The operational ALADIN models

Please consult also the summary of (pre-)operational configurations.

1. Introduction

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Changes in the operational version of ARPEGE along the first half of 2001

First changes in the operational version of ARPEGE along the second half of 2001

"New cycles", operational from September 11th: it involves 7 changes, the impact of which is expected to be nearly neutral :

2. Operational version at Austrian Meteorological Service

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The main changes in the operational environment are described in the report on deported work.

3. Operational implementation of ALADIN-Belgium

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Preparations have been made during the first six months of 2001 for the change of operational computer at RMI : the old CRAY will be shortly replaced with a more powerful SGI Origin 3400 computer.

4. Operational version at Bulgarian Meteorological Service

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Last news in Newsletter16.

5. Pre-Operational version at Croatian Meteorological Service

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HW configuration

ALADIN / CROATIA application

Main news in domain size: increasing of domain and decreasing of resolution.


6. Operational ALADIN-FRANCE in Météo-France

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On 24th of January, the ALADIN mesh-size diminished from 9.9 km to 9.5 km ; orography and land-sea mask were thus slightly improved. Part of the problems due to the finer resolution of the post-processing grid (unrealistic plots of 2m fields on lakes, estuaries, peninsulas or islands) disappeared. Both operational and test suites are used to detect any anomalies.

7. Workstation version at French Meteorological Service

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The porting of the export version AL13_01 on SUN was completed. That of AL15 is under progress. A specific workstation problem was identified in AL13_01, due to new "tiling" surface parameterization in the IFS physics. It was mentioned to the alabobo list.

A high resolution ALADIN-Gourdon model, coupled to ALADIN-France, was running daily along June 2001, thanks to Jean-Daniel Gril, and the forecasts were sent to the ALATNET seminar. The mesh-size was 5 km, with 37 vertical levels.

8. Operational version at Hungarian Meteorological Service

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The main changes in the operational environment are described in the report on deported work.

9. Operational ALADIN-LACE in CHMI

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The ALADIN/LACE application switched to the new physical package denoted as CYCORA-BIS" on:

Parallel Suites & Code Maintenance

The Prague Team launched the following parallel tests to assess the impact of different modifications:

10. Operational ALADIN-MAROC in MAROC-Météo

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ALADIN/Morocco still being run on Cray J90, using AL12 either in analysis and forecast modes. AL13 has been successfully ported in both SM and DM modes. DM mode is based on MPICH2 adapted for Cray. The performances of this mode, however, are very bad as MPICH2 is not optimized for Cray J90. The SM mode with LMLTSK=.TRUE. and NTASKS greater than 1 is not running. Theses last two reasons made it impossible to use AL13 operationally. AL13 still however be used for development aims. The configurations tested with AL13 on Cray are E001, E701, EE927, Full-Pos, Screening (screening is not working if the observation file contains SATEM messages).

To be able to go far with the new versions of ALADIN, DMN/Morocco is changing J90 machine by another new one IBM SP 2 POWER 3. This last new machine is already installed and all the above mentioned configurations are running without any difficulties and with great performances.

The machine contains three parallel nodes : two computation nodes equipped by 16 processors of 1.5 GFlops each (in scalar mode computation) and a third node equipped by 4 processors dedicated for file server tasks. The machine is 19 GB of memory and 1 TB hard disk managed by GPFS (Global Parallel File System). The communications between the nodes is ensured thanks to a high speed switch called "Colony" (1GB/s).

Briefly, the machine is 54 GFlops power : CANARI analysis followed by 60 hours forecast in parallel with 13 EE927 is performed in 18 minutes on just one node. This time become less than 12 minutes when using 2 nodes. (for remember, ALADIN/Morocco is 180/180/L31).

All the efforts are now focusing on putting this machine into operations ; the ultimate date for this purpose is the end of September. The operational suite will be based on a powerful task sequencer called LoadLeveler.

NB : The archiving system which was stopped for some technical reasons, will continue to work on a new hardware, also an IBM based one, called IBM LTO 3584, which can handle backup, archive, HSM, and disaster recovery data storage needs with ease. This will handle our growing storage requirements.

For more information concerning our new computing configuration, another more detailed article will appear in the next newsletter.

11. Operational version at Polish Meteorological Service

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The main changes in the operational environment are described in the proceedings of the 10th ALADIN workshop : "Last developments of ALADIN operational environment at IMWM", by Marek Jerczynski.

12. Operational version at the Portuguese Meteorological Service

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The main changes in the operational environment are described in the report on deported work.

13. Operational version at the Romanian Meteorological Service)

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No change since the report in Newsletter18.

14. Operationa version at Slovak Meteorological Service

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Last news in Newsletter 19.

15. Operational version at Slovenian Meteorological Service

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Last news in Newsletter16 .

16. Operational version in Tunisia              logotu

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This is the first report of our new Partner who entered the ALADIN project officially on May 31, 2001 with the signature of the MoU.
