August 2023

by pottier

The Assembly organised their 6th meeting as a virtual meeting, on Monday 26 June 2023 in the afternoon.


  1. Opening and welcome
  2. Adoption of agenda
  3. Management positions
  4. Approval of cumulated manpower figures
  5. Outcomes from STAC-5
    1. white paper follow-on
    2. Machine Learning (ML) for NWP and ACCORD
    3. Preparation of next phase strategy
  6. Communication on DEODE (DE_330)
  7. Membership: Latvia, Indonesia, NZ
  8. Information of Arpege-IFS software agreement
  9. Dates of 2023 Consortium events, including next Assembly
  10. A.O.B.
  11. Closing

The Minutes have been adopted by email.

Presentation by PM