ALADIN Newsletter 21 - ALATNET Newsletter 4


July - December 2001


July - December 2001

The operational ALADIN models

1. Introduction
2. Austria
3. Belgium
4. Bulgaria
5. Croatia
6. France
8. Hungary
10. Morocco
11. Poland
12. Portugal
13. Romania
14. Slovakia
15. Slovenia
16. Tunisia

ALADIN PhD Studies

1. Radi AJJAJI : "Incrementality deficiency in ARPEGE 4d-var assimilation system"

2. Jean-Marcel PIRIOU : "Correction of compensating errors in physical packages; validation with special emphasis on cloudiness representation"

3. Wafaa SADIKI : "A posteriori verification of analysis and assimilation algorithms and study of the statistical properties of the adjoint solutions"

4. Filip VANA : "The dynamical and physical control of kinetic energy spectra in a NWP spectral semi-lagrangian model"

ALATNET PhD and Post-Doc Studies

1. Steluta ALEXANDRU : "Scientific strategy for the implementation of a 3D-VAR data assimilation scheme for a double nested limited area model"

2. Gianpaolo BALSAMO : "Mesoscale variational assimilation for land surface variables"

3. Margarida BELO PEREIRA : "Improving the assimilation of water in a NWP model"

4. Martin GERA : "Improved representation of boundary layer"

5. Ilian GOSPODINOV : "Reformulation of the physics-dynamics interface"

6. Raluca RADU : "Extensive study of the coupling problem for a high resolution limited area model"”

7. André SIMON : "Study of the relationship between turbulent fluxes in deeply stable PBL situations and cyclogenetic activity"

8. Chistopher SMITH :"Stability analysis and precision aspects of the boundary condition formulation in the non-hydrostatic dynamics and exploration of the alternatives for discrete formulation of the vertical acceleration equation both in Eulerian and semi-Lagrangian time marching schemes"

9. Cornel SOCI : "Sensitivity study at high resolution using a limited-area model"

10. Klaus STADLBACHER : "Systematic qualitative evaluation of high-resolution non-hydrostatic model"

11. Malgorzata SZCZECH-GAJEWSKA : "Use of IASI / AIRS observations over land"

12. Jozef VIVODA :"Analysis of stability of 2TL SI non-extrapolating predictor/corrector scheme in the limit of infinite time step"

Study of the odd behaviour in ARPEGE physics

Diagnosis of ALADIN precipitation forecast over mountains

MAP IOP 15 case study strong Bura wind on 7th November 1999

Verification of ALADIN surface variables

An application of the French MOS to the territory of the Czech republic

The use of Kalman filter for improving the short range forecast of 2m temperature

Verification of surface solar radiation fluxes predicted by ALADIN

Verification of ALADIN/LACE pseudo-TEMPs for Ljubljana

Impact of digital filtering initialisation DFI on CANARI analysis increments

Preliminary results of direct ALADIN 00 UTC output verification of surface weather parameters for six regions over Tunisia

Computation of background error covariances over the Hungarian domain: sensitivity studies using the lagged-NMC method

Stabilization of NH dynamics - some underlying ideas

Effective roughness length in ALADIN

Deported developments during the second semester of 2001

ALADIN developments in Toulouse during the second semester of 2001

ALADIN/LACE developments in Prague during the second semester of 2001

ALATNET developments during the second half of 2001 in the ALATNET centers
1. In
Toulouse (France)
2. In
Bruxelles (Belgium)
3. In
Prague (Czech Republic)
4. In
Budapest (Hungary)
5. In
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
