Namelist NAM_OBS
Specific namelist for the observations in EKF.
For the moment, 5 types of observation are possible: "T2M", "HU2M", "WG1", "LAI" and "SWE".
Fortran name | Fortran type | values | default value |
NOBSTYPE | integer | ≤5 | 2 |
LOBSHEADER | logical | F | |
CFILE_FORMAT_OBS | character | "FA ", "ASCII" | "FA " |
LOBSNAT | logical | F | |
COBS_M | character(LEN=10)(5) | "T2M ","HU2M","WG2 ","LAI ","SWE " | |
XERROBS_M | real(5) | 1.0, 0.1, 0.4,0.2,0.1 | |
NNCO | integer(5) | 1, 1, 0,0,0 |
- NOBSTYPE : number of different observed variables.
- LOBSHEADER: is there a header in the observation file
- CFILE_FORMAT_OBS: Format of the observations file ASCII/FA
- LOBSNAT: if observations and assimilation are defined only on nature tile
- COBS_M : COBS_M: array containing the names of the fields for observations, in case of data assimilation.
- XERROBS_M : observation error for each type.
- NNCO : selects the type of observations to be assimilated: 1 assimilated, 0: not assimilated. Index 1 corresponds to T2M, index 2 to HU2M, index 3 to WG1, index 4 to LAI, index 5 to SWE.