5.3.1. Namelist NAM_PREP_SEAFLUX
This namelist information is used to initialize the "SEAFLX" sea scheme temperature.
Fortran name | Fortran type | values | default value |
XSST_UNIF | real | none | |
CFILE_SEAFLX | string of 28 characters | CFILE in NAM_PREP_SURF_ATM | |
CTYPE_SEAFLX | string of 6 characters | 'MESONH', 'GRIB ' , 'NETCDF ','ASCII ','LFI ' | CFILETYPE in NAM_PREP_SURF_ATM |
CFILEPGD_SEAFLX | string of 28 characters | CFILEPGD in NAM_PREP_SURF_ATM | |
CTYPEPGD | string of 6 characters | 'MESONH', 'GRIB ' , 'ASCII ', 'LFI ' | CFILEPGDTYPE in NAM_PREP_SURF_ATM |
NYEAR | integer | none | |
NMONTH | integer | none | |
NDAY | integer | none | |
XTIME | real | none | |
LSEA_SBL | logical | F | |
LOCEAN_MERCATOR | logical | F | |
LOCEAN_CURRENT | logical | F | |
XTIME_REL | real | 25920000. | |
LCUR_REL | logical | F | |
LTS_REL | logical | F | |
LZERO_FLUX | logical | F | |
LCORR_FLUX | logical | F | |
XCORFLX | real | 0. | |
LDIAPYC | logical | F | |
CSEAICE_SCHEME | character(6) | 'GELATO', 'NONE' | 'NONE " |
XSSS_UNIF | real | 1.E+20 | |
XSIC_UNIF | real | 1.E+20 |
- XSST_UNIF : uniform prescribed value of Sea Surface Temperature. This prescribed value, if defined, has priority on the use of CFILE_SEAFLX data.
- CFILE_SEAFLX / CFILEPGD_SEAFLX: name of the PREP/PGD files used to define the Sea surface Temperature. The use of a file or prescribed value XSST_UNIF has priority on the data in CFILE_SEAFLX file.
- CTYPE_SEAFLX / CTYPEPGD: type of the CFILE_SEAFLX / CFILEPGD_SEAFLX files, if the latter is provided. CTYPE_SEAFLX must then be given. The following values are currently usable:
- "MESONH" : the file type is a MESONH file.
- "GRIB " : the file type is a GRIB file, coming from any of these models:
- "ECMWF " : european center forecast model
- "ARPEGE" : Arpege french forecast model
- "ALADIN" : Aladin french forecast local model
- "MOCAGE" : Mocage french research chemistry model
- "NETCDF" : the file type is a NETCDF file, coming from MERCATOR (possible only for CTYPE_SEAFLX)
- "ASCII ": PREP/PGD Surfex ASCII file
- "LFI ": PREP/PGD Surfex LFI file
- NYEAR : year of surface UTC time. It is used only if no atmospheric file or no surface file is given (in those the date can be read).
- NMONTH : month of surface UTC time. It is used only if no atmospheric file or no surface file is given (in those the date can be read).
- NDAY : day of surface UTC time. It is used only if no atmospheric file or no surface file is given (in those the date can be read).
- XTIME : time from midnight of surface UTC time. It is used only if no atmospheric file or no surface file is given (in those the date can be read). (seconds).
- LSEA_SBL : activates surface boundary multi layer scheme over sea.
- LOCEAN_MERCATOR : oceanic variables initialized from MERCATOR if T
- LOCEAN_CURRENT : initial ocean state with current (if F ucur=0, vcur=0)
- XTIME_REL : time of relaxation (s)
- LCUR_REL : flag for relaxation on current
- LTS_REL : flag for relaxation on ocean temperature
- LZERO_FLUX : flag for testing zero incoming flux at the ocean surface
- LCORR_FLUX : flag for flux correction
- XCORFLX : correction coefficient for surface fluxes
- LDIAPYC : flag for diapycnal mixing activation
- XSSS_UNIF : from V8, uniform prescribed value of Sea Surface Salinity. This prescribed value, if defined, has priority on the use of CFILE_SEAFLX data.
- CSEAICE_SCHEME : from V8, name of the sea-ice scheme to activate. For details, see 6.2.4. Gelato sea-ice scheme
- XSIC_UNIF: uniform sea ice covert fraction