After version 7.2: waiting contributions
- Valéry Masson + Grégoire Pigeon + Aude Lemonsu: new developments for TEB (branch TEB_DEV on SVN) (ready in version 7.1)
- Béatrice Vincendon: developments for Topmodel (ready in version 7.0) included, waiting for slight corrections
- Claire Delon: developments for chemical parts (ready in version 4.8)included
- Sébastien Garrigues: various suggestions of new developments for more flexibility in some existent packages (to be developed)
- Bertrand Decharme: to read an extern FA file during PREP (ready in intermediate version 7.2)included
- Aaron Boone + Patrick Samuelsson: MEB (modified energy balance)
(ongoing)versino 8
- HIRLAM & GMAP: grid to be written in PREP file + consistency check between common information in PGD and PREP at reading (to be developed).
- Florian Suzat + Stéphanie Faroux: driver offline MPI (ongoing)included
- Cerfacs: suppression of global variables (to be done next year)
- Patrick Le Moigne: possibility to use WATFLUX, FLAKE or ECUME to parameterize fluxes in flake model. included
- Philippe Peyrillé, Fanny Duffourg & Patrick Le Moigne: modifications for the 1d ocean model .included
- Trygve Aspelien: SODA: changes for snow assimilation. included
- Juan Escobar & Gaëlle Tanguy: changes to compile with PGI. included
- Dominique Carrer: use of SAF albedo in ECOCLIMAP. included, waiting for data for each year
- Matthieu Lafaysse: to read a netcdf file in PREP step, changes in CROCUS models. included