9.1.5. SEAFLUX
- DTFNSOLl, DTFSOLl, T_OC_RELl, S_OC_RELl, U_OC_RELl, V_OC_RELl:tendency surface linked to non solar flux, budget term linked to solar flux, relaxation profiles for oceanic temperature, salinity, zonal current, meridian current
- TEMP_OCl, SALT_OCl, UCUR_OCl, VCUR_OCl, TKE_OCl, KMEL_OCl:temperature, salinity, zonal current, meridian current, turbulent kinetic energy, oceanic mixing coefficient
- SEAINBATHl: bathymetry index
- SSS, SEA_HMO: sea surface salinity, oceanic mixing length
- SST_MTHm: SSS month t
- SSS_MTHm: SST month t
- SST: sea surface temperature
- Z0SEA: sea roughness length
- SSS: Sea Surface Salinity