The "paper" ALADIN Newsletter 20 and ALATNET Newsletter 3 were published (November, 2001) jointly, due to so many links between themselves. The consultation of one of the electronic Newsletters presented here could drive you either on the ALADIN or on the ALATNET web sites. Each Newsletter may prove to be more interesting knowing about the contents of the other one. Thus, the contents of both electronic Newsletters are presented here. They are not exactly similar to the paper joined Newsletter (The paper joined Newsletters are available through two postscript files : pages 1 to 46, pages 47 to 115).

ALADIN Newsletter 20 - ALATNET Newsletter 3


January - June 2001


January - June 2001

ALADIN Main events
1. New ALADIN libraries : short report about new cycle AL15
2. A new ALADIN Partner : Tunisia
3. 10-years anniversary

4. A news MoU
5. ALADIN has its booklet
6. 10th ALADIN workshop
7.Meeting of the working group in charge of designing rules for the evaluation of the ALADIN effort
8. A closer ALADIN-HIRLAM cooperation

ALATNET Main events
1. 2nd meeting of the ALATNET steering group
2. First annual ALATNET progress report
3. 3rd meeting of the ALATNET steering group
4. New ALATNET students

5 ALATNET training course on data assimilation

Announcements : Next ALADIN events
11th ALADIN Workshop
Assembly of Partners

EWGLAM/SRNWP workshops and meetings
Other next events

next events

Announcements : Next ALATNET events
4th meeting of the ALATNET steering group
ALATNET mid-term review
3rd ALATNET training course, on numerical methodsr

Contacts & Informations
Interactive registration of participations
Saturation of Météo-France computers
New ALADIN contact points
Mailing lists : just cleaned
ALADIN/ALATNET documentation

Contacts & Informations
Interactive registration of participations
Saturation of Météo-France computers
New ALADIN contact points
Mailing lists : just cleaned
ALADIN/ALATNET documentation

Money Funding asked for some cooperations based on the ALADIN project
1. French "Ministère des Affaires Etrangères" support (MAE)
2. Bilateral supporting grants

3. Météo-France support for maintenance, ...

ALATNET funding

The operational ALADIN models


New ALADIN Doctors
Doina Banciu
Loïk Berre
François Bouyssel
Luc Gérard


ALADIN PhD Studies
1. Radi AJJAJI : "Incremental deficiencies in ARPEGE 4D-Var assimilation system"
2. Jean-Marcel PIRIOU : "Correction of compensating errors in physical packages ; validation with special emphasis on cloudiness representation"
3. Wafaa SADIKI : "A posteriori verification of analysis and assimilation algorithms and study of the statistical properties of the adjoint solutions
4. Filip VANA : "The dynamical and physical control of kinetic energy spectra in a NWP spectral semi-Lagrangian model"

ALATNET PhD and Post-Doc Studies
1. Gianpaolo BALSAMO : "Mesoscale variational assimilation for land surface variables"
2. Christopher SMITH : "Stability analysis and precision aspects of the boundary condition formulation in the non-hydrostatic dynamics and exploration of the alternatives for discrete formulation of the vertical acceleration equation both in Eulerian and Semi-Lagrangian timemarching schemes"
3. Cornel SOCI : "Sensitivity studies using a limited-area model and its adjoint for the mesoscale range"
4. Klaus STADLBACHER : "Systematic qualitative evaluation of high-resolution non-hydrostatic model"
5. Jozef VIVODA : "Application of the predictor-corrector method to non-hydrostatic dynamics"

Scores of ALADIN-FRANCE during the second semester of 2000

A summary of the latest changes in the parameterization of turbulent fluxes and PBL processes

Tendency coupling of the surface pressure

An improved method to incorporate lateral boundary cate lateral boundary conditions in a spectral limited area model

Deported developments during the first semester of 2001

ALADIN developments in Toulouse during the first semester of 2001

ALADIN/LACE developments in Prague during the first semester of 2001

ALATNET developments during the first half of 2001 in the ALATNET centers
1. In
Toulouse (France) during the last 6 months of 2000
2. In
Bruxelles (Belgium)
3. In
Prague (Czech Republic)
4. In
Budapest (Hungary)
5. In
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
