The operational ALADIN models

1. Status report of the operational ALADIN versions

ALADIN runs operationally on a wide range of computers, from single workstations to vectorial computers in shared or distributed memory, and on a cluster of workstations under Linux. 12 operational ALADIN suites are presently running in various NMS. 7 coupling domains are produced operationally at Météo-France, 1 in Prague.

See updated informations on this web server at : .

2. Operational version at Austrian Meteorological Service

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Last news in Newsletter16

3. Operational implementation of ALADIN-Belgium

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No change since 16/11/1999 (introduction of CYCORA scheme) :

The tests on HP machines meet difficulties due to unsatisfying coding, that defines specific kinds (JPRB for instance) but which actually are not fully supported.

System libraries and some xrd routines often expect default kinds, while ALADIN passes the user-defined kinds.

This problem is often solved by compiling on workstations with "+autodbl"-like flags, but on HP those flags are not allowed when compiling for MPI.

The replacement of the J90 is planned by another system, shared with the Royal Observatory and the Space Aeronomy Institute, but the choice has not yet been finalized.

4. Operaional version at Bulgarian Meteorological Service

(more details or )

Last news in Newsletter16.

5. Operational ALADIN-FRANCE in Météo-France

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Since the 20th of june at 12H00 UTC, ALADIN coupling files are produced by an ARPEGE based on a variational analysis with four dimensions (4DVAR). 4DVAR consists in minimising the distance between the model trajectory and observations over a temporal range (currently 6 hours).

The tests done showed substancial improvements at the global scale and particularly over the southern hemisphere.These changes are due to :

6. Workstation version at French Meteorological Service

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No differences now between the operational ALADIN-France version and the workstation version.

On the workstation SUN, with the compilator F90 Fujitsu and the ALADIN version export_AL11T2_01 (with some bugfix), tests were executed with the option LMESSP=TRUE (mono processor and distributed memory). Using the two methods (dummy message passing and modifications of Josef Vivoda and Andrey Bogatchev on the MPI routines), the Fpos configuration can run but within an abnormally long time, of course for a big domain as FRANX01 (about 2221281 points).

Also a version AL13 (al13_main.01, cy22t2_main.01 and xr22_main.02) is going to be implemented. Some tests, for the configurations 001 and Fpos, have been made on the French domain, with the option LMESSP to FALSE (shared memory). For instance, the use of the tool progrid shows that the combination (Fpos and progrid) produces the same grib files as the previous cycle. As the new source contains the modifications of Josef Vivoda and Eric Sevault, some tests with the option LMESSP= TRUE were made, but unfortunately the large drift (about 3 times more) in the performance remains. Further investigations are required to understand and reduce this extra-cost.

7. Operational version at Hungarian Meteorological Service

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Regarding the operational setting there were no major changes encountered during the first quarter of 2000: two model runs/day and 24 diag.pack (CANARI) runs/day are the main operational jobs.

At the begining of the year a new binary was created for the ALADIN code usingthe native mpi library of the SGI machine (instead of MPICH).

The model integration is now using 10 processors and the two remaining processors are devoted to the auxilary jobs (like ee927, file preparations, etc.).

Work had been started to port the FESTATt tool (computation of background error statistics) to the HMS environment. The first preliminary statistics and plots were obtained for the end of the period.

The generation of automatic forecasts was extended over 65 locations using the raw model products of the ALADIN/HU model.

During the second quarter of 2000, there were two main changes in the operational suite :

Other important events of interest:

8. Operational ALADIN-LACE in CHMI

(more details can be asked to Project Leader or Prague Team Leader)

9. Operational ALADIN-MAROC in MAROC-Météo

(more details Radi Ajjaji)

10. Operational version at Polish Meteorological Service

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Last news in Newsletter16

11. Operational version at the Portuguese Meteorological Service

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ALADIN/Portugal was declared operational on 24th of April. The AL11T2 cycle was installed in the begin of the year and tested in parallel suite during 2 months (April and May). This cycle has replaced the AL09 one in the operational suite, on June 27 th , 12 UTC run, and the frequency of model outputs was switched from 3h to 1h in operational configuration. During June the new model version -AL12- was successful implemented.

The team reinforcement has allowed us to restart the work to create the CMAFOC files for OI/CANARI in order to process locally the TEMP and surface observations.

12. Operational version at the Romanian Meteorological Service)

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From first of June 2000 the operational version of the Aladin model in Bucharest is al12. The option LMESSP=.F. is still used due to our workstation limitation.

Other changes of the operational systems concern:

13. Operationa version at Slovak Meteorological Service

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Last news in Newsletter16

14. Operational version at Slovenian Meteorological Service

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Last news in Newsletter16 .
