5.6.2. Namelist NAM_PREP_ISBA_SNOW
This namelist defines the type of snow scheme used in ISBA scheme.
Fortran name | Fortran type | values | default value |
CSNOW | string of 3 characters | 'D95', '3-L', 'EBA','CRO' | 'D95' |
NSNOW_LAYER | integer | 1 | |
CFILE_SNOW | string of 28 characters | CFILE_ISBA in NAM_PREP_ISBA | |
CTYPE_SNOW | string of 6 characters | 'MESONH', 'GRIB ', 'LFI ' ,'ASCII ' | CTYPE in NAM_PREP_ISBA |
CFILEPGD_SNOW | string of 28 characters | CFILEPGD_ISBA in NAM_PREP_ISBA | |
CTYPEPGD_SNOW | string of 6 characters | 'MESONH', 'LFI ' ,'ASCII' | CTYPEPGD in NAM_PREP_ISBA |
LSNOW_IDEAL | logical | .FALSE. | |
LSNOW_FRAC_TOT | logical | .FALSE. | |
LSNOW_PREP_PERM | logical | .TRUE. | |
XWSNOW | real(20) | 0. | |
XZSNOW | real(20) | 1.E+20 | |
XTSNOW | real(20) | 273.16 | |
XLWCSNOW | real(20) | 0. | |
XRSNOW | real(20) | 300. | |
XASNOW | real | 0.5 | |
XSG1SNOW | real(20) | none | |
XSG2SNOW | real(20) | none | |
XHISTSNOW | real(20) | none | |
XAGESNOW | real(20) | none | |
LSWEMAX | logical | F | |
XSWEMAX | real | 500. |
- CSNOW : type of snow scheme. Possible snow schemes are:
- 'D95' : Douville et al (1995) snow scheme.
- '3-L' : Boone and Etchevers (2001); Decharme et al. (2016) N-layer (default 12) snow scheme
- 'EBA' : Bogatchev and Bazile (2005), Arpege operational snow scheme.
- 'CRO' : Crocus model
- NSNOW_LAYER : number of snow layers
- CFILE_SNOW : name of the file used to define the snow profiles. The use of a file or prescribed value of XRSNOW, XTSNOW, XWSNOW and XASNOW (and XSG1SNOW, XSG2SNOW, XHISTSNOW and XAGESNOW in case of CSNOW = CROCUS) has priority on the data in CFILE_SNOW file
- CTYPE_SNOW : type of the CFILE_SNOW file, if the latter is provided. CTYPE_SNOW must then be given. The following values are currently usable:
- "MESONH" : the file type is a MESONH file.
- "GRIB " : the file type is a GRIB file, coming from any of these models:
- "ECMWF " : european center forecast model
- "ARPEGE" : Arpege french forecast model
- "ALADIN" : Aladin french forecast local model
- "MOCAGE" : Mocage french research chemistry model
- "LFI " : LFI PREP file
- CFILEPGD_SNOW : name of the associated PGD file if CFILE_SNOW is a PREP files.
- CTYPEPGD_SNOW : type of the CFILEPGD_SNOW file, if the latter is provided. CTYPEPGD_SNOW must then be given. The following values are currently usable:
- "MESONH" : the file type is a MESONH file.
- "LFI " : LFI PREP file
- LSNOW_IDEAL : if LSNOW_IDEAL = .FALSE. , only one value can be given for following snow parameters and a vertical interpolation is processed. If LSNOW_IDEAL = .TRUE., values are given for each layer and there is no vertical interpolation performed.
- LSNOW_FRAC_TOT : if LSNOW_FRAC_TOT = .TRUE., the total snow fraction XPSN = MIN(1.0, ZSNOWSWE(:)/XWCRN_EXPL) where ZSNOWSWE is the snow liquid water content, and XWCRN_EXPL is the critical value of the equivalent water content of the snow reservoir.
- LSNOW_PREP_PERM : activates or disactivates initialization over permanent ice areas.
- XWSNOW : uniform value to initialize snow content, one for each layer
- XZSNOW : depth of snow layers (m). Alternative to XWSNOW.
- XTSNOW : uniform value to initialize snow temperature, one for each layer
- XLWCSNOW: snow liquid water content (kg/m3)
- XRSNOW : uniform value to initialize snow density, one for each layer
- XASNOW : uniform value to initialize snow albedo
- XSG1SNOW : uniform value to initialize snow layers grain feature 1 for Crocus, one for each layer
- XSG2SNOW : uniform value to initialize snow layers grain feature 2 for Crocus, one for each layer
- XHISTSNOW : uniform value to initialize snow layer grain historical parameter for Crocus, one for each layer
- XAGESNOW : uniform value to initialize snow grain age for Crocus, one for each layer
- LSWEMAX : logical switch to set an upper limit on initial snow water equivalent
- XSWEMAX: upper limit of initial snow water equivalent