9.2.5. TEB
In case of the use of TEB patches, add Tn_ at beginning of fields name, where n is the number of the current TEB patch.
- D_RD: road fraction
- Z0_TOWN: town roughness length
- XQF_BLD: domestic heating
- XFLX_BLD: heat flux from bld
- XQF_TOWN: total anthropogenic heat
- RUNOFF_TW: aggregated runoff for town (+CUM)
- XDQS_TOWN: heat storage inside building
- RN_RD, H_RD, LE_RD, GFLUX_RD: fluxes for road
- RUNOFF_RD: road surface_runoff (+CUM)
- IRRIGC_RD: cumulated road irrigation
- if CWALL_OPT=="UNIF": RN_WL, H_WL, GFLUX_WL: fluxes for wall
- RN_RF, H_ROOF, LE_ROOF, GFLUX_RF: fluxes for roof
- RUNOFF_RF: aggregated roof runoff (+CUM)
- RN_GD, H_GD, LE_GD, GFLUX_GD: fluxes for garden
- RUNOFF_GD: garden surface runoff. (+CUM)
- DRAINC_GD, IRRIGC_GD: cumulated garden surface drainage and irrigation
- SWA_GD, LWA_GD : sdown and ldown absorbed by garden
- RN_BLT, H_BLT, LE_BLT, GFLUX_BLT: fluxes for built surfaces
- SWA_RF, SWA_SN_RF, LWA_RF, LWA_SN_RF: sdown and ldown absorbed by roof and by snow on roof
- SWA_RD, SWA_SN_RD, LWA_RD, LWA_SN_RD: sdown and ldown absorbed by road and by snow on road
- IF CWALL_OPT=="UNIF": SWA_WL, LWA_WL: sdown and ldown absorbed by wall
- IF CWALL_OPT=="TWO ": SWA_WLA, LWA_WLA, SWA_WLB, LWA_WLB: sdown and ldown absorbed by wall A and B
- REF_SW_GO, LWE_GO: total solar rad reflected by ground, LW emitted by ground (w/m2)
- REF_SW_FA, LWE_FA: total solar rad reflected by facade, LW emitted by facade (W/m2)
- CL_CURT: Current Cooling system temperature set point
- HT_CURT: Current Heating system temperature set point
- QIN_CUR: Current Building internal heat loads
- H_BLD_CL: sensible cooling demand (W/m2)
- T_BLD_CL: total cooling demand (W/m2)
- H_BLD_HT: sensible heating demand (W/m2)
- LE_BLD_: latent cooling demand (W/m2)
- LE_BLD_HT: latent heating demand (W/m2)
- H_WASTE: sensible waste heat from HVAC (W/m2)
- LE_WASTE: latent waste heat from HVAC (W/m2)
- HVAC_CL: cooling energy consumption (W/m2) (+CUM)
- HVAC_HT: heating energy consumption (W/m2) (+CUM)
- CAP_SYS: actual capacity of the cooling system (W m-2(bld))
- M_SYS: actual HVAC mass flow rate (kg s-1 m-2(bld)
- COP: actual COP of the cooling system ()
- Q_SYS: supply air specific humidity (kg kg-1)
- T_SYS: supply air temperature (K)
- TR_SW_WIN: solar radiation transmitted through windows (W m-2(bld))
- FAN_POWER: HVAC fan power (W m-2(bld))
- T_RAD_IND: indoor mean radiant temperature (K)
- HU_BLD: indoor relative humidity (-)
- SWA_WIN: Sdown absorbed by windows (W/m2)
- LWA_WIN: Ldown absorbed by windows (W/m2)
- RN_GR, H_GR, LE_GR, GFLUX_GR:fluxes for greenroofs
- SWA_GR: Sdown absorbed by greenroofs (W/m2)
- LWA_GR: Ldown absorbed by greenroofs (W/m2)
- G_GR_ROOF: heatflux between greenroof and roof (W/m2)
- RUNOFF_GR: greenroof soil surface runoff (kg/m2/s) (+CUM)
- DRAIN_GR: greenroof total vertical drainage (kg/m2/s) (+CUM)
- IRRIGC_GR: GREENROOF cumulated irrigation
- RN_SR: structural roof net radiation
- H_SR: structural roof sensible heat flux
- LE_SR: structural roof latent heat flux
- GFLUX_SR: structural roof conduction flux
- RUNOFF_SR: structural roof surface runoff (+CUM)
- SWA_SP: Shortwave absorbed by solar panels on roofs
- LWA_SP: Longwave absorbed by solar panels on roofs
- RN_SP: Net radiation of solar panels on roofs
- H_SP: Sensible Heat flux from solar panels on roofs
- PHOT_SP: Photovolatic production / photovoltaic panel
- THER_SP: Hot Water production / thermal panel
- PROD_SP: Production by solar panels on roofs
- PHOT_BLD: Photovolatic production (+CUM)
- THER_BLD: Hot Water production (+CUM)
- BLD: building fraction
- WALL_O_HOR: wall surface over plan area surface
- BLD_HEIGHT: building height (m)
- Z0_TOWN: town roughness length (m)
- ROAD_DIR: road direction
- GD_FRAC: garden fraction
- GR_FRAC: greenroof fraction
- ALB_ROOF: roof albedo
- EMIS_ROOF: roof emissivity
- HC_ROOFl: roof heat capacity for each layer
- TC_ROOFl: roof thermal conductivity for each layer
- D_ROOFl: roof layer thickness for each layer
- ROUGH_ROOF: roof roughness
- ALB_WALL: wall albedo
- EMIS_WALL: wall emissivity
- HC_WALLl: wall heat capacity for each layer
- TC_WALLl: wall thermal conductivity for each layer
- D_WALLl: wall layer thickness for each layer
- ROUGH_WALL: wall roughness
- ALB_ROAD: road albedo
- EMIS_ROAD: road emissivity
- HC_ROADl: road heat capacity for each layer
- TC_ROADl: road thermal conductivity for each layer
- D_ROADl: road layer thickness for each layer
- H_TRAFFIC: traffic heat flux
- LE_TRAFFIC: traffic latent flux
- H_INDUSTRY: industry heat flux
- LE_INDUSTRY: industry latent flux
- PANEL_FRAC: Solar Panel fraction
- RESIDENTIAL: Residential use fraction
- HC_FLOORl: floor heat capacity for each layer
- TC_FLOORl: floor thermal conductivity for each layer
- D_FLOORl: floor layer thickness for each layer
- UTCI_IN_stress: UTCI for person indoor (°C)
- UTCI_OUTSUN: UTCI for person at sun (°C)
- UTCI_OUTSHAD:UTCI for person in shade (°C)
- TRAD_SUN: mean radiant temperature seen by person at sun (K)
- TRAD_SHADE: mean radiant temperature seen by person in shade (K)
- UTCIC_IN_istress: Cumulated time spent in istress range for person indoor
- UTCIC_SU_istress: cumulated time spent in istress range for person at sun
- UTCIC_SH_istress: Cumulated time spent in istress range for person in shade