Number 13 ................... October 1998 - December 1998

Attention this Web version is different from the paper one published in February, 1999

This Newsletter presents you the principal events concerning ALADIN during the quarter of year mentioned above. The news about work or events outside Toulouse are related with informations that you sent (for disponibility constraints, the "deported" work deals with the previous quarter).

So, reading this Newsletter, you will know everything about ALADIN activities (more precisely everything I was told about) between October 1998 and December 1998 (except for the work realized outside Toulouse : between July 1998 and September 1998).

Please do bring to my notice anything that you would like to be mentioned in the next Newsletter (number 13) before the 25th of April 1999.

Any contribution concerning announcements, publications, news from the ALADIN versions on workstations or on big computers, verifications results, will be welcome. This deadline is particularly important for the report of the deported work each representative should sent every quarter.

If needed, please contact :

Many thanks for all of you who have sent me most of the informations reported here.


Main events

1. A new Memorandum of Understanding

2. Agreement between ECMWF and Météo-France for the access and the use of the jointly developed and maintained NWP software IFS/ARPEGE

3. Second medium-term (1999-2001) research plan for ALADIN

4. Attention : major change with free-source format and implicit none statement

5. Success in a coordinate change

6. BUG AL09

7. Phasing in work

8. A new ALADIN doctor


1. EWGLAM/SRNWP meetings held in Copenhagen on October 5-9th, 1998, .

next meetings, next workshops

2. Third Assembly of the ALADIN Partners held in Praha on November the 6th, 1998

next Assembly

3. IFS/ARPEGE coordination meeting cycle 20 held at Météo-France on January 18th, 1999

4. Sixth ALADIN Workshop held in Bucarest on February 15-17th, 1999 .

Contacts & Informations

Money Funding asked for some cooperations based on the ALADIN project

1. INCO-COPERNICUS keep-in-touch, so-called "ALADIN-KIT"

2. French "Ministère des Affaires Etrangères" support (MAE)

3. Bilateral support

4. Météo-France support for maintenance

A small experiment on the www

The (pre-) operational ALADIN models

1. The AWOC-group

2. ALADIN in Austria


4. ALADIN in Bulgaria


6. ALADIN Workstation version at Météo-France

7. ALADIN in Hungary



10. ALADIN in Poland

11. ALADIN in Portugal

12. ALADIN in Romania

13. ALADIN in Slovakia

14. ALADIN in Slovenia

"Réseau Formation Recherche": PhD Studies

1. Doina Banciu .

2. Marta Janiskova

3. Ilian Gospodinov

4. Filip Vana

5. Mark Zagar

Single column modelling and intercomparison of physical packages

Scores on ALADIN-FRANCE during the fourth quarter of 1998

Participations in the ALADIN project : some statistics

Deported developments during the third quarter of 1998

1. in Austria .

2. in Belgium

3. in Bulgaria

4. in Croatia

5. in Czech Republic

6. in Hungary

7. in Moldavia .

8. in Morocco

9. in Poland

10. in Portugal

11. in Romania

12. in Slovakia

13. in Slovenia

14. by Météo-France people

ALADIN developments in Prague during the fourth quarter of 1998

ALADIN developments in Toulouse during the fourth quarter of 1998 .

1. Main events in Toulouse this quarter

2. Other visitors research or development studies

3. Other research or development studies by the Toulouse permanent staff


1. List of the documents available on the public ftp

2. Major change with free-source format and implicit none statement
