ALADIN Newsletter 22 - ALATNET Newsletter 5


January - June 2002


January - June 2002

ALADIN Main events

  1. A short introduction
  2. 2002-2004: Building A New Networking
  3. Skill of operational models: Report from the working group held in Medulin
  4. Report from the working-group on applications
  5. Report from the working group on Data Assimilation
  6. Harmonization and rationalization of iterative time-schemes in IFS/ARPEGE/ALADIN
  7. Conclusions of the working group on dynamics
  8. Report of the working group on coupling
  9. Report from the working group on Turbulent processes and PBL description
  10. Notes from the working group on convection held in Toulouse
  11. Conclusions of the working group on moist physics and convection (Medulin)

The operational ALADIN models


ALADIN PhD Studies (postscript)

  1. Radi AJJAJI : "Incrementality deficiency in ARPEGE 4d-var assimilation system"

  2. Karim BERGAOUI : "Investigation of the potential of a convection scheme using prognostic mass fluxes for NWP in the African-Mediterranean domain"

  3. Jean-Marcel PIRIOU : "Correction of compensating errors in physical packages; validation with special emphasis on cloudiness representation"

  4. Wafaa SADIKI : "A posteriori verification of analysis and assimilation algorithms and study of the statistical properties of the adjoint solutions"

  5. Filip VANA : "The dynamical and physical control of kinetic energy spectra in a NWP spectral semi-lagrangian model"

ALATNET PhD and Post-Doc Studies (postscripts)

  1. Steluta ALEXANDRU : "Scientific strategy for the implementation of a 3D-VAR data assimilation scheme for a double nested limited area model"
    (ps file)

  2. Gianpaolo BALSAMO : "Mesoscale variational assimilation for land surface variables"
    (ps file)

  3. Margarida BELO PEREIRA : "Improving the assimilation of water in a NWP model"
    (ps file)

  4. Martin GERA : "Improved representation of boundary layer"
    (ps file)

  5. Ilian GOSPODINOV : "Reformulation of the physics-dynamics interface"
    (ps file)

  6. Raluca RADU : "Extensive study of the coupling problem for a high resolution limited area model"”
    (ps file)

  7. André SIMON : "Study of the relationship between turbulent fluxes in deeply stable PBL situations and cyclogenetic activity"
    (ps file)

  8. Chistopher SMITH :"Stability analysis and precision aspects of the boundary condition formulation in the non-hydrostatic dynamics and exploration of the alternatives for discrete formulation of the vertical acceleration equation both in Eulerian and semi-Lagrangian time marching schemes"
    (ps file)

  9. Cornel SOCI : "Sensitivity study at high resolution using a limited-area model and its adjoint for the mesoscale range"
    (ps file)

  10. Klaus STADLBACHER : "Systematic qualitative evaluation of high-resolution non-hydrostatic model"
    (ps file)

  11. Malgorzata SZCZECH-GAJEWSKA : "Use of IASI / AIRS observations over land"
    (ps file)

  12. Jozef VIVODA :"Analysis of stability of 2TL SI non-extrapolating predictor/corrector scheme in the limit of infinite time step"
    (ps file)

  1. Content of new libraries CY25T1/AL25T1 (ps file)

  2. Testing of CANARI configuration to determine surface wind characteristics within the ALADIN-SLOVAKIA domain (ps file)

  3. Diagnostic tools applied to ALADIN forecasts in situations of deep convection over Portugal (ps file)

  4. Objective control of ALBACHIR application (ps file)

  5. The regional model Albachir North-Africa (ps file)

  1. Combined use of 3d-var and DFI-blending on MAP IOP 14 (ps file)

  2. New Approaches to Stratus Diagnosis in ALADIN (ps file)

  3. Reformulation of the deep convection scheme for prognostic cloud water in ALADIN (ps file)

  4. Wavelet Representation of Background Error Covariance (ps file)

  5. Test of an assimilation suite for ALBACHIR based on the variational technique (ps file)

  6. Further tests on the time smoothing of the shallow-convection parameterization (ps file)

  7. Description of the so-called «shear-linked convection parameterization (ps file)

  8. Validation of ALADIN dynamics at high resolution using ALPIA (ps file)

  9. A review of the available snow schemes in ARPEGE/ALADIN (ps file)

ALADIN developments during the first half of 2002
(ps file)

ALATNET developments during the first half of 2002
(ps file)
