9.1.8. Canopy
For flake and watflux, replace SSO_CAN by WAT_SBL; for isba, by ISBA_CAN; for teb, by TEB_CAN; for seaflux, by SEA_SBL.
Written if HINIT/="PRE".
- Common fields:
- SSO_CAN_Zl: altitudes of canopy levels (m)
- SSO_CAN_Ul: wind at canopy levels (m/s)
- SSO_CAN_El: Tke at canopy levels (m2/s2)
- Flake, Isba, Watflux, Seaflux, Teb (not in PREP step):
- WAT_SBL_Tl, WAT_SBL_Ql, WAT_SBL_Pl:temperature, humidity and pression
- WAT_SBL_LMO: Monin-Obhukov length
- Teb (not in PREP step):
- TEB_CAN_LM, TEB_CAN_LE: mixing and dissipative lengths