Surfex V8_0 release
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1 !SFX_LIC Copyright 1994-2014 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier
2 !SFX_LIC This is part of the SURFEX software governed by the CeCILL-C licence
3 !SFX_LIC version 1. See LICENSE, CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt
4 !SFX_LIC for details. version 1.
5 !GLT_LIC The GELATO model is a seaice model used in stand-alone or embedded mode.
6 !GLT_LIC It has been developed by Meteo-France. The holder of GELATO is Meteo-France.
8 !GLT_LIC This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and biding
9 !GLT_LIC by the rules of distribution of free software. See the CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt
10 !GLT_LIC (English) and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt (French) for details. The CeCILL is a free
11 !GLT_LIC software license, explicitly compatible with the GNU GPL
12 !GLT_LIC (see
14 !GLT_LIC The CeCILL-C licence agreement grants users the right to modify and re-use the
15 !GLT_LIC software governed by this free software license. The exercising of this right
16 !GLT_LIC is conditional upon the obligation to make available to the community the
17 !GLT_LIC modifications made to the source code of the software so as to contribute to
18 !GLT_LIC its evolution.
20 !GLT_LIC In consideration of access to the source code and the rights to copy, modify
21 !GLT_LIC and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a limited
22 !GLT_LIC warranty and the software's author, the holder of the economic rights, and the
23 !GLT_LIC successive licensors only have limited liability. In this respect, the risks
24 !GLT_LIC associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
25 !GLT_LIC software by the user are brought to the user's attention, given its Free
26 !GLT_LIC Software status, which may make it complicated to use, with the result that its
27 !GLT_LIC use is reserved for developers and experienced professionals having in-depth
28 !GLT_LIC computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the
29 !GLT_LIC suitability of the software as regards their requirements in conditions enabling
30 !GLT_LIC the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to
31 !GLT_LIC use and operate it in the same conditions of security.
33 !GLT_LIC The GELATO sofware is cureently distibuted with the SURFEX software, available at
34 !GLT_LIC The fact that you download the software deemed that
35 !GLT_LIC you had knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
36 !GLT_LIC Attempts to use this software in a way not complying with CeCILL-C license
37 !GLT_LIC may lead to prosecution.
39 ! =======================================================================
40 ! ======================== MODULE modi_glt_icevsp_r =========================
41 ! =======================================================================
42 !
43 ! Goal:
44 ! -----
45 ! This module contains a subroutine that is used to update sea ice
46 ! salinity, taking into account desalination processes.
47 !
48 ! Method:
49 ! --------
50 ! Vancoppenolle et al., O. Modelling (2009)
51 ! We assume that the sea ice gltools_enthalpy does not change. Implicitly,
52 ! it means that the temperature of sea ice will increase if
53 ! desalination occurs. The temperature change will be taken into
54 ! account at the next time step, in glt_vhdiff_r routine.
55 !
56 ! Created : 2010/03 (D. Salas y Melia)
57 !
58 ! --------------------- BEGIN MODULE modi_glt_icevsp_r ----------------------
59 !
60 !THXS_SFX!MODULE modi_glt_icevsp_r
62 !THXS_SFX!!
63 !THXS_SFX!SUBROUTINE glt_icevsp_r( tpsit,pvsp )
64 !THXS_SFX! USE modd_types_glt
65 !THXS_SFX! USE modd_glt_param
66 !THXS_SFX! TYPE(t_sit), DIMENSION(nt,np), INTENT(inout) :: &
67 !THXS_SFX! tpsit
68 !THXS_SFX! REAL, DIMENSION(nl,nt,np), INTENT(inout) :: &
69 !THXS_SFX! pvsp
70 !THXS_SFX!END SUBROUTINE glt_icevsp_r
71 !THXS_SFX!!
73 !THXS_SFX!END MODULE modi_glt_icevsp_r
74 !
75 ! ---------------------- END MODULE modi_glt_icevsp_r -----------------------
76 !
77 !
78 !
79 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
80 ! ------------------------- SUBROUTINE glt_icevsp_r -------------------------
81 !
82 SUBROUTINE glt_icevsp_r( tpsit,pvsp )
83 !
85  USE modd_types_glt
86  USE modd_glt_param
87 !
89 !
90  TYPE(t_sit), DIMENSION(nt,np), INTENT(inout) :: &
91  tpsit
92  REAL, DIMENSION(nl,nt,np), INTENT(inout) :: &
93  pvsp
94 !
95 ! .. Local variables
96 !
97  REAL, DIMENSION(np) :: &
98  zqsalt
99  REAL, DIMENSION(nt,np) :: &
100  zdssi,zssieq
101 ! Coefficients of the MY ice salinity profile (Schwarzacher, JGR 64:2357-2367,
102 ! 1959)
104  ppa=0.407, ppb=0.573
105 ! Low salinity and high salinity transition coefficients
107  ppslo=3., ppshi=4.5
108  INTEGER :: &
109  jl
110  REAL :: &
111  zint,z
112  REAL, DIMENSION(nilay) :: &
113  zdepth,zsalt0
114  REAL, DIMENSION(nt,np) :: &
115  zalf
116 !
117 !
118 !
119 ! 1. Initialization
120 ! ==================
121 !
122 ! .. We need to know at what depth wrt the ice-atm or ice-snow
123 ! interface every point lies.
124 !
125 DO jl=1,nilay
126  zdepth(jl) = 1. - 0.5*( height(jl)+height(jl+1) )
127 END DO
128 !
129 ! .. Compute the standard salinity profile of ice with less than
130 ! 3 psu salinity
131 !
132 DO jl=1,nilay
133  z = zdepth(jl)
134  zsalt0(jl) = 1.-cos( pi*exp( ppa/(z+ppb)*log(z) ) )
135 END DO
136 zint = sum( sf3tinv(:)*zsalt0(:) )
137 zsalt0(:) = zsalt0(:)/zint
138 !
139 !
140 !
141 ! 2. Define salinity profiles
142 ! ============================
143 !
144 ! .. Weighing parameter for intermediate salinity
145 !
146 WHERE( tpsit(:,:)%ssi >= ppslo .AND. tpsit(:,:)%ssi < ppshi )
147  zalf(:,:) = ( ppshi-tpsit(:,:)%ssi ) / ( ppshi-ppslo )
149 !
150 DO jl=1,nilay
151 !
152  WHERE( tpsit(:,:)%ssi < ppshi )
153 !
154 ! .. Low salinity: multiyear ice salinity profile
155 !
156  WHERE( tpsit(:,:)%ssi < ppslo )
157  pvsp(jl,:,:) = tpsit(:,:)%ssi * zsalt0(jl)
158 !
159 ! .. Intermediate salinity: combination between a constant profile and a
160 ! multiyear ice salinity profile
161 !
163  pvsp(jl,:,:) = tpsit(:,:)%ssi * &
164  ( zalf(:,:) * zsalt0(jl) + ( 1.-zalf(:,:) ) )
167 !
168 ! ..High salinity: constant profile
169 !
170  pvsp(jl,:,:) = tpsit(:,:)%ssi
172 END DO
173 !
174 ! .. Snow salinity is zero !
175 !
176 pvsp(nilay+1,:,:) = 0.
177 !
178 END SUBROUTINE glt_icevsp_r
179 !
180 ! ---------------------- END SUBROUTINE glt_icevsp_r ------------------------
181 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine glt_icevsp_r(tpsit, pvsp)