4.3.1. Namelist NAM_ZS
This namelist defines the orography file and orographic treatment to be done.
Fortran name | Fortran type | values | default value |
XUNIF_ZS | real | none | |
YZS | character (LEN=28) | ' ' (default orography is 0.) | |
YZSFILETYPE | character (LEN=6) | 'DIRECT', 'BINLLF', 'BINLLV', 'ASCLLV' | none |
COROGTYPE | character (LEN=3) | 'AVG', 'ENV', 'SIL ', 'MAX' | 'ENV' |
XENV | real | 0. | |
LIMP_ZS | logical | F | |
YSLOPE | character(28) | '' | |
YSLOPEFILETYPE | character(6) | '', 'NETCDF' | '' |
LEXPLICIT_SLOPE | logical | F |
- XUNIF_ZS : uniform value of orography imposed on all points (real,meters). If XUNIF_ZS is set, file YZS is not used.
- YZS: data file name. If XUNIF_ZS is set, file YZS is not used. If neither XUNIF_ZS and YZS is set, then orography is set to zero.
- YZSFILETYPE: type of data file ('DIRECT', 'BINLLF', 'BINLLV', 'ASCLLV')
- COROGTYPE: type of orography (string of 3 characters):
- 'AVG': mean orography
- 'ENV': envelope relief, defined from mean orography and the subgrid orography standard deviation as
- 'SIL': silhouette relief, defined as the mean of the two subgrid silhouettes in directions x and y (if two main directions can be defined for the grid chosen).
- 'MAX': maximum orography over grid box (avoid averaging in case of sea/land grid box).
- 'AVG': mean orography
- XENV: enhance factor in envelope orography definition (real).
- LIMP_ZS: reads orography from an existing PGD file
- YSLOPE : file name for slope
- YSLOPEFILETYPE: data file type for slope
- LEXPLICIT_SLOPE: Slope is computed from explicit ZS field and not subgrid orography