Surfex V8_0 release
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1 !SFX_LIC Copyright 1994-2014 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier
2 !SFX_LIC This is part of the SURFEX software governed by the CeCILL-C licence
3 !SFX_LIC version 1. See LICENSE, CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt
4 !SFX_LIC for details. version 1.
5 ! File %M% from Library %Q%
6 ! Version %I% from %G% extracted: %H%
7 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 !
13 ! Description:
14 !
15 ! This module contains "reference" values of the optical characteristics
16 ! of the lake water, lake ice and snow. These reference values may be used
17 ! if no information about the optical characteristics of the lake in question
18 ! is available. An exponential decay law for the solar radiation flux is assumed.
19 ! In the simplest one-band approximation,
20 ! the extinction coefficient for water is set to a large value,
21 ! leading to the absorption of 95% of the incoming radiation
22 ! within the uppermost 1 m of the lake water.
23 ! The extinction coefficients for ice and snow are taken from
24 ! Launiainen and Cheng (1998). The estimates for the ice correspond
25 ! to the uppermost 0.1 m of the ice layer and to the clear sky conditions
26 ! (see Table 2 in op. cit.).
27 ! Very large values of the extinction coefficients for ice and snow ("opaque")
28 ! can be used to prevent penetration of the solar radiation
29 ! through the snow-ice cover.
30 !
31 !
32 ! Current Code Owner: DWD, Dmitrii Mironov
33 ! Phone: +49-69-8062 2705
34 ! Fax: +49-69-8062 3721
35 ! E-mail:
36 !
37 ! History:
38 ! Version Date Name
39 ! ---------- ---------- ----
40 ! 1.00 2005/11/17 Dmitrii Mironov
41 ! Initial release
42 ! !VERSION! !DATE! <Your name>
43 ! <Modification comments>
44 !
45 ! Code Description:
46 ! Language: Fortran 90.
47 ! Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
48 ! Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
49 !==============================================================================
50 !
51 ! Declarations:
52 !
53 ! Modules used:
55 !USE modd_data_parameters, ONLY : &
56 ! ireals , &! KIND-type parameter for real variables
57 ! iintegers ! KIND-type parameter for "normal" integer variables
59 USE modd_flake_derivedtypes, ONLY : &
60  nband_optic_max , &! Maximum value of the wave-length bands
61  opticpar_medium ! Derived TYPE
63 !==============================================================================
67 !==============================================================================
68 !
69 ! Declarations
71 INTEGER , PRIVATE :: &! Help variable(s)
72  i ! DO loop index
74 ! Optical characteristics for water, ice and snow.
75 ! The simplest one-band approximation is used as a reference.
76 TYPE (opticpar_medium), PARAMETER :: &
77  opticpar_water_ref = opticpar_medium(1, &! Water (reference)
78  (/1., (0.,i=2,nband_optic_max)/), &
79  (/3., (1.E+10,i=2,nband_optic_max)/)) , &
80  opticpar_water_trans = opticpar_medium(2, &! Transparent Water (two-band)
81  (/0.10, 0.90, (0.,i=3,nband_optic_max)/), &
82  (/2.0, 0.20, (1.E+10,i=3,nband_optic_max)/)) , &
83 !_nu opticpar_water_trans = opticpar_medium(1, & ! Transparent Water (one-band)
84 !_nu (/1., (0.,i=2,nband_optic_max)/), &
85 !_nu (/0.30, (1.E+10,i=2,nband_optic_max)/)) , &
86  opticpar_whiteice_ref = opticpar_medium(1, &! White ice
87  (/1., (0.,i=2,nband_optic_max)/), &
88  (/17.1, (1.e+10,i=2,nband_optic_max)/)) , &
89  opticpar_blueice_ref = opticpar_medium(1, &! Blue ice
90  (/1., (0.,i=2,nband_optic_max)/), &
91  (/8.4, (1.e+10,i=2,nband_optic_max)/)) , &
92  opticpar_drysnow_ref = opticpar_medium(1, &! Dry snow
93  (/1., (0.,i=2,nband_optic_max)/), &
94  (/25.0, (1.e+10,i=2,nband_optic_max)/)) , &
95  opticpar_meltingsnow_ref = opticpar_medium(1, &! Melting snow
96  (/1., (0.,i=2,nband_optic_max)/), &
97  (/15.0, (1.e+10,i=2,nband_optic_max)/)) , &
98  opticpar_ice_opaque = opticpar_medium(1, &! Opaque ice
99  (/1., (0.,i=2,nband_optic_max)/), &
100  (/1.0e+07, (1.e+10,i=2,nband_optic_max)/)) , &
101  opticpar_snow_opaque = opticpar_medium(1, &! Opaque snow
102  (/1., (0.,i=2,nband_optic_max)/), &
103  (/1.0e+07, (1.e+10,i=2,nband_optic_max)/))
105 !==============================================================================
107 END MODULE modd_flake_paramoptic_ref