This namelist defines the projection in case CGRID="LONLAT REG"

Fortran name Fortran type default value
XLONMIN real none
XLONMAX real none
XLATMIN real none
XLATMAX real none
NLON integer none
NLAT integer none

  • XLONMIN: minimum longitude covered by the grid, i.e. corresponding to the west border of the domain (real, decimal degrees). XLONMIN must be smaller than XLONMAX, but no more than 360 smaller.
  • XLONMAX: maximum longitude covered by the grid, i.e. corresponding to the east border of the domain (real, decimal degrees). XLONMAX must be larger than XLONMIN, but no more than 360 larger.
  • XLATMIN: minimum latitude covered by the grid, i.e. corresponding to the south border of the domain (real, decimal degrees). XLATMIN must be between -90 and +90, and smaller than XLATMAX.
  • XLATMAX: maximum longitude covered by the grid, i.e. corresponding to the 'right' border of the domain (real, decimal degrees). XLATMAX must be between -90 and +90, and larger than XLATMIN.
  • NLON: number of surface points in the longitude direction.
  • NLAT: number of surface points in the latitude direction.