9.2.2. For each tile and all tiles aggregated

Replace "TILE" by ISBA, WAT, SEA or TEB to get names of diagnostic fields.
If a sea-ice scheme is set (see 6.2.3. Sea-ice schemes), tile "SEA" includes the sea-ice part and diagnostics for tile SEAICE are also available
For the tiles aggregation, discard "_TILE" from the names of the fields.

All the following flags are in namelist NAM_DIAG_SURFn.

  • N2M>=1 ):
    • RI_TILE: Bulk-Richardson number
    • T2M_TILE, T2MMIN_TILE, T2MMAX_TILE: air temperature at 2 meters
    • Q2M_TILE: air humidity at 2 meters
    • HU2M_TILE, HU2MMIN_TILE, HU2MMAX_TILE: air relative humidity at 2 meters
    • ZON10M_TILE, MER10M_TILE, W10M_TILE, W10MMAX_TILE: zonal, meridian, wind at 10 meter (only if 1st level of atmospheric model is upper than 10 m)
    • SFCO2_TILE: CO2 flux (kgCO2/kg air * m/s) (not for sea and water for the moment)
    • RN_TILE, H_TILE, LE_TILE, LEI_TILE (if .NOT.LDIAG_SEAICE on SEA), GFLUX_TILE: net radiation at surface, sensible heat flux, total latent heat flux, sublimation latent heat flux, net soil-vegetation flux
      • SWD_TILE, SWU_TILE, LWD_TILE, LWU_TILE, SWD_TILE_b, SWU_TILE_b: short wave downward and upward radiation, long wave downward and upward radiation, short wave downward and upward radiation by spectral band
    • FMU, FMV: zonal and meridian frictions, without and with SSO. (Pa)
  • LSURF_BUDGETC (not for TEB) :
    • RNC_TILE, HC_TILE, LEC_TILE, LEIC_TILE, GFLUXC_TILE:cumulated fluxes at surface
      • SWDC_TILE, SWUC_TILE, LWDC_TILE, LWUC_TILE: cumulated radiations
    • FMUC_TILE, FMVC_TILE: cumulated frictions with SSO
  • LCOEF:
    • CD_TILE, CH_TILE, CE_TILE: drag coefficients for wind, heat, vapor
    • Z0_TILE, Z0H_TILE: roughness lengths for momentum and heat
  • LSURF_VARS (not for aggregated tiles):
    • QS_TILE: specific humidity