6.8.2. NAM_TRIP
Fortran name | Fortran type | values | default value |
CVIT | character(LEN=3) | 'DEF','VAR' | 'DEF' |
CGROUNDW | character(LEN=3) | 'DEF','CST','VAR' | 'DEF' |
LGWSUBF | logical | TRUE | |
XGWSUBD | real | 0.0 | |
LFLOOD | logical | F | |
XCVEL | real | 0.5 | |
XRATMED | real | 1.4 | |
XTSTEP | real | 3600. |
- CVIT : type of stream flow velocity:
- 'DEF': constant velocity = 0.5m/s
- 'VAR' : variable velocity
- CGROUNDW :use groundwater scheme
- 'DEF' : no groundwater scheme
- 'CST' : constant transfert time
- 'DIF' : groundwater diffusive scheme
- LGWSUBF : Use sub-grid fraction to couple with SURFEX, as in Verges et al., JGR, 2014
- XGWSUBD : Sub-grid depth uses to adjust the WTD used to compute the sub-grid fraction
- XCVEL : constant velocity value
- XRATMED : meandering ratio
- XTSTEP : timestep for trip