3.2.2. Forcing format in NETCDF case
There is one file : FORCING.nc
- time
- xx
- yy
- time(time): units = "minutes since 1986-01-01 00:00:00" (example)
- FORC_TIME_STEP :forcing time step (s)
- LON(yy,xx) : longitude (degrees)
- LAT(yy,xx) : latitude (degrees)
- ZS(yy,xx): surface orography (m)
- UREF(yy,xx): reference height for the wind (m)
- ZREF(yy,xx): reference height for the temperature (m)
The forcing parameters are:
- Tair(time,yy,xx) : Atmospheric temperature (K)
- Qair(time,yy,xx) : Atmospheric humidity (kg/kg)
- PSurf(time,yy,xx) : Atmospheric pressure (Pa)
- Rainf(time,yy,xx) : Rain (kg/m2/s)
- Snowf(time,yy,xx) : Snow (time,yy,xx) (kg/m2/s)
- Wind(time,yy,xx) : Wind speed (m/s)
- Wind_DIR(time,yy,xx) : Wind direction (degrees from N, clockwise)
- LWdown(time,yy,xx) : Long-wave radiation (W/m2)
- DIR_SWdown(time,yy,xx) : direct short-wave radiation (W/m2)
- SCA_SWdown(time,yy,xx) : diffuse short-wave radiation (W/m2)
- CO2air(time,yy,xx) : near surface CO2 concentration (kg/m3)