Surfex V8_0 release
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1 !SFX_LIC Copyright 1994-2014 CNRS, Meteo-France and Universite Paul Sabatier
2 !SFX_LIC This is part of the SURFEX software governed by the CeCILL-C licence
3 !SFX_LIC version 1. See LICENSE, CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt
4 !SFX_LIC for details. version 1.
5 ! ##################################
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8 !
9 !!**** *LATLONMASK* builds the latiude and longitude mask including the grid
10 !!
12 !! -------
13 !!
14 !! METHOD
15 !! ------
16 !!
17 !! Two tests are performed:
18 !!
19 !! 1) test if the points of the mask are in the domain
20 !!
21 !! 2) fills the mask points corresponding to points scanning
22 !!
24 !! --------
25 !!
26 !!
28 !! ------------------
29 !!
30 !!
32 !! ---------
33 !!
34 !! AUTHOR
35 !! ------
36 !!
37 !! V. Masson Meteo-France
38 !!
40 !! ------------
41 !!
42 !! Original 19/07/95
43 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 !
46 ! -----------
47 !
49 !
50 !
51 USE yomhook ,ONLY : lhook, dr_hook
52 USE parkind1 ,ONLY : jprb
53 !
55 !
56 !* 0.1 Declaration of arguments
57 ! ------------------------
58 !
59 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kgrid_par ! size of PGRID_PAR
60 REAL, DIMENSION(KGRID_PAR), INTENT(IN) :: pgrid_par ! parameters defining this grid
61 LOGICAL, DIMENSION(720,360), INTENT(OUT) :: olatlonmask ! mask where data are to be read
62 !
63 !* 0.2 Declaration of local variables
64 ! ------------------------------
65 !
66 INTEGER :: iimax ! x coordinates array dimension
67 INTEGER :: ijmax ! y coordinates array dimension
68 INTEGER :: ji, jj ! loop counters
69 INTEGER :: jlon,jlat! loop counters
70 REAL :: zxmin ! minimum of X for domain
71 REAL :: zxmax ! maximum of X for domain
72 REAL :: zymin ! minimum of Y for domain
73 REAL :: zymax ! maximum of Y for domain
74 REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zdx ! X grid mesh size
75 REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zdy ! Y grid mesh size
76 REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zx ! X conformal coordinate of center of grid mesh
77 REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zy ! Y conformal coordinate of center of grid mesh
78 REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zxcorner ! X conformal coordinate of corner of grid mesh
79 REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zycorner ! Y conformal coordinate of corner of grid mesh
80 REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zlon ! corner points longitudes
81 REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zlat ! corner points latitudes
82 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zlon2d ! corner points longitudes
83 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zlat2d ! corner points latitudes
84 REAL, DIMENSION(720,360) :: zx_mask ! mask points X value
85 REAL, DIMENSION(720,360) :: zy_mask ! mask points Y value
86 INTEGER, DIMENSION(720,360) :: icount1 ! counter
87 INTEGER, DIMENSION(720,360) :: icount2 ! counter
88 REAL, DIMENSION(720) :: zlon_mask! mask points longitudes
89 REAL, DIMENSION(720) :: zlat_mask! mask points latitudes
90 REAL :: zlat0 ! reference latitude
91 REAL :: zlon0 ! reference longitude
92 REAL :: zrpk ! projection parameter
93 ! ! K=1 : stereographic north pole
94 ! ! 0<K<1 : Lambert, north hemisphere
95 ! ! K=0 : Mercator
96 ! !-1<K<0 : Lambert, south hemisphere
97 ! ! K=-1: stereographic south pole
98 REAL :: zbeta ! angle between grid and reference longitude
99 REAL :: zlator ! latitude of point of coordinates X=0, Y=0
100 REAL :: zlonor ! longitude of point of coordinates X=0, Y=0
101 !
102 INTEGER :: iverb=1 ! verbosity level
103 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: zhook_handle
104 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
105 !
106 IF (lhook) CALL dr_hook('LATLONMASK_CONF_PROJ',0,zhook_handle)
107  CALL get_gridtype_conf_proj(pgrid_par,kimax=iimax,kjmax=ijmax)
108 !
109 !
110 ALLOCATE(zx(iimax*ijmax))
111 ALLOCATE(zy(iimax*ijmax))
112 ALLOCATE(zdx(iimax*ijmax))
113 ALLOCATE(zdy(iimax*ijmax))
114 ALLOCATE(zxcorner((iimax+1)*(ijmax+1)))
115 ALLOCATE(zycorner((iimax+1)*(ijmax+1)))
116 ALLOCATE(zlon((iimax+1)*(ijmax+1)))
117 ALLOCATE(zlat((iimax+1)*(ijmax+1)))
118 !
119 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
120 !
121 olatlonmask(:,:) = .false.
122 !
123 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 !
125 !* 1. Limits of the domain conformal plane coordinates
126 ! ------------------------------------------------
127 !
128  CALL get_gridtype_conf_proj(pgrid_par,px=zx,py=zy,pdx=zdx,pdy=zdy)
129 !
130 zxmin = minval(zx) - 3.* maxval(zdx)/2.
131 zxmax = maxval(zx) + 3.* maxval(zdx)/2.
132 !
133 zymin = minval(zy) - 3.* maxval(zdy)/2.
134 zymax = maxval(zy) + 3.* maxval(zdy)/2.
135 !
136 DO jj=1,ijmax
137  DO ji=1,iimax
138  zxcorner(ji+(jj-1)*(iimax+1)) = zx(ji+(jj-1)*iimax) - 0.5*zdx(ji+(jj-1)*iimax)
139  zycorner(ji+(jj-1)*(iimax+1)) = zy(ji+(jj-1)*iimax) - 0.5*zdy(ji+(jj-1)*iimax)
140  END DO
141  zxcorner(iimax+1+(jj-1)*(iimax+1)) = zx(iimax+(jj-1)*iimax) + 0.5*zdx(iimax+(jj-1)*iimax)
142  zycorner(iimax+1+(jj-1)*(iimax+1)) = zy(iimax+(jj-1)*iimax) - 0.5*zdx(iimax+(jj-1)*iimax)
143 END DO
144 DO ji=1,iimax
145  zxcorner(ji+ijmax*(iimax+1)) = zx(ji+(ijmax-1)*iimax) - 0.5*zdx(ji+(ijmax-1)*iimax)
146  zycorner(ji+ijmax*(iimax+1)) = zy(ji+(ijmax-1)*iimax) + 0.5*zdy(ji+(ijmax-1)*iimax)
147 END DO
148 zxcorner((ijmax+1)*(iimax+1)) = zx(ijmax*iimax) + 0.5*zdx(ijmax*iimax)
149 zycorner((ijmax+1)*(iimax+1)) = zy(ijmax*iimax) + 0.5*zdy(ijmax*iimax)
150 !
155 !
156 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
157 !
158 !* 2. Definition of the coordinates at center of the mask meshes
159 ! ----------------------------------------------------------
160 !
161 zlon_mask(:)= (/ ( jlon /2. - 0.25 , jlon=1,720 ) /)
162 !
163 !* 3. Longitude correction / LON0
164 ! ---------------------------
165 !
166  CALL get_gridtype_conf_proj(pgrid_par, &
167  plat0=zlat0,plon0=zlon0,prpk=zrpk, &
168  pbeta=zbeta,plator=zlator,plonor=zlonor )
169 !
170 zlon_mask(:)=zlon_mask(:)+nint((zlon0-zlon_mask(:))/360.)*360.
171 !
172 !* 4. X and Y of the points of the mask
173 ! ---------------------------------
174 !
175 DO jlat=1,SIZE(olatlonmask,2)
176  zlat_mask(:) = (jlat-180)/2. - 0.25
177  CALL xy_conf_proj(zlat0,zlon0,zrpk,zbeta,zlator,zlonor, &
178  zx_mask(:,jlat),zy_mask(:,jlat), &
179  zlat_mask(:),zlon_mask(:) )
180 END DO
181 !
182 !* 5. Are the points in the domain?
183 ! ----------------------------
184 !
185 WHERE ( zx_mask(:,:) >= zxmin .AND. zx_mask(:,:) <= zxmax &
186  .AND. zy_mask(:,:) >= zymin .AND. zy_mask(:,:) <= zymax )
187  olatlonmask(:,:) = .true.
189 !
190 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
191 !
192 !* 6. Latitude and longitude of the points of the domain
193 ! --------------------------------------------------
194 !
195  CALL latlon_conf_proj(zlat0,zlon0,zrpk,zbeta,zlator,zlonor, &
196  zxcorner,zycorner,zlat,zlon )
197 !
198 !* 7. Longitudes between 0. and 360.
199 ! ------------------------------
200 !
201 zlon(:) = zlon(:) + nint((180.-zlon(:))/360.)*360.
202 !
203 !* 8. Loop on grid points
204 ! --------------------
205 !
206 icount1(:,:) = 0
207 icount2(:,:) = 0
208 !
209 ALLOCATE(zlat2d(iimax+1,ijmax+1))
210 ALLOCATE(zlon2d(iimax+1,ijmax+1))
211 !
212 DO jj=1,ijmax+1
213  DO ji=1,iimax+1
214  zlat2d(ji,jj) = zlat(ji+(jj-1)*(iimax+1))
215  zlon2d(ji,jj) = zlon(ji+(jj-1)*(iimax+1))
216  END DO
217 END DO
218 !
219 DO jj=1,ijmax+1
220  DO ji=1,iimax+1
221  !
222  !* 8.1 localisation of the point
223  ! -------------------------
224  !
225  jlat = min( 1 + int( ( zlat2d(ji,jj) + 90. ) * 2. ) ,360)
226  jlon = min( 1 + int( ( zlon2d(ji,jj) ) * 2. ) ,720)
227  !
228  icount1(jlon,jlat) = icount1(jlon,jlat) + 1
229  !
230  !* 8.2 Does point contain data?
231  ! ------------------------
232  !
233  !
234  !* 8.3 point contains data
235  ! -------------------
236  !
237  icount2(jlon,jlat) = icount2(jlon,jlat) + 1
238  !
239  !* 8.4 Boundary effects
240  ! ----------------
241  !
242  jlat = min( 1 + int( ( zlat2d(min(ji+1,iimax),jj) + 90. ) * 2. ) ,360)
243  jlon = min( 1 + int( ( zlon2d(min(ji+1,iimax),jj) ) * 2. ) ,720)
244  icount1(jlon,jlat) = icount1(jlon,jlat) + 1
245  icount2(jlon,jlat) = icount2(jlon,jlat) + 1
246  !
247  jlat = min( 1 + int( ( zlat2d(ji,min(jj+1,ijmax)) + 90. ) * 2. ) ,360)
248  jlon = min( 1 + int( ( zlon2d(ji,min(jj+1,ijmax)) ) * 2. ) ,720)
249  icount1(jlon,jlat) = icount1(jlon,jlat) + 1
250  icount2(jlon,jlat) = icount2(jlon,jlat) + 1
251  !
252  jlat = min( 1 + int( ( zlat2d(max(ji-1,1),jj) + 90. ) * 2. ) ,360)
253  jlon = min( 1 + int( ( zlon2d(max(ji-1,1),jj) ) * 2. ) ,720)
254  icount1(jlon,jlat) = icount1(jlon,jlat) + 1
255  icount2(jlon,jlat) = icount2(jlon,jlat) + 1
256  !
257  jlat = min( 1 + int( ( zlat2d(ji,max(jj-1,1)) + 90. ) * 2. ) ,360)
258  jlon = min( 1 + int( ( zlon2d(ji,max(jj-1,1)) ) * 2. ) ,720)
259  icount1(jlon,jlat) = icount1(jlon,jlat) + 1
260  icount2(jlon,jlat) = icount2(jlon,jlat) + 1
261  !
262  END DO
263 END DO
264 !
265 !* 9. Surface type check (if points are present in mask mesh)
266 ! ------------------
267 !
268 WHERE (icount1(:,:) > 0 .AND. icount2(:,:) == 0)
269  olatlonmask(:,:) = .false.
271 !
272 WHERE (icount1(:,:) > 0 .AND. icount2(:,:) > 0)
273  olatlonmask(:,:) = .true.
275 !
276 zlat_mask(1:360)= (/ ( (jlat-180)/2. - 0.25 , jlat=1,360 ) /)
277 !
278 DO jlon=1,720
279  DO jlat=1,360
280  IF ( (icount1(jlon,jlat) > 0 .OR. olatlonmask(jlon,jlat)) .AND. iverb > 1) &
281  WRITE(*,'(2(I3,1X),2(F6.2,1X),2(F8.0,1X),L1)') jlon,jlat,zlon_mask(jlon),zlat_mask(jlat), &
282  zx_mask(jlon,jlat),zy_mask(jlon,jlat),olatlonmask(jlon,jlat)
284  END DO
285 END DO
286 !
287 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
288 !
289 DEALLOCATE(zlon )
290 DEALLOCATE(zlat )
291 DEALLOCATE(zlon2d)
292 DEALLOCATE(zlat2d)
293 DEALLOCATE(zxcorner)
294 DEALLOCATE(zycorner)
295 IF (lhook) CALL dr_hook('LATLONMASK_CONF_PROJ',1,zhook_handle)
296 !
297 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
298 !
299 END SUBROUTINE latlonmask_conf_proj
subroutine latlonmask_conf_proj(KGRID_PAR, PGRID_PAR, OLATLONMASK)
subroutine latlon_conf_proj(PLAT0, PLON0, PRPK, PBETA, PLATOR, PLONOR, PX, PY, PLAT, PLON)
subroutine xy_conf_proj(PLAT0, PLON0, PRPK, PBETA, PLATOR, PLONOR, PX, PY, PLAT, PLON)
subroutine get_gridtype_conf_proj(PGRID_PAR, PLAT0, PLON0, PRPK, PBETA, PLATOR, PLONOR, KIMAX, KJMAX, PX, PY, PDX, PDY, KL)