After version 8.1: waiting contributions

1. Hirlam - March, April (see reported at the end of the process

  • P. Samuelsson: smaller contributions (bug fixes and minor modifications)
  • Y. Batrak: SICE
  • E. Kurzeneva: Flake updates
  • B. Palmason: modifications for Island, in SURFEX and ECOCLIMAP
  • T. Aspelien: updates of SURFEX and ASSIM related to Explicit snow scheme and two patches.
  • K. Pagh Nielsen: modification of ISBA and the explicit snow scheme snow3l in ISBA so that this can utilize the full spectral direct and diffuse solar irradiance output from the IFS radiation (or other radiation schemes).

2. Aladin - May June - DONE

  • D. Degrauwe:
    Coupling SURFEX_V8 to ALARO-1

3. CEN - July, August June, July, August - DONE

  • M. Lafaysse, R. Nheili:

 Module SYTRON : snow transport by the wind in the geometry of the SAFRAN massifs
 Multi-physics version of Crocus (ESCROC)
 Scheme of prognostic impurities in the snow mantel and atmospheric simplified radiative scheme atmotartes
 Coupling between MEB and Crocus
 Expert model of estimation of the avalanche risk MEPRA
 Option Crocus-RESORT for the snow in the ski resorts (tamping, pour la neige de station (damage, crop snow)
 Formation of a ice crust by freezing rain on snow mantel

Still two more technical contributions:
 Option LSLOPE for a better correction of the incoming radiation on sloping grounds
 Option LWRITE_TOPO to add informations about the topography in the output files

4. GMAP - November,December - DONE

  • Y. Seity: ORORAD parametrisation of orographic/radiation interaction based on Senkova et al., (2007) and Manners et al., (2012)

It consists in a simple parametrisation of :
 orographic shadowing effect
 orographic slopes effect
 orographic sky view factor effect (reduced sky view in valleys for instance )

All required parameters are computed in PGD step. New fields in PGD are:

  • Number of sectors of equal angle: NSECTORS (=8 by default)
  • Mean slope of fractional oriented slopes: SFX.SLOPE_DIR01, SFX.SLOPE_DIR02, ... , SFX.SLOPE_DIR(NSECTORS)
  • Fraction of oriented slopes: SFX.FRAC_DIR01, SFX.FRAC_DIR02, ... , SFX.FRAC_DIR(NSECTORS)
  • Sky view factor: SFX.SVF
  • Sinus of the minimum horizon angle for each sector: SFX.HMINS_DIR01, SFX.HMINS_DIR02, ... , SFX.HMINS_DIR(NSECTORS)
  • Sinus of the maximum horizon angle for each sector: SFX.HMAXS_DIR01, SFX.HMAXS_DIR02, ... , SFX.HMAXS_DIR(NSECTORS)
ORORAD in PGD (A. Mary)

During the forecast, atmospheric radiation forcing fluxes are modified in coupling_surf_atmn.F90 according to NAMSSO switches (=F by default):
- LDSL for slope effects
- LDSV for sky view effects
- LDSH for shadowing effect
In AROME-France oper, only LDSL and LDSH are currently set to .T.
The extra-cost of the parametrisation is very small, as all calculations are 0D in the forecast (no extra communication required).

 References :
Senkova A. V., L. Rontu and H. Savijavi, 2007, Parameterization of orographic effects on surface radiation in HIRLAM, Tellus, 59A, 279-291.
Manners J, Vosper SB, Roberts N. 2012. Radiative transfer over resolved topographic features for high-resolution weather prediction. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 138, 720-733. DOI:10.1002/qj.956.

5. TOPD - April - DONE

  • B. Vincendon:

 Creation of the forcing files from ASCII LATLONVAL files, from GRIB files, from constant values in a dedicated driver with the possibility to perturbate the input rain (localisation and amplitude)
 Perturbation of the initial conditions of a simulation and/or of the hydrodynamical parameters of the model
 Decoupling of the catchment basins in sub-basins
 Possible production of maps of severity of the floods
 Variation of the speed in river functions of the discharge

TOPODYN surfex V8_1

6. TEB - May

  • V. Masson, A. Lemonsu, C. De Munck, R. Schoetter

1) Already merged each to another in V80, and tested in many configurations of the PGD/PREP and TEB options (but not with the test database)
 ground layers under the buildings and the roads (with ground wetness and temperature)
 optional use of a architectural database (generalization and rewriting of the existing MUSCADE/ACCLIMAT developments)
 possibility to have several compartments with different use fractions in the building (for each grid point)
 improvement of BEM
 model of behaviour of the inhabitants
 CO2 Flux : buildings, rewriting of the traffic specification, vegetation flux (activation ISBA-Ags)

2) Remaining to merge with 1), in V80:
 modifications to realize conservative climatic simulations (albedo re-calculated at the end of the timestep)
 trees in the streets (radiative and energetic modifications - option ISBA Big-Leaf)
 urban hydrology
 new diagnostics for the road/garden T2M
 adjustment of the rules for the turbulence (roughness length) when the CLS scheme is activated

7. VEGEO - August - September DONE

  • A. Druel
    The irrigation with ECOCLIMAP Second Generation in SURFEX
Irrigation in SURFEX_V9 (A. Druel)

8. Ocean

  • C. Lebeaupin-Brossier: DONE

 coupling with a wave model via OASIS3-MCT
 sea surface fluxes parameterization : ECUME6 is the new default, minor changes in COARE3 (z0), addition of the WASP option
 reading of wave parameters in prep_seaflux

9. Meso-NH

  • Q. Rodier: DONE

 snow transport by the wind
 MEGAN chemical scheme

10. MEB

  • A. Boone: IN PROGRESS

 Several modifications have been made for MEB: First, the MEB option can now be used for any vegetation cover (in V8, MEB could only be used for forest patches) and second, MEB can be activated using the Ags-NIT option (note that in V8.1 the NIT option could be technically activated, but the coupling has now been made in a correct manner).

11. Surface: December

  • S. Faroux:

 simplification of the vertical interpolation in the PREP step

12. GMGEC - January 2020

  • B. Decharme

 CMIP diagnostics
 Carbon: fires, land-use, ground weeding,
 Xios : debug
 PhD of X. Morel (maybe)