6.2.1. Namelist NAM_SEAFLUXn

Fortran name Fortran type values default value
CSEA_FLUX string of 6 characters 'DIRECT', 'ITERAT', 'COARE3', 'ECUME ' , 'ECUME6' 'ECUME '
CSEA_ALB string of 4 characters 'UNIF', 'TA96', 'MK10', 'RS14' 'TA96'
LPWG logical F
LPRECIP logical F
LPWEBB logical F
LPROGSST logical F
CINTERPOL_SST string of 6 characters 'LINEAR', 'UNIF', 'QUADRA', 'NONE ' 'NONE '
CINTERPOL_SSS string of 6 characters 'LINEAR', 'UNIF', 'QUADRA', 'NONE ' 'NONE '
XICHCE real 0.
NGRVWAVES integer 0, 1, 2 0
NZ0 integer 0, 1, 2 0

  • CSEA_FLUX: type of flux computation physics. The following options are currently available:
    • "DIRECT" : direct Charnock computation. No effect of convection in the the boundary layer on the fluxes formulae.
    • "ITERAT" : iterative method proposed by Fairall et al (1996) from TOGA-COARE experiment, amended by Mondon and Redelsperger (1998) to take into account effect of atmospheric convection on fluxes.
    • "COARE3" : iterative method proposed by Fairall et al (1996) from TOGA-COARE experiment, amended by cnrm/memo to take into account effect of atmospheric convection, precipitation and gustiness on fluxes.
    • "ECUME " : iterative method proposed by Fairall et al (1996) from TOGA-COARE experiment, amended by cnrm/memo to take into account effect of atmospheric convection, precipitation and gustiness on fluxes: improvement of surface exchange coefficients representation.
    • "ECUME6 " : to activate new ecumev6
  • LPWG: correction of fluxes due to gustiness
  • LPRECIP: correction of fluxes due to precipitation
  • LPWEBB:correction of fluxes due to convection (Webb effect)
  • CSEA_ALB: type of albedo formula. The following options are currently available:
    • "UNIF" : a uniform value of 0.135 is used for water albedo
    • "TA96" : Taylor et al (1996) formula for water direct albedo, depending on solar zenith angle


    • "MK10": albedo from Marat Khairoutdinov
    • "RS14": albedo based on Morel & Gentilli 1991 and Salisbury 2014 eq(2)
  • LPROGSST: set it to .TRUE. to make SST evolve with tendency when using the 1d oceanic model
  • NTIME_COUPLING: coupling time frequency between surface and the 1d oceanic model
  • XOCEAN_TSTEP : timestep for ocean model
  • CINTERPOL_SST: interpolate monthly SST to daily SST
    • LINEAR : Linear interpolation between 3 months. Current value is reached every 16 of each month, except in February every 15.
    • UNIF: uniform SST
    • QUADRA : Quadractic interpolation between 3 months, especially relevant to conserve the SST (or other) monthly mean value.
  • CINTERPOL_SSS: interpolate monthly Sea Surface Salinity to daily SSS, used by ECUME6 and/or Gelato
    • LINEAR : Linear interpolation between 3 months. Current value is reached every 16 of each month, except in February every 15.
    • UNIF: uniform SSS
    • QUADRA : Quadractic interpolation between 3 months, especially relevant to conserve the SSS monthly mean value.
  • XICHCE: coefficient used in the Ecume formulation (computation of exchange coefficients over sea)
  • NRGVWAVES : Wave gravity in roughness length in coare30_flux
    • 0 : no gravity waves action (Charnock)
    • : wave age parameterization of Oost et al. 2002
    • 2 : model of Taylor and Yelland 2001
  • NZ0 : to choose PZ0SEA formulation in ECUME6
    • 0 : ARPEGE formulation
    • 1 : Smith (1988) formulation
    • 2 : Direct computation using the stability functions
  • LPERTFLUX : True = stochastic flux perturbation of Ecume