New developments in SURFEX V9


  • Coupling SURFEX_V8 to ALARO-1 (D. Degrauwe)
    Coupling SURFEX_V8 to ALARO-1


  • Module SYTRON : snow transport by the wind in the geometry of the SAFRAN massifs
  • Multi-physics version of Crocus (ESCROC)
  • Scheme of prognostic impurities in the snow mantel and atmospheric simplified radiative scheme atmotartes
  • Coupling between MEB and Crocus
  • Expert model of estimation of the avalanche risk MEPRA
  • Option Crocus-RESORT for the snow in the ski resorts (tamping, crop snow)
  • Formation of a ice crust by freezing rain on snow mantel

Still two more technical contributions:

  • Option LSLOPE for a better correction of the incoming radiation on sloping grounds
  • Option LWRITE_TOPO to add informations about the topography in the output files


  • ORORAD: computation of orographic parameters for surface radiation interaction (A. Mary)
    ORORAD in PGD (A. Mary)


  • Creation of the forcing files from ASCII LATLONVAL files, from GRIB files, from constant values in a dedicated driver with the possibility to perturbate the input rain (localisation and amplitude)
  • Perturbation of the initial conditions of a simulation and/or of the hydrodynamical parameters of the model
  • Decoupling of the catchment basins in sub-basins
  • Possible production of maps of severity of the floods
  • Variation of the speed in river functions of the discharge
    TOPODYN surfex V8_1

VEGEO (A. Druel)
The irrigation with ECOCLIMAP Second Generation in SURFEX (A. Druel)

Irrigation in SURFEX_V9 (A. Druel)


  • coupling with a wave model via OASIS3-MCT
  • sea surface fluxes parameterization : ECUME6 is the new default, minor changes in COARE3 (z0), addition of the WASP option
  • reading of wave parameters in prep_seaflux


  • Blowing snow Méso-NH-Crocus (by Vincent Vionnet, CEN) : code couple with Méso-NH.
    Not yet possible to run in offline mode. User can test and develop its own offline version by switching NSCAL=5 in OFFLIN/ol_alloc_atm.F90
  • Biogenic emission scheme MEGAN (P. Tulet) : code coupled with Méso-NH. To activate MEGAN, new key in NAM_CH_EMISSIONS (CCH_BIOEMIS = ’MEGA’). Not yet possible to run in offline mode.
    New compilation key MNH_MEGAN=1 with new library package in LIB/megan.tar.gz
  • Coupling with GFS grib flies + reading of GRIB2 ARPEGE/AROME files (J. Pergaud and Q. Rodier)
  • Introduction of an external length of record variable LEN_HREC
  • Sea salt scheme upgrade (S. Bielli): The significant sea wave height now influences salt emission.The sea salt is either set to a default value of 2meters or read in IFS GRIB file (if the variable exists). Now 5 modes are available (3 before) and the order in output is changed. Reading of the significant sea wave height in IFS GRIB file.
  • Minor corrections / developpements:
    • correct support of 64bit integers (MNH_INT=8)
    • correction in the drag formula and application to building in addition to tree
    • initialization of minimum values possible for aerosols moments
    • missing zero-size allocations
    • wrong time variable in call coupling_tsz0 (PTIMEC —> PTIME)
    • integrate bypass for albedo pb > 1.0 from Florian Pantillon
    • GELATO : use standard FLUSH statement instead of non standard intrinsics
    • corrections of non use initialized values (ZSTRESS, ZLAND)
    • corrections for ifort compiler v16.0.1
    • rename gamma -> gamma_surf to prevent problems with similar functions in MesoNH


  • Human thermal comfort indicator UTCI in rural areas (R. Schoetter)
  • Separation of input for internal mass and ground floor (R. Schoetter)
  • Dynamical calculation of infiltration (R. Schoetter)
  • MapUCE architectural and behavioural archetypes (R. Schoetter, N. Tornay)
  • New description of human behaviour related to building energy consumption (R. Schoetter)
  • Modelling of CO2 fluxes in urban areas (M. Goret)
  • Time averaged output of near surface and canopy variables (R. Schoetter)
  • New road description (C. De Munck, A. Lemonsu, V. Masson)
  • Urban soil and hydrology processes (C. De Munck, E. Bernard, K. Chancibault)
  • TEB option for high vegetation : street trees or green walls (A. Lemonsu, V. Masson, E. Redon)
  • New interpolation of forcing short-wave radiation (R. Schoetter, B. Leroy)
  • Key to switch for the urban mixing length computation (R. Schoetter)
  • Option to replace urban areas by selected COVER (R. Schoetter)
  • Multi level coupling (R. Schoetter)
  • Add diagnostics for sensible and latent anthropogenic heat flux (R. Schoetter)
  • Inclusion of option for explicit calculation of longwave radiative exchanges (R. Schoetter)
  • Inclusion of radiative exhange calculations using SPARTACUS-Surface (R. Schoetter)
  • Coherence check’s
TEB developments for V9 (R. Schoetter, M. Goret, V. Masson)


  • New forcing interpolation (optional):
    • Gaussian PDF allowing to disaggregate precipitation in time over the forcing interval
    • Flux average values conservation over the forcing interval
    • Need fluxes at t+2 (so NETCDF forcing files need 2 additional timesteps instead of 1)
  • Modification of ISBA-DIF soil grid: adaptative grid (by patch) is removed because not physical. To refine vertical grid, this grid can be used in namelist with NGROUND_LAYER=19: XSOILGRID = 0.01, 0.04, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 8.0, 12.0
  • Changes in photosynthesis for CPHOTO=’NCB’ option
    • Adaptation of soil stress and some parameters for tropical trees
    • Parametrization of light-use efficiency for C assimilation by plant with increasing atmospheric CO2 (Arora et al. 2009)
  • Introduction of very simple biomass fire scheme
  • Soil Carbon lixiviation in ISBA & DOC routing in CTRIP
  • Improvement of land use land cover change (LULCC) code : water and carbon closure budgets, anthropogenic carbon stocks, harvesting crops
  • Multi-layer soil carbon dynamic:
    • Discretization of soil carbon (as water and temperature)
    • Soil carbon profile via accumulation (advection) of dead material
    • Soil carbon mixing via bioturbation & cryoturbation in permafrost
  • Multi-layer soil gas scheme (prototype!!!)
    • O2, CO2 & CH4 soil profiles (as water and temperature)
    • CO2 & CH4 production/consumption
    • Gas transport by diffusion, by plants, and by ebullition
  • Sea / Sea-ice flux tilling for Ocean / Gelato coupling
  • Daily nudging for soil moisture and snow mass
  • Adaptation of SURFEX for MIP type diags especially relevant with XIOS

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